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DREAD IN MY HEART / open, suicide attempt - Printable Version

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DREAD IN MY HEART / open, suicide attempt - madster - 07-30-2018

nayru was dead. every night, he had dreams about her. they'd spend what seemed like years forever, under a tree and the stars. he'd tell her about his day and nayru would laugh and tell him not to drink so much, and malphas would promise not to. except she wasn't real and couldn't stop him in reality, and he drank heavily. he had only known her for a month. why did she make such a big impact on his life? in his short eleven months, he hadn't really done anything except be a waste of space.

he was a waste of space. he was a nurse, but not a good one, a tanglewood member, but not an active one. he couldn't please beck or anyone or even tell stocking how he felt. he had already tried to die once, although that wasn't really planned, he just went with it and morgan and vigenere stopped him. this time, they couldn't stop him. nobody could. he was going to die and he wanted to so badly. he had spent days thinking about it, thinking about the warm embrace of death.

recalling his poison training, he still had nightshade left over. malphas thought of the cruel irony- a medic, dying using what he told others not to use. his entire life was hypocritical- he was supposed to be this paragon of health, but was anything but. finally, he could join nayru.

he ate the entire flower, bitter as it was. immediately, his throat swelled and his pupils dilated, his vision blurring. he had intended to die in the peace of his own home, but under the effects of the deadly drug, he had wandered outside into the night, stammering and muttering nonsense as he hallucinated the world moving around him.

finally, he would collapse in camp, ungraciously and pitiful, drool coming from his mouth.

Re: DREAD IN MY HEART / open, suicide attempt - Morgan - 07-30-2018

The sharp drop of Malphas' life force alerted the samoyed to his location. Morgan arrived with water in hand, which all fell to the ground as he saw the state of his fellow Tangler's body. The dilated pupils and odd expression nearly caused the dog to shake, his own vision changing to focus entirely on the limp cat.

Every second was precious. The samoyed thought back to what little training he had received in medicine. There was no Nayru to consult, and the only Nurse nearby was on the ground dying. The only thing of value that he could remember was a pink flowery plant that Malphas had called "swamp milkweed". Seeing as he knew nothing else that could help, the dog took off in the direction of the marsh. He pulled his water back out of the ground and formed some boots of ice around his paws, which he propelled forward in the air to boost his speed.

It did not take long for Morgan to find the plant in question, his memory having grown vivid in the heat of the moment. He used some water to slash the plant at the stem and carry it back toward Malphas in a small sphere. He had no clue whether he would have to crush it or do something else to it to make it usable, so he tore off a chunk of the plant, stem and all, and tried forcing it down the feline's throat.

Re: DREAD IN MY HEART / open, suicide attempt - — MALKYN. - 07-30-2018

[Image: UNiGGOw.gif]
[color=white](i am barely a thing at all)
Malkyn had been lounging just outside of camp, but the sudden fluctuation in temperature right by her and the gust of cold air had the blind hound jerking up from her side, short fur standing up in defense and a growl forming in her throat. Not even a few minutes later, the same feeling goes shooting by her and her clicking grows loud, volatile, aggressive as the blind hound struggles to get a grip on what was happening around her. Her ears press forward in an alerted and uneasy position, following the cold air until she's listening to Morgan grunt and move something around, ripping up something else and then it's quiet. "What are you doing?"

Part of her feels useless not being able to see what's going on, the other part isn't listening to her other senses that scream at the smell of nightshade lingering on Malphas' fur. She's still adjusting to life without her.. eyes, being completely blind unless Talia was standing next to her side giving her an image through the bond. She frowns slightly when there isn't a response, clicking again to get a vague image of someone laying on the ground and Morgan standing next to him, torn pieces of some kind of plant at their feet. Too blurry of an image and she can't-- she can't understand what's happening.

Besides the fact that it was something medical. Medicine she knew, but not when she was in the dark and in unfamiliar territory with different, mutated herbs and plants. Regardless of her lack of vision, the hound is still useless in the situation, with the bare minimum senses she's actually paying attention to.

[ this is so...... Rushed oops ]

Re: DREAD IN MY HEART / open, suicide attempt - delphinium - 07-31-2018

- During her time in Tanglewood, Delphinium had to focus less and less on focusing her energy around her. The kitsune had grown comfortable in her new home, enough so that she did not feel the need to compulsively track the spirits around her as they moved about their daily business. Today would be the first time she was faced with a consequence of letting her guard down, blissfully unaware of the life draining out of malphas like a leaking faucet. Perched high in a gnarled tree, closed eyes opened slightly at the sound of mud splashing beneath paws to catch sight of Morgan passing beneath her very clearly on a mission. Disturbed from her light sleep Delphi rose, reaching blunt claws forward to stretch on the branch. By the time she had loosened her muscles Morgan was passing beneath her once more, in just as much haste has he had been the first time he passed her. It wasn't much her business to what the Samoyed was up to, but instinct was not something easily ignored and it drew Delphinium after him. Unfolding her wings, the mythic stepped from the tree branch into the open air, catching the wind with a beat of her wings to glide down behind Morgan as the unfamiliar form of Malkyn came into view.

As her paws made contact with boggy soil at the edge of camp the scene came to her with clarity. Dazed before them was Malphas, frenzied around him was Morgan, and calculating the situation altogether was the sightless Malkyn. Malphas did not stink of illness as would be typical for this sort of reaction, but his energy had a weight to it that made Delphinium notably uncomfortable as she slid her olive gaze between the other two that were present. What was there that she could do? She had little idea of who anyone was, least of all what was happening to the Nurse seized on the moon-lit ground. The navy kitsune took a hasty step forward as Morgan began shredding a plant apart and forcing it into Malphas' drooling mouth. He wasn't convulsing, so it couldn't be a seizure - had he eaten something bad? The concept came together in her head as she idly watched Morgan continue, finally breaking her silence. "Do you think he ate something, you know, not good?" Delphinium was struggling to find the words she wanted to express her thoughts, fictional brows drawn tight into a scowl as she swallowed her rising panic at the unresponsive Malphas. "He needs to throw it up, I think," she paused, fidgeting. "I- I think," because she sure as Hell didn't know and now wasn't exactly the time to pretend she did. Was that what the flower Morgan had was for, to induce vomiting? "How do we make him?" If it wasn't already too late for such a treatment.

Re: DREAD IN MY HEART / open, suicide attempt - madster - 07-31-2018

malphas was vividly hallucinating as he laid on the ground, twitching. he saw the world melt around him, then reform and blur. the grass swayed to a beat and the moon dripped out of the sky as he slowly felt more and more out of touch with the world, his stomach burning up as his body learned to process dying. it was a pleasant feeling, and malphas' eyelids felt heavy. this was it, he thought. even though he was drugged, malphas was able to realize what he had done. he was going to die, finally.

then, a blurry dog approached him, and malphas struggled as the plant was shoved down his throat, but he swallowed. as he suddenly felt sick, he realized something. still in a hallucinating stupor, he stumbled, but could think somewhat coherently. i don't want to die. morgan, i don't want to die. he pleaded with the deputy, the deputy who had saved his life over and over and over. morgan was his savior.

then, out of nowhere, he got up, tripped on his own paws, and vomited rather violently, spilling out both the milkweed and the nightshade flower, alongside the rest of the contents of his stomach. he was still high as he stumbled backwards, running into morgan and pressing his body into the samoyed, in a rare affectionate gesture from malphas. "i love you," he muttered, speech slurred, somewhat unaware of what he was doing. still, though, he was alive and no longer in danger of dying, but still in a drug-induced stupor and unaware that he had just tried to kill himself.

Re: DREAD IN MY HEART / open, suicide attempt - arrow - 07-31-2018

[color=black] She didn't know Malphas that well, she knew he was a nurse and fainted during the last meeting and drank a lot. Hell, he drank so much that her first thought was he was finally dying from alcohol poisoning. After all, that was an expected result.

"What the hell? How ironic is it for a nurse to poison themselves?" Despite her comment, Arrow was somewhere between exasperated and worried, she'd pull out her hair if she had any. Somehow she saw this one coming, but what else could one possibly expect when Malphas said himself, "i want to die!"? Absolutely god damn nothing. She shook her head, eyes widening. At least Malphas vomited up the....whatever he ate. What did he say was deadly again? Nightshade, right? Oh fuck it. "What would we do without you, Morgan? Die, we'd die apparently."

She paced around, occasionally letting out a long, aggressive sigh. Words were useless at this point, good thing she had none. At least for the most part.