Beasts of Beyond
flipside of the graveyard / o, introduction - Printable Version

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flipside of the graveyard / o, introduction - Character Graveyard. - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: black;"]//Tw warning for mention of blood and the feeling of drowning.

Blood would drip down the black-haired woman's white-gown, as she painfully took steps towards the lake in the territory, flinching from the pain that shot throughout her entire body from the stab-wound in her back. She would lose her balance and she fell face-forward, directly into the lake.

It burnt. The water quickly filling her lungs and making her vision blurry. She would attempt to swim to the shore- despite the burning pain she felt. She would cough violently, before trying to sit upward and she would frown.

oof this is messy

Re: flipside of the graveyard / o, introduction - Quill - 07-30-2018

Despite Alianna's never ending cheerfulness, and her young-ish age, she was not one to necessarily balk at the sight of injuries. She had had enough scrapes herself to not get all woosy at the sight of a tiny bit of blood, but this... was something u nlike she had never quite witnessed before.

The half-deaf girl had been enjoying a stroll out through the grounds of Morgan Heights, near the shore where she was watching the bits of water lap against the edge of the shore, the soft rush of the water that she could faintly make out among the sound of the birds and the general business of the rest of the area that would have otherwise deafened the noise of flowing water to her ears. Perhaps that distraction was why it took a while for Alianna to register that there was someone sort of sitting on the shore.

The woman looked soaked from head to toe, and the white gown and the woman's dark hair looked something straight out of a horror novel- of course, Alianna wouldn't say that out loud. But as the girl frowned and began to make her way closer, the true sight of her made the girl's face pale. Was... Was that blood? It was blood! Oh god it was blood! Her eyes widening, the girl quickly rushed forward towards the woman, though what was she to do. "Mama! Vivian!" Yes, her mother, the leader of Morgan Heights, and Vivian- the woman had some skill in healing, right? That's what she had said, right? "Are you okay? What can I do?"

[member=1071]eliora l.[/member]


Re: flipside of the graveyard / o, introduction - vellichor - 07-31-2018

[/td][td][div style="width: 1px; height: 60px; border-left: 1px solid gray; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: -5px; opacity: 0.5;"]
[/td][/tr][/table][div style="width: 330px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: microsoft sans serif; padding: 2px; margin-top: 15px;color:black;"]Eliora made an effort to always take a walk around in the nearby woods in Morgan Heights, when she had the time to do so. It may seem like an odd habit but she always wanted to be aware of what was happening outside their small town. While they hadn't had any sort of attacks in a very long time, she wanted to be sure she was doing all she could to keep her town safe.l She also wanted to know if there was any change in the wildlife in the area. Due to the rather... mystical nature of this area, things were prone to change eventually but she wasn't sure when or how that would happen, exactly. She just wanted to be certain that crazy mutant bears weren't starting to overtake the woods or something like that. There wasn't anything in particular she was looking for but she wanted to put her own mind at rest about the happenings of the town and it's land. Maybe she was just too anxious and nosy for her own good. She was sure there were bad things that happened here every single day that she had no idea about but she would rather know about them and be upset than never be aware it was happening. At least then she could feel as though she had some sort of control or she could help in some way.

At first, though, as usual, it seemed like her search was coming up empty. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary and she was about to turn around and go home when she heard her daguther calling out for herself and Vivian. Without any hesitation, the woman ran towards the sound of her little girl's voice and soon arrived to see a woman drenched in blood beside her daughter. "Alianna! Is everything alright? What happened?" As she moved forward and noticed the wound on the stranger's back, she began looking around for anything she could possible use to help. While she'd never had any sort of formal training, she knew enough to keep herself well when she'd been travelling on her own. She didn't make a habit of carrying medical supplies with her, unfortunately, and had nothing to help with the bleeding. She looked towards the woman and spoke quickly, "Don't worry, we'll get you to Morgan Heights, our town. There will be people there that can help you." She didn't waste any time asking questions given she wasn't exactly sure how coherent the woman would be but she couldn't just sit by and do nothing. She aimed to raise the ground beneath Andromeda to lift the woman up and make it much easier to move her without actually moving her body too much

Re: flipside of the graveyard / o, introduction - guts - 07-31-2018

In the past, he didn't have a very good experience with blood. Well, blood usually wasn't a good thing, anyways. But he felt like his case was among the worst, as it had happened to someone else, someone he loved very dearly. Then he lost them. That's why he couldn't help but think about it when he saw the red liquid, though luckily he didn't seen it too often. Morgan Heights wasn't a violent place in any sense, and only the healers of the town really ran into such things. The most he saw of it was from a scratch he got on his hands while he worked.

Charlie didn't take walks that often, despite his love for nature and its animals. He only really went out into the area around the town when he needed to clear his thoughts. Unfortunately, this was one of those times. Today hadn't been the nicest to him, so when he had the chance, he set out with a pack of cigarettes in his pocket, one already hanging from his mouth. Swirls of smoke circled around his face. He didn't want to cause a forest fire, so he made sure to stomp it out well when he was done.

He had escaped to nature to have a break, so he wasn't expecting to run into drama. The frantic voice calling out caught his attention immediately, dropping his cigarette and crushing it under the heel of his shoe before following the sound, coming across Annie and Eliora with some woman he didn't recognize. It didn't take him long to notice the bright red blood staining her dress. His mind buzzing, he hurried over to them, turning to his leader. "Here, I'll carry her," he offers, then looks over towards the strange woman. "Sorry if this is rude, we don't really have time to go out for dinner first," he jokes with a small smile on his lips. He steps towards her and reaches out, aiming to place a hand on her upper back just above the wound and another hand on the back of her legs, hoisting her up into his arms if she allowed him.
Template by Quill ---- Tags

Re: flipside of the graveyard / o, introduction - Character Graveyard. - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: black;"]Ah, three unfamiliar faces had shown up.

Nervously, sky-blue hues would land on Alianna as the young girl approached. Butterflies flying around in her stomach, she'd frown as the half-deaf girl would call for two others. Her mother and another woman named Vivian. Andro would attempt to get up, flinching from the pain she felt spiking up her entire-back.

Then she would warily stare in Eliora's direction as the Peony would approach, noticing she was here to help. Andromeda would let her entire to go limp and relax so she wouldn't be very heavy while Eliora carried her. "Thanks." The black-haired woman would say, only to pause and she saw Charlie walk up as well. "I don't remember much, I woke up here in this dress with this stab-wound. Everything is a blur."

She would fall silent as she listened to Charlie speak. "Oh no, you're alright. Perhaps we could have dinner another night?" Andromeda would joke, allowing a coy-smile to form on her lips as she would allow the guy to hoist her up into his arms.

Re: flipside of the graveyard / o, introduction - deimos - 07-31-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: palatino; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]VIVIAN
"Put her down! We don't know the extent of her injuries!" Vivian called as she rushed up. Her harpy eagle had sighted her halfway there- well, rather, Vivian was halfway there and the harpy eagle knew what Vivian would need, so she had retreated to her house and returned with a satchel across both of her shoulders, rushing to the site now. The woman, dressed in a shirt and a loose top, came up upon Charlie and the woman. When she had spoke, it hadn't been angry but rather.. stressed, per say.

"Look, I'll treat her here and then you can move her. Before then, I will not let you take her anywhere." She said, eyes darkening at Charlie. Already she had reached into her bag, pulling free a glass container full of yellow powder, and an assortment of different, clean and dried mosses and strips of cloth. She didn't even wait for Charlie to put her down, [u]attempting to spread the yellow, which to Vivian was yarrow powder, onto her back wound and press the moss down on it, her eyes narrowed as she worked.

// permission to powerplay healing and a list of injuries??