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Always try to be nice // 7/30 MEETING // but never fail to be kind - Printable Version

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Always try to be nice // 7/30 MEETING // but never fail to be kind - vellichor - 07-30-2018

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[/td][/tr][/table][div style="width: 330px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: microsoft sans serif; padding: 2px; margin-top: 15px;color:black;"]Eliora had debated whether or not this was necessary. While she wanted to make sure all citizens had access to information about the town and what was going on, there wasn't anything particularly special about this last week. Things had been rather slow recently but there were a few items she could talk about, and they'd had a lot of people reemerging from the town or coming to it for the first time. It'd be good to acknowledge that and make sure they all felt welcome and that they all had a place here. Besides, she'd have to set up their first Wing Ceremony soon enough and she wanted to be sure everyone was aware of that, as it was a relatively new tradition even for those that'd lived in Morgan Heights for a considerable amount of time. So, she'd sent out fliers and spread word that there'd be weekly meetings now at the railroad station. She'd chosen the location long ago because, should they ever be attacked by another group, they'd likely go for some sort of government building. This just looked like a train station with very little use. The only documents they'd be able to get a hold of were very old in those buildings and it was nothing that could compromise the current state of Morgan Heights. She enjoyed the anonymity of the location and so she kept it here.

When she walked in, she noticed the tree that both her and Alianna had created in the past week and a small smile touched her lips. The paint spread across the old brick and she'd made sure to set out new buckets nearby. She'd agreed with her daughter at the end of that particular conversation. This little tree would be a wonderful way to watch as their small community grow and for their descendants to appreciate all those that came before them. With that in mind, Eliora felt her heart twist. She would still be here when those descendants came around. Should Alianna ever have children, she'd live to see countless generations of her own grandchildren. It was a fact that both excited her and hurt her deeply. While she'd get to meet them all, she'd also lose them all. This tree wasn't just a reminder of these first settlers, it was also a reminder of everyone Eliora would ever meet. Many years in the future, she'd look back on this first meeting and this first tree, when the walls were covered by paint, and they would all be gone.

Today was not a day for those sorts of thoughts, though, and she was reminded of that as she saw her citizens begin to trickling in. She wouldn't lose them for a very long time. She was sure of it. Banishing the darker hues of her mind, she smiled and began to speak, "Thank you all so much for coming, I'm glad to see even our small community taking an interest in civic action. I've decided that I'll be holding these meeting's once a week so, if you choose to do so, you can keep up with the happenings of our town. I'll be giving you updates on events, changes in traditions, promotions and demotions in our ranks, ideas I may want feedback on, and whatever news I think may pertain to you. If anyone ever has any questions, they can also always feel free to speak them here. However, I'll also be holding monthly forums to gather ideas and give you all the opportunity to ask more in-depth questions if you'd like to. That will be the first week of every month." She looked over the crowd, taking a moment to pause to be sure everyone understood.

"I don't have any sort of promotions or anything like that this week, but I do have an idea I'd like to get everyone's feedback from. Due to the fact department stores are no longer operational in Morgan Heights, I wanted to create some sort of market area for our local vendors where everyone can get what they need in close to the same location. Two options for this was changing some of the old, unused buildings near the edge of town into a mall area, although my only concern with that is we may not have enough vendors to fill the whole building and they may not have enough wares to set up in the area. The second idea was to get rid of the buildings altogether and create an outdoor market where vendors would be able to sell their wares and then either leave what they want in secure lockers or take their goods home with them. The concern with this is the weather would have to be nice to go there, although I think that could be solved to some extent if I created a sort of canopy above it with thick trees and whatnot. I was also thinking that, with the second idea, I'd put a park in the center in case we ever want to hold special events there or someone wants a place within the city to enjoy some nature rather than going out of city limits. I'm just looking for feedback on those ideas so I'd appreciate hearing what you all think," she concluded, pausing once again as she tried to recall what was left to say. There wasn't much now but she wanted to make sure she didn't forget anything.

"As my last set of announcements, we have a few different events going on. One is something you'll partake in right here. As some of you may have noticed, there's a some paint out and a tree with empty branches apart from two hand prints, mine and Alianna's. She's the one who brought this idea to me and I thought it was an excellent idea. When we have anyone new come to these meetings or join our city, they place their hand print on the tree using the paint. You can pick whichever color you like and everyone will do it this week because we've never done it before," she explained before continuing, "We also have two events going on right now, a meet and greet, and the Wing Festival. Please make sure to take a look at both of those. That's all I have to say and this meeting is dismissed unless anyone would like to add anything."

- this is our first meeting! thank you all so much for deciding to join! i'm super excited to rp with you all and to see where this goes!
- a suggested landmark. there are two options for this and i'm looking for some feedback on what ya'll would prefer
- we have a new tradition where new members/those who haven't before, put their hand on a painted tree after meetings
- we have an ooc/ic meet and greet. i'll leave this up for another week so new members have a chance to participate and then this will be removed.
- we have our first wing festival  

Re: Always try to be nice // 7/30 MEETING // but never fail to be kind - guts - 07-30-2018

As he arrived, he glanced around the train station with a perked eyebrow. He hadn't been to many of the town meetings or what have you, as he had a distaste for the crowd that usually cramped the space. But as he looked around, he saw that not a lot of people were around. Whether the town had shrunk in population recently, or just not everyone was here, he liked the openness of it. He was pleased to not have to push through people for a change, going to stand off to the side as Eliora began her announcements.

From what Charlie knew, she hadn't been Peony for long. He remembered a few of the past leaders, but he wasn't close to any of them, though the woman in front of him now was a different case. He had come to almost consider her as a friend of sorts. Almost. Right now, he only trusted her as a leader figure.

The man tilted his head slightly as she went on about her ideas for the market, a hand coming up to scratch at the stubble on his chin. "I like the outdoor market idea. We'd probably need something else to block out the rain, too, since it could leak through the leaves. A large tarp might do," he rambled somewhat, though either way he'd want to help out with the construction. He wasn't much of a planner but he could at least put stuff together.

Finally the last bit of the announcements. The tree idea sounded good to him, as he didn't have much room to complain either way, and it wasn't that big of a thing. So he silently nods, waiting for further instructions.
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