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Remember the tale // JULY WING FESTIVAL // of the ghost on the shore - Printable Version

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Remember the tale // JULY WING FESTIVAL // of the ghost on the shore - vellichor - 07-30-2018

[/td][td][div style="width: 1px; height: 60px; border-left: 1px solid gray; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: -5px; opacity: 0.5;"]
[/td][/tr][/table][div style="width: 330px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: microsoft sans serif; padding: 2px; margin-top: 15px;color:black;"]It had taken some time for Eliora to gather all the resources for the ceremony but she'd finally done it. She decided that this month the celebration would come in the form of a street festival, with colorful lights strung between buildings and small lanterns they'd made. It wouldn't be summer forever, after all, and she wanted to take advantage of the warm weather while she could. She'd set out all sorts of food and drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. There was music playing loudly and chairs and tables arranged in such a way that certain parts of the cobble stone street transformed into a makeshift dance floor. It was set up to be an enjoyable evening for everyone. First, though, there would be a few opening remarks. As more people began to gather, Eliora made her way to the center of the dance floor.

"Thank you all so much for coming to our first wing ceremony! While I may not have a plethora of wings to give out this month, this is a very special month. It is the first that I've been able to act as the Peony of Morgan Heights and for that, I'm grateful. I'm so happy to see how our community has grown and I'm so thankful for all those that have stayed both throughout our history and those that have only joined us recently," she began, pausing briefly before continuing, "As this is our first wing ceremony, I'll be inviting everyone to take a jacket of their choosing. If you aren't ready to choose your division quite yet, that's alright, you're always free to choose at any time. This is just a symbolic moment for the community. The jackets are yellow, red, and blue. Yellow is for community, which is the jacket I will be taking, red is for strategizing, and blue is for medical. If you have any questions about the divisions, feel free to ask me at any time. The jackets are all lined on a table just outside the dining area, so you can take whichever one you feel suits you."

"Finally, I have one pair of wings to give out. These come in the form of pins that you can pin to your jacket, which you'll be expected to wear at these festivals once you've received it. Alianna, I'd like to give you yellow wings for being so friendly and helpful lately, between greeting our newcomers and even suggesting new traditions," she announced before adding, "That's the only pair of wings going out tonight so you're all free to go ahead and eat and talk now." With that, she moved away from the center of the dance floor and began to make her way over to the table with all the jackets, where she'd pick up a yellow one and slip it over the plain grey dress she now wore. While she couldn't take part in the work of the division, technically, she felt as though she should stand with her members and take part in the tradition herself. Once she'd grabbed her jacket, she got some water and stood off to the side to see who else might arrive to their first Wing Festival.

Re: Remember the tale // JULY WING FESTIVAL // of the ghost on the shore - deimos - 07-31-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: palatino; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]VIVIAN
She listened to Eliora as she came upon the meeting, the harpy eagle on her shoulder and her claws, as normal, worn over all of her fingers. She rested against a pole, listening and looking about the meeting- rather, she should say festival, but it was a little bit of a wonder that she was out and about so much recently- before slowly nodding. She waited until everything had happened, and the child- Alianna, she had learned- had received her wings. "Congrats." She called, before moving.

Her hand delicately reached out to the jackets. The claws reached over them, not quite disrupting their neat piles, before her claws grasped at the blue one. Over top of her dress she pulled it on, running her fingers over it. She wondered if it would be allowed to edit this later, before she moved towards the drinks, taking a class of white wine and swirling it quietly, eyes resting on the other people there.