Beasts of Beyond
wilderness / open - Printable Version

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wilderness / open - Character Graveyard. - 07-30-2018

He'd been feeling worse-and-worse about himself since he'd been captured. He saw himself as weak right now, with only three-legs and no Quirk. So he had decided to push himself some more. He was currently-fast walking in his house, stumbling around as he did- clearly not focused.

Huffing, he decided to sit down and he looked towards the burn wound. It was healing, but since he tended to move around so much, it was healing very slowly. Annoyance could be seen in his crimson-hues then he decided to go outside, sitting down in front of his house.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: wilderness / open - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-30-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash still felt bad about the entire situation. No matter what Kirishima and Izuku said, this was still her fault. At least, that's what she believed; Caesar wouldn't have done this if she just stuck by him. Her own wounds were still healing from him, though luckily they weren't getting worse or infected thanks to Izuku. "You doing okay?" Atbash asked in a telepathic voice as she slowly made her way over to Kirishima's cabin, hoping he didn't mind the slight mind invasion. It was the only way she could talk right now, until her throat healed... if at all.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: wilderness / open - madster - 07-31-2018

henri, at some points, wished it had been him captured instead of kirishima. not out of some weird martyr complex or survivor's guilt, no, he just wanted to be in caesar's presence. this three-legged creature didn't deserve to be in the same area as his caesar. henri knew the officer from the typhoon didn't belong to him, but he liked thinking of it that way. he narrowed his eyes as he came over, deep in thought. did he have feelings for caesar? henri had never felt this way about anyone before, and he didn't really like it. it just felt like his stomach was in knots all the time.

henri came over, smelling atbash and kirishima, and nodded. he couldn't hear atbash's telepathy, so he assumed nobody had said anything. "greetings and salutations, my lovelies!" he greeted, a twisted grin spreading across his face. "hmm... you doing better, mister kirishima?" he asked, useless eyes wide now.

Re: wilderness / open - guts - 07-31-2018

When they were still alive, he wished he had done so much more. He wasn't sure what, or how, but he still knew at heart that he hadn't done enough. He had tried harder than his co-worker, sure, but that hadn't meant anything. They still lost despite both of their efforts, as unbalanced as they had been. Even now, though he had no responsibility over them anymore, he still felt a twinge of guilt whenever one of them got hurt. This was one of such instances. He hadn't even accompanied the rescue team when they went to get him.

Aizawa padded up and stood beside Atbash, silent as they had already asked enough. But he did have a few questions himself. Still, he would hold back, as Kirishima probably didn't feel the greatest right now. He could tell by the somber look about him. It was sad how he had gotten used to seeing people with depressed expressions. The only reason he didn't include himself was because of his habit of keeping a blank face, though he sometimes wondered how useful the skill was.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px black; font-size: 24px;"]— AIZAWA

Re: wilderness / open - Character Graveyard. - 07-31-2018

Upon noticing a few others arrive to the scene, Kirishima would straighten up and he attempted to look less somber around them. The last thing he wanted to do was make the others feel worried about him. He would offer a fake but hopefully convincing lopsided-grin towards Atbash and he would speak. "I'm dong good! How's your throat?"

Then he'd turn to Henri as the blind, alabaster-feline walked over, who he would greet with a grin even if the other Snowbounder was blind. "Yep! I'm doing good!" He would repeat, before he would glance in Aizawa's direction as his former-teacher approached. He would offer a brief nod-of-respect to the shorter but older male and he would greet him. "Aizawa-Sensei."
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: wilderness / open - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-31-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash gave a little shrug at Kirishima's question, though she did appreciate him wondering about her health. "It still hurts whenever I talk, but otherwise it's fine." She admitted. Talking did hurt, and it was still a tad sore but otherwise? Everything was fine. Her body in general was still sore, but hey! At least things were getting better, right? As Aizawa and Henri came over, the Hailcaller looked at them. She offered a dip of her head to Aizawa as he settled next to her, but would try to send a telepathic greeting to Henri, "How's everything going with you?" She'd try to ask him. Was she concerned about his disability despite him dealing with it his entire life? Yup, you bet it.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi