Beasts of Beyond
THREE MUSKETEERS - - Open, Visting, Shine+Lessa needed - Printable Version

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THREE MUSKETEERS - - Open, Visting, Shine+Lessa needed - Luciferr - 07-30-2018

/Please do not post until [member=218]ARGUS[/member] & [member=1517]Luca[/member] have first!

out past the border of the ascendants, a dark shape grew on the slowly declining day of the horizon painting the sky awash with the colours of fire and faint red-pink of coming evening - steadily growing closer to the staccato sound of wings like the living beat of a greater heart in duo tone as four wings pumped through the sky above.

it might have been a pleasant night if not for the slowly steadily growing closer noises of two voices nattering - or maybe bickering - at each other while their ride carried them all onwards toward the border of what should be their enemy.

they'd probably attack them on sight - considering.

Lucifer suppressed a sigh - this is what he got for family on opposite sides of the lines and yet more or less amicable terms, it was only some small comfort he wouldn't be doing this visit alone even if he was a large intimidating dragon.

or maybe they wouldn't but he highly doubted that - good thing he was here to evac them out if need be or taxi them here either way.

there were advantages to being large, heavily armoured and able to fly after all.

bringing up those massive wings flared wide, the dragon descended and landed just shy of the border, wings shuffling as he shifted on his feet before calling over to the two on his back "Alright everybody off, we're here" said the taxi to his passengers before his head craned away to scan over the border "Time to play the waiting game" and hopefully not get instantly attacked, they were here on a family visit after all.

//taggin [member=1523]lessa[/member] and [member=1520]Shininglight[/member] , super tempted to throw anz in too tbh


Re: THREE MUSKETEERS - - Open, Visting, Shine+Lessa needed - Luca - 07-30-2018

Luca liked the feeling of flying without having to use his wings. The cool air was welcome against his always slightly too hot skin, and he didn't even have to suffer the shoulder pain that usually came with it. It's not like he could fly in his current condition anyway. He exhaled plumes of smoke from where he lounged on his brother's back, lodged between spines to prevent him from falling off. It would have been all fun and peaceful if it werent for the unfortunate fact that Argus has joined them on their journey to the Ascendants. Luca had spent a lot of the trip arguing with his former enemy, using all the energy he could muster to spit salty remarks. His throat burned and he had to keep pausing to spit up globs of tar, but that didn't stop his verbal attacks. If anything, his injured and near-death state seemed to kick that fire inside him into overdrive.

A sudden descent and the addition of Lucifer's call managed to snap Luca out of his bitter and hazy state. He blinked and looked up, sliding from the colossal dragon's back and onto the soft grass. Perhaps it was odd to be returning to a territory that he had died on just recently, but Luca didn't appear to be all that bothered. He was more eager to see Shine and Lessa, despite the danger of being attacked again. Technically they hadn't crossed the border, so technially there was no need for any aggression yet. The bloody and beaten hellhound swayed on his paws, a bit of a confused glaze covering his eyes. It was clear that he still hadn't fully recovered. "Hey, Luci, when's Shine gonna get here? I'm already bored..." he asked his brother, falling to his ass and flapping his wings weakly like an impatient toddler.

//mobile + tired post qwq

Re: THREE MUSKETEERS - - Open, Visting, Shine+Lessa needed - ARGUS - 07-30-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] on the head of the large dragon, two figures bickered.It felt odd not to be the one flying while sitting atop their father’s head. Dull red eyes zeroed in on the no longer lavender shade of luca’s. Argus threatened to push luca off the great dragon- and they would too if it wasn’t for the fact that lucifer would probably swoop back in to saving them. and be forced to fly alongside. While it was odd to not be the one flying it was a nice relieve, after the many trips they took to snowbound before- they weren’t going around being ungrateful.

It might’ve been fun if Argus wasn’t thinking too much on the fact of where they were going. Not the fact that enemy territory bothered them- being the deputy of their crew. If that wasn’t a loaded statement they had no idea what was. Because the fact of the matter was that argus had been a deputy before, and it wasn’t too long ago either. More recent than the fire in the desert was the fire by sea. Where argus snapped in a way that they hadn’t in a long long while.

Argus would  always have a tie to their memories, even when they in turn do not openly acknowledge them. Memories were often time painful, and only recently good. Riverside was it’s own stain on the beast’s past. They went there with impure intentions, they went there to bury themselves in revenge and even in that they fucked it up. Looking to bury her ghosts and in extension part of themselves with it. And when things turned good they snapped out- lashed out aggressively.

They regretted.

They were jolted out of their thoughts when Lucifer landed, and Argus hesitated stepping from their father. Dull red eyes scanning the border for a moment as if their past self was waiting around the corner. “Hm... my favorite.” Argus muttered with little amusement and only carefully veiled hesitation.

Re: THREE MUSKETEERS - - Open, Visting, Shine+Lessa needed - MirrorEdge - 07-30-2018

"I suggest leaving." Came Thea's cheery voice as she made her way over. Cause I'm pretty sure I made a promise to kill you all. She didn't speak that, but it was clear from her pale blue gaze she wanted them gone, and now. It was like feeling the brand being seared into her shoulder again, a reminder of weakness, and claws poked through bandaged paws. To her, they were all the same.

Re: THREE MUSKETEERS - - Open, Visting, Shine+Lessa needed - Suiteheart - 07-30-2018

The Typhoon? Well, wasn't that fucking convenient? An angry look flashed across her ivory features while she moved to stand beside Thea. The older feline nodded at the leopard's words before moving a step forward, stance showing she was protective of the younger girl.

"I wish this was also an apology for the raid you fuckers pulled on us, but I won't hold my breath," the white feline shot towards the trio at the border. Frustration, bitterness, and fury ignited in her chest. The Typhoon was just getting higher and higher up on her shit list. First, Bastille had explained Pincher was spying on them. Then, Lilyspoise had gone missing while staying with them (granted, she had returned, but Suiteheart was unaware). What's more is that they had kidnapped Thea - and tortured her. Lastly, Pincher had decided to raid them. And for what? What the fuck had they done?

The Ecliptic Admiral lashed her tail once, but it didn't help release the upsetting emotions that sparked to life at her core. "Hell do you want with our members anyhow?" she inquired, voice cold as steel and twice as sharp. She didn't have time for this today.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: THREE MUSKETEERS - - Open, Visting, Shine+Lessa needed - Shininglight - 07-31-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
Tabitha gave Shining a worried look as they headed towards the border. She didn't seem to want to leave the main part of the territory, after having been on the hunt for her late dinner meal. But the feline seemed set on heading to the Canopy for whatever reason, and no amount of cawing got him to stop. Maybe they had both felt it- the smallest of vibrations in the earth. The subtle tickling under their paws as the ground shook. Not an earthquake- such an event would be much more noticeable. Something else. A large creature moving, perhaps, with literal tons of weight settling down and sending out a shock-wave.

Or maybe a gut-feeling.

Shining soon arrived after Thea and Suiteheart, moving right past the two. His gaze slowly traveled between the trio of Typhoon members. A white winged creature that he didn't recognize. Then Luca, the strange lover, who was very much alive, but not well. But before he could ask for an explanation, Shining found his focus captivated by the third member, who towered high above by their sheer size. The void dragon, the king of darkness, blending in with the dark sky. Shine remembered him.

"Luciferus." He craned his neck just to match the dragon's gaze. Oddly, he spoke clearly, if just for a moment. "You've worried your mother."

// [member=1523]lessa[/member]

Re: THREE MUSKETEERS - - Open, Visting, Shine+Lessa needed - lessa - 08-01-2018

✯ — honestly, it's just me, brainlessly, so silly, always hoping for good to be
Said mother had not been expecting a visit.  Not that she would mind of course. 

Perhaps it was more Shininglight's discovery of the trio that alerted the marten.  Or it was Calum, spotting something massive and dark in the distance that could only be one dragon.  Either case, Lessa, albeit a little clumsily and slow, found her way through the canopy, her visible eye sharp for once.  Briefly, her brows creased, then a small smile began tugging at her maw, if not a little hesitantly.

The fact that he was here was enough for the tired marten, no matter the clan differences.  She felt so horribly guilty for the way she left.  A note.  A plea.  Then gone.  Left one of her best friends.  Left her grandfather.  Left her son.  Searching for everyone who'd gone while leaving everyone else.

Luciferus could of course, take care of himself.  No doubt more so than Lessa.  Nonetheless, Shine was exactly right.  Especially after the raid.  It'd plagued her mind quite a while after, that her son, and even Luca, were on enemy lines. In the latter case's it meant being among the severely wounded too.

"Luci." No words could describe the relief and grief in her heart, the anxiety in her mind.  Still.  It was enough.  You probably shouldn't be here, she thinks, but she wears a tired, broken but somewhat happy, smile anyway because her son had decided to visit her anyway. "Y-you sure... Kriffing did.  B-but I'm glad... You're here."

It took her another moment to register Argus, but her brow raised in surprise as she did.  "Argus." The two would not be what she considered close, but the wolf was a friendly, familiar face to her.  Moreso than Luca, who she never knew how to act around given their minimal time together other than when he was Bell.  Still, Bell had been her son too.

"Y-you really... Aren't in tra-traveling condition," she scolded softly, eye narrowing on the kitsune.  Calum, standing guard nearby, shrieked, fluffing out his feathers.  Perhaps he was still offended that the kitsune had stolen from them.  Hopefully he'd still give her the medkit if she asked for it.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px cornflowerblue; font-size: 12px;"]— lessa ren solo

Re: THREE MUSKETEERS - - Open, Visting, Shine+Lessa needed - Luciferr - 08-04-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
maybe he would have deigned suite's question over otherwise all but ignoring Thea mostly because they'd come here for a reason and not just to shoot insults between each other, or at least he hadn't - after all raided though they may have been, the dragon had played defence through that raid more than attack, though he'd gone after the raptor that had killed his brother no less.

Though it eased it to know Luca had come back again, he was far too used to the inevitable deaths of all he knew that when one came back it often surprised and delighted him truthfully.

Of course in the interim waiting time he'd mostly been listening to Luca and argus bickering and somewhat tense as soon as the ascendants showed up in case a sudden airlift home was very much needed.

"you didn't have to wait too long It seems Luca"  he rumbled nodding past the two that had first joined them as another figure appeared, the white and black striped coat unmistakeable even if the former leader now sported his own set of duo tone eyes - always seemed a slight indicator of something wrong sometimes given his own appearance and its corresponding links to a past and a lineage he'd rather forget on one side of the family.

The former Alluvial dipped his head to shine briefly with a somewhat melancholy smile "ah, I hadn't meant to" the dragon rumbled - it was saddening to find himself with family on both sides these days but he'd had to before he could again.

But it was good to see his former fellow comrade even on opposing sides - but then his attention was pulled away when another smaller figure and unmistakable one appeared.

The dragon seemed to visible ease up somewhat, head rising and then ducking slightly with a small smile "I had not meant to worry you mother" and she deserved that title as much as his actual mom, strange circumstance of adoption or no, the small pine marten had been the one to see a dangerous creature and offer him a home amidst that clan, he'd never forget that most of all - Lucifer had always been in short supply of kindness from others long before.

He turned his head slightly when she addressed Argus and hummed slightly in agreement on Luca but spoke up "he wanted to come and well it's too much work to dissuade him when he's got his mind on it" he snorted idly.

His eyes started back to the two curious "I hadn't thought to see either of you again in these lands, seems so many haven't come back I hadn't thought to have any hope on that front" his claws clicked idly in thought, lucifer never had much hope in wishing for anything in truth but he'd long since grown weary of miracles or returns - it's why it was always so surprising when they did crop up.
