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FOR THE FIRST LANDS | cries and songs of war - Printable Version

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FOR THE FIRST LANDS | cries and songs of war - cyantist - 07-30-2018

[glow=black,2,300]CRIES AND SONGS OF WAR[/glow]
tags — updated 30/07/18

name. cries and songs of war
name meaning. refers to battle cries and warsongs that are often heard on battlefields, warsongs in particular referring to her battle dancing, a form of combat based off traditional dances and blades.
nicknames. warsongs for short, song for close family and friends
biological gender. female
pronouns she/her
age. 30 months
clan. sunhaven
rank loner sunbearer

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. irelia ( league of legends )
voiceclaim. irelia ( league of legends )
☆ other notes here

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
black domestic feline. — birth body 100% health
a tall and slim black cat with bright blue eyes. she has a multitude of scars, including scratches up and down her legs from fights which are minor, only seen on closer inspection and a large gash on her shoulder, looks like it has been done by a blade. she wears ribbons around her legs and shoulders which flutter in the wind and as she dances, also serve to hide scars.
injures. several scars, a large gash on her shoulder

ENTJ && griffindor && neutral good.
warsongs name fits her perfectly. she is a warrior, one trained in the art of war and the dances that connect her to a past and a culture. she is passionate and patriotic with a righteous fury that makes itself clear and apparent within seconds of meeting her. some may think her overzealous or a warmonger, some may think her disdain for surrender to be similar to the foes that she seeks to destroy, but she would disagree.

Peace requires two to achieve. If those she opposes threaten her or her home, Warsongs will be the first and last to fight for her home. 
main personality traits. text
disorders. text

parents. archipelagoisland x sheepherder
siblings. jericho ( sunhaven hellion )
sexuality. demiromantic bisexual
relationship status. single, currently not looking for a relationship
friends. n/a
enemies. n/a

physically && mentally. hard && hard
will start a fight if her or her home/sunhaven members are threatened && kills without mercy
self defense. defends herself and others
prefers to fight with blades
mention [member=1756]WARSONGS[/member] when attacking or use #C9568C
attacks in #C9568C
powers. none as of yet