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do you have a flag? / o; eggs found on territory - Printable Version

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do you have a flag? / o; eggs found on territory - Grey - 07-30-2018

[ ooc ] finally got around to making this so i can see ya'll fighting over eggs. also, feel free to try and split them but spacey and i will warn you that not all of them may hatch. all we can say is that two of them are guaranteed to hatch with the possibility of up to four unhatched eggs xp

It was originally hidden in the foliage, so well-camouflaged in the low-growing plants of the island that one could easily bypass the glossy, smooth exterior of such round, ovular shapes. This time however, by 'mysterious' circumstances, the original cover of the objects had vanished. Surrounding some of the plants were burnt marks. From observation, it was likely due to someone marching past on a rampage, causing the shapes to be revealed in the harsh sunlight of the island. On closer inspection, one could see that they were eggs: dark blue, larger than a mere bird's egg but too small to be a dragon's. There were no tracks around to indicate what had left them either - one could easily assume that the nest was abandoned, surviving only by the warmth of the day and the protection of the leaves. But now they were exposed, open to be crushed and broken. There were six of them of them in total, sitting innocently in a clump, almost alluring for any old predator to approach and try to feast on. Should the lives of the unknown creatures inside matter, it was best someone came along to shelter the unborn children from danger.

Re: do you have a flag? / o; eggs found on territory - CELESTE G.M. - 07-30-2018

It wasn't often that one found a clutch of eggs abandoned. Temulin stumbled upon the clutch going through the territory, although admittedly an egg nearing the size, if not the actual size, of the siamese were hard for Temulin, no matter how bad her eyesight might be from time to time. It seems as if they've been there a while, which begs the question whether they're still alive. She knows that eggs must be kept warm and looked after by their mother and father, but none seem to be about.

Surely there's no harm in getting them wrapped up and kept warm? She considers moving them herself, but considering the size difference... No, better to wait for someone else to notice them and help her out.
[div style="text-align:center;width:55%;font-size:11pt;font-family:times new roman;padding-TOP: 3px;"][color=white]SO STILL THIS BROKEN MELODY AND HEREWITH SHOULDER THEE

Re: do you have a flag? / o; eggs found on territory - Luca - 07-30-2018

//retro to injuries qwq
Luca didn't exactly have a goal in mind when he had started his walk. He just wanted some fresh air, that's all. Turning his home into a makeshift bakery meant hours of toiling around in bread-scented air, and as nice as freshly baked goods smelled, it was healthy to get a break every now and then. He stepped haphazardly over the foliage of the jungle, keeping his eyes on the ground in front of him until he came across the unfamiliar scent of Temulin. He glanced upwards to lay eyes on the siamese, curiosity piqued by the objects at her paws. "Whatcha got there?" He asked as he closed the gap between them, answering his own question by examining them further. A bunch of eggs, it seemed. If it were winter he would have automatically assumed them dead, but considering they were in warmer months, the creatures inside actually had a chance of survival. He blinked, tilting his head. Was it worth taking them in? It would be a shame to let kids die without a chance at life, but eggs that size could also prove useful for his cooking. He licked his lips, deciding to let his clanmates figure out what to do. "Should we, like... try to hatch them?"

Re: do you have a flag? / o; eggs found on territory - Luciferr - 07-30-2018

"We should surely not leave them unattended to cool and die in either case" a smooth drawl intruded as the large spiked frame of the dragon made his way over - inclining his head to Temulin and Luca (still somewhat surprised at the frequency old acquaintances showed up, but then should he be?) in greeting, before mismatched silver and red eyes gazed down on the eggs.

well he might be forever bitterly cold inwards and usually outwards but he could adjust that to heat the orphan eggs - even if he would only ever feel the biting chill and never the warmth himself - already he was half hovering over the group, concerned.

//OOC: omg, also oof mother hen (Dragon?) over here coming in


Re: do you have a flag? / o; eggs found on territory - axiom - 07-30-2018

She smells them, the eggs - she might consider eating them, but she recognizes their smell. Her first memory, involving white surfaces and humans, is also accompanied by this smell; this smell doesn't enrage her, unlike humans and their things. Instead, it brings up a certain warmth. Memories of being warm and squished into a small, safe space. Instinctively, she knows these eggs are her species, and she knows that she wants to make her pack bigger - she wants her own pack, too, sometimes.

Letting out an angry shriek at Lucifer and the others, she angrily stalks to stand in front of the eggs; the perfect picture of their mother, even if Delta knows she isn't. Her sickle claws tap the ground angrily as she glares at the Typhoon members, letting out another warning shriek for them to back the fuck up. Delta doesn't want to charge at them, especially not the large one that could easily overpower her without her sisters; if she dies or is away from the eggs too long, then that leaves the eggs as vulnerable as when she found them.

Her dark eyes narrow, lips pulling back as she readies herself for another fight.

Re: do you have a flag? / o; eggs found on territory - Grey - 07-30-2018

One of the eggs, a particularly shiny one, seemed to somehow differentiate itself from the others. It was the same deep navy with the same glossy exterior but somehow, just somehow, it looked a little bigger than the rest. To make things more surprising, there was an unusual wind that screeched past causing the one egg alone to roll across the soil towards a space in between Luca and Lucifer, sitting there. If eggs could look comfortable then oh boy did that egg look comfortable. But with the presence of an angry raptor, maybe being seen next to a conspicuous moving egg wasn't quite a favourable situation.

couldn't help myself. ssobs

Re: do you have a flag? / o; eggs found on territory - Luca - 07-30-2018

Luca hummed a little at Lucifer's words, his tail coiling around his leg as he thought. His technical-brother was right, it would be kind of mean to leave them, and he had been trying to improve himself lately. "I guess you're right-" but he was cut off by the sudden arrival of Delta, and the way she screamed made him shut his mouth a shuffle back a step. He had always felt a little wary around the raptors- he felt like something horrible would eventually happen because of them. Luca let out a small harrumph and frowned, trying to conjure up some way to shoo the glorified lizard away. It was in the midst of this brainstorm that one of the eggs began to move. Luca's lips fell open in a silent exclamation of surprise as he watched it come to a stop beside him, and he shifted so he was facing it. It looked more special than the others, so of course he automatically wanted it. The angry looking reptile-mom couldn't stop the greed Luca had inherited from his parents. "Luci look, this one likes us!" he said, making sure to keep a cautious eye on Delta. He ignored the fact that it was quite obviously the wind, and risked scooting a little closer to the object.

Re: do you have a flag? / o; eggs found on territory - CELESTE G.M. - 07-30-2018

She nods towards Luca and Lucifer when they said they shouldn't be left out. "I see no reason to let them die when we could easily take care of them, they just need to be kept warm, don't they?" She offers, hoping that is all that's required. Obviously, they'll take the next necessary steps once they know what they are and what species they are.

At Delta's arrival, Temulin does the smart thing for a feline of her size and backs away. She has never seen such a creature, and even with her blurred vision, she gets the sense that a swipe from the claws would likely be a fatal incident for her. An egg begins to move too, and she realises very quickly where this is going. "If we are to keep the eggs, I would suggest moving them very quickly."

And... There was a taunt. Could the raptor even understand common? Tem really does not feel like being gorged to death on some claws, so she tries now to hide behind Lucifer. That seems like the best idea here to her.
[div style="text-align:center;width:55%;font-size:11pt;font-family:times new roman;padding-TOP: 3px;"][color=white]SO STILL THIS BROKEN MELODY AND HEREWITH SHOULDER THEE

Re: do you have a flag? / o; eggs found on territory - no more - 07-30-2018

it is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness
Their knowledge of dinosaurs stretched only so far, little more than the snippets they had gleamed from the short periods they had taken to attempting to read and their initial meeting with Owen and his pack, as such their response was odd. Tail tucked between their legs and ears flattened against their head the darkly toned child approached with shuffling steps, attention shifting between each present.

It seemed idiotic to attempt to remove the eggs from the raptor, yet they had no say in what was to come and so could only stop a fair distance away, narrowed eyes upon Luca. Why he would be enough of an idiot to push his luck was beyond Aita, the mere fact the egg had been blown towards him not speaking of its preference, they thought better of speaking, however, not wanting to get bitten.
two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings

Re: do you have a flag? / o; eggs found on territory - OWEN. - 07-30-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd typhoon tags
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"Brilliant idea. Take the eggs away from her." Came the sarcastic, smug voice of Owen, amber eyes tired from lack of sleep. Despite this, his body still held that authority, but not over this group. He didn't care for the Typhooners. Weaving his way around Luciferus, he dipped his head to the male before turning to Delta. "AYE! Watch your FUCKING language, young lady!" He barked, eyes narrowing. Mothers instinct, huh? "Delta, let them help." His voice was soothing but stern, of course. You always had to remain calm around these beasts or something would go down south.