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WIPE THE BLOOD OUT OUR EYES | {P} - Printable Version

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Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
He wasn't okay. But were either of them okay? Probably not. They seemed to be fine with that for the time being because they had a mission to work on and they weren't going to let that get in the way of their mission. He was glad that Carolina was getting a little bit of downtown. If he was in her position he was fairly certain that he would have dwelled into insanity because he wouldn't have believed that he was alive no matter how many people would end up trying to tell him. It wasn't just something that happened and it obviously bothered Carolina that she had come back from the dead in the strange world. Washington didn't really bother to try and make sense of everything nowadays unless it concerned him. The Freelancer had no reason to just simply accept everything that was being told to him without any sense of proof. Besides, he wasn't the gullible rookie anymore but that also meant that he wasn't going to trust anyone that he really encountered. If anything Carolina was comfortable around a lot more animals than he was, because he refused to interact with a lot of them. If any of them had questions toward him, then he was fine with that as long as they weren't personal questions.

The only one that he somewhat enjoyed conversations with was Imperia. The female was curious about the world that they came from and he it gave him a feeling of nostalgia to talk about the world. He still wanted to go back to the war-torn world, as it was still considered his home. Although he wasn't sure what could even constitute calling something home anymore. The Mother of Invention was home to him until it exploded and teleported them here somehow because of the alien technology that was held inside of it. He was still determined to get back, even if Texas or Church wanted to stay as animals. They still needed to go after the Director, although he wasn't sure what plan Carolina had compared to his. He had refused to tell the female what his plan was, as it barely even came up with what they would do first once they got back. They didn't want to get their hopes up. Washington still had hope that they would be successful. There had to be something that they could use in this strange world after all. The armored smilodon had been working tirelessly for several days now, and that just meant that he hadn't been sleeping either. Three days its been. Carolina might have noticed that he wasn't sleeping anymore, but he had also noticed that she wasn't sleeping when he would stop by his room to gather some supplies and she wasn't there.

Carolina could be sleeping out in the forest but he doubted the serval wanted to sleep out in the open in the first place. That wasn't exactly the smartest idea even with how fast she usually was. Washington still had his broken arm though that wasn't completely healed. It was slow going and not only that it was incredibly annoying trying to work with technology with one arm. His recent project is to try and get the radios in their helmets to work again, but so far his efforts had basically been in vain. He was getting not electrical static in his ear, so the wires that he had connected either weren't the right wires, or he didn't solder them correctly. The Freelancer had been staying up night upon night studying different textbooks. He wasn't a mechanic after all, and he refused to ask others that lived in the outpost for any form of help either. The last thing he needed was for someone to know about his gear and try to replicate it. Which he was fairly certain wasn't possible, but the last time he said that someone came back alive. Getting their comms online meant that they could communicate with those in the outpost at a distance and even potentially those that weren't at this outpost and were at others. It would be extremely beneficial and others wouldn't be able to listen to their conversation. Right now though, he was practically starving.

He had told Carolina that he had some new food that may be good to try. He had to look up exactly what species Carolina was after her reappearance, and servals were carnivores just like her leopard body. If she became a herbivore it would probably be awkward for her to be eating grass while he ate deer meat. Either way, Imperia had made them some new food thanks to the fact that she can cook. A shocker for Washington originally, but it made sense that they couldn't live off of jerky forever as it wouldn't fuel their bodies. Something that Washington didn't even think of until Imperia brought it up actually. The armored wildcat had some steak that he was wanting to share with Carolina since it would be some food and it was also a way to make sure that she was eating. She was more important than him even if she was in a smaller body. She was more than capable than him in a fight, especially now with his broken arm. Washington needed to keep her alive at all costs, and the last thing he needed was to be alone again with the likes of Texas and Church. That would be a living nightmare to be between the both of them.

He had told Carolina that he had some new food and gave her a specific time to meet him at the waterfall when they had sparred originally. He still had his left leg in a splint, and his helmet hid exactly how exhausted he was. The former human had a small metal box that had the freshly cooked meat in it, not too rare because that was disgusting but rare enough to what a human would eat. The metal box was on his back where the magnet of his armor was situated to be able to hold things that were there. He could see in his hud inside of his helmet that he was scheduled to have lunch with his comrade in a couple minutes. He arrived a little bit early so that he could get himself situated, knowing that Carolina would arrive exactly on time. Besides, it was a warm day and being near the falls would certainly cool him off. The armored smilodon sat slightly in front of the falls, before craning his neck toward his back where he grabbed the small handle of the metal box. Putting the box on the ground, he didn't open it to let the heat out. A yawn did part his jaw while he waited, slightly dozing off as he looked at the rainbow that was projected onto the waterfall thanks to the sun hitting it. He did like the waterfall.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: WIPE THE BLOOD OUT OUR EYES | {P} - imperia - 07-31-2018

tracking ; )

Re: WIPE THE BLOOD OUT OUR EYES | {P} - rhosmari - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]It was true that since coming back from the dead she had hardly slept, there was something keeping her from doing so and she wasn't above not eating either. Her mind wasn't on nourishment or sleeping to regain her energy. No, she was trying to keep her mind from slipping from her again. In her mind despite her injuries she had sustained things had only gotten worse when she had seen Texas. Perhaps she wouldn't have died and maybe she would have gotten better if she hadn't seen her. If she hadn't of felt her mind shatter and all the pain she had endured consumed her completely. She wouldn't have tried to fight her and ended up in the state that she had that had ended her life. Her muzzle parted in a light sigh as she continued her walk toward the area in which Washington had told her to meet him at. What she thought this was was just a meeting, something to do but she also wanted to relax. Washington had food and that seemed like a good thing. Her stomach was growling at her and making demands that most days she did not even try to comply with.

Shaking her head her tall frame moved through the tall grass with ease, eyes shifting over the winding river that was beside her. A tiredness dragged at her limbs but she moved with agile grace and leaped over the body of water to the other side as she slipped up the ridge to where the waterfall was. They'd been here before and she narrowed her amber gaze upon the roaring falling water that had once served to be their training grounds. It was beautiful in it's own way but it was hard for the soldier to see beauty in the world, to see the good. There were only victims and those that took advantage of the victims. Killing was second nature and she didn't give second chances anymore. Her gaze finally found where Washing was and she allowed her tail to sway back and forth in greeting as she bounded down the slope at an easy pace. "We are having lunch and you are rude enough to still be wearing your helmet. That's not fair, Wash." Her head tilted to the side a bit and she lifted a small obsidian paw up to lightly tap against it. "Come on, relax a bit. It's just us anyway. What's the food you said you had?"


Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
Trust was something that was earned and not given. That was one of the many words that he remembered from his commanding officer when he joined the UNSC military during the time of the war. That meant that he rest of the army wasn't going to end up trusting him until he earned it. Something that he was quick to understand, and knew that he was going to have to prove himself as being someone that is actually a capable soldier. There were few that simply had their ego get the better of them and think that they didn't need someone's trust and just did whateer the hell that they wanted. Washington was going to be the best soldier that he could be though, and that meant he was going to listen to what his commanding officers ended up telling him. Over time as he worked with the squads, they gained his trust and he gained theirs. Trust being seriously important when they are following orders and know that they won't abandon each other on the battlefield and trust them that they wouldn't shoot each other in the back by accident. There were a couple jokes that were tossed around here and there between one of the comrades that they worked with that were a terrible shot.

When they weren't in a serious situation, they would make jokes as to how long it was going to take for that person to end up shooting someone. Of course, they were doing it in a friendly manner and knew that their friend was a capable soldier if he trained enough. There was no fear of that person actually shooting them in the back, but that couldn't be said for others. He remembered seeing some soldiers abandon their post in order to save their own lives, which wasn't acceptable. They were probably either killed in their attempts or court martialed like he was for their actions. Either way, it didn't end well for them. Right now Washington had little to no trust with anyone. The only trust that he had was with both Carolina and Imperia. He doubted that Imperia was actually capable of doing any sort of bodily harm, and that's what he was concerned about. And he believed that Carolina still needed him in some way. They worked with each other over and over again that they knew exactly how they were going to fight, and what to expectations to hold against the other. He trusted Carolina somewhat. He didn't trust her if she was going to have to make a tough decision if Texas was around or if somehow the Director ended up making it to this world too. It would certainly complicate things and he wouldn't know which side to take since he knew the truth of why everything was created in the first place.

Carolina was important to him though, when the other had disappeared for simply hours as he believed that she was going to remain dead forever, he believed that was going to be the end of that. He didn't know what to do with himself, as Church was also gone, and he wasn't about to try and spark a conversation with Texas either. He didn't want to turn to any of the civilians for help, as it would make it seem like he was weak when he definitely wasn't. Sure, he had a broken arm around that time, but he wasn't going to show the pain that he was in. They were great when they were masking pain, as they were forced to during their time in Project Freelancer. They wouldn't torture them as that wouldn't be ethical, but being put through exercises that were going to injure them or cause them to bleed? He guessed it could be considered a type of torture that was hidden from everyone else. Because of the lack of trust that he had with others, he refused to show the likes of his face to those that he encountered. There was no reason to when he would probably never see them again anyway. He wanted to preserve what he wanted himself to be, and being the likes of a giant cat wasn't one of them. It wasn't who he was. He didn't consider himself ugly in any sense of the word. Not like being an animal could be called handsome either.

He wasn't an animal. He was a human. Nothing that happened in this world would change that, and he would refuse to accept it. Even Carolina, who they shared a room with each other, a room that they rarely used that there was probably dust collecting in several different locations, had yet to actually see what his face looked like. He only lifted his helmet slightly if he was around others while he was eating. Imperia had talked to him how it was strange to simply talk to a visor and not a face. Washington didn't see the problem, as he was used to talking to helmets through the majority of his life and military career. The Freelancer felt like he should never trust anyone again. Why should he? Everyone from his world would probably be the exact same after all. None of these thoughts currently went through Washington's head as he stared blankly at the waterfall in front of him. His head would dip slightly on occasion as he tried his best to keep awake as the sound of the waterfall was strangely soothing. Sleeping where everything was quiet usually wasn't fun for him, as any noise that happened would easily wake him up. But loud noises could also mean that he wouldn't hear someone coming and be killed. Unlike Carolina, he believed that once he died, he was going to stay dead. So, he didn't hear Carolina coming until she started talking.

He didn't jump in surprise, as they had been trained not to really be taken by surprise by anything. His mind woke itself up as he turned his head in the direction that the serval was coming down from. The other was still fairly smaller than her leopard body, but she was basically the size of Church and Caboose. Size didn't matter though as long as one could fight properly. He didn't say anything or really react to her words. He knew that it probably wasn't right for him to wear his helmet, but part of him didn't care either. He always wore it. He never took it off. It was a form of security that he held onto with a death grip. He didn't move his head she tapped the metal object, hearing it echo inside of his helmet. He clenched his jaw as he seriously seemed to debate whether or not to take his helmet off. So much so that his paws began to shuffle underneath him and that his head craned to the side until his neck cracked. [b]"Well... uhh I guess you're right." Washington said with almost a nervous chuckle, but he also sounded embarrassed. Wearing armor was just second nature to him. The Freelancer raised both of his paws, and lifted the helmet off of his face, and put the helmet down onto the ground next to him.

He wasn't really all that fluffy thanks to what species of animal that he was. Scars covered his face, primarily the left side of his face. The long teeth that his species was most known for using seemed to be cracked in half, barely coming down past his chin. There was a scar across the bridge of his nose, one across his left eye, and then one across the left side of his mouth. Scars that he had when he was a human and it obviously looked like they were made with a knife. His eyes were a deep golden color, a darker yellow than the yellow accents that covered his armor, although there was blue around the inside of his pupil. Something that Washington had noticed the first time that he really looked himself over, and he guessed it was probably because of what Epsilon had done to him. Not remembering the blue ring on his eyes when he was a human. The scar on the back of his neck now basically in full view, the scarring going the base of his skull as it branched out in multiple different directions. His face resembling that like a lion, but simply without the mane.

Washington didn't give specific eye contact toward Carolina, as he wasn't sure what her reaction would be. He felt naked without his helmet on, even if he was an animal now. She was right though, it was just them. He exhaled slowly before he remembered her asking about the meat that he brought. Which sounded strange repeating that in his head but they were animals now so everything was strange. "O-Oh! I asked Imperia to make something else other than jerky, and she made some deer steak. I remember steak being pretty great, so I thought you'd want to try something instead of just eating nothing but jerky." Washington stated calmly, not seeming as embarrassed as he was before but the thoughts were still in the back of his mind. Then pull the small metal, basically lunch box, box toward him, he opened up the lid and watched as fresh steam came from it. They were sliced in a specific way so that the pieces could be eaten in one bite. They didn't exactly have hands, but Washington unsheathed his white claws and impaled a small portion of the seasoned and cooked meat before putting it into his mouth and humming in content. This was much better than jerky.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18: