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BATTLE SCHERZO // PRIVATE FOR NOW - Roy Mustang - 07-30-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
[ retro to owen & raptors leaving !! [member=261]delta[/member] ]

Roy still wasn't sure what Bastilleprisoner was thinking when he allowed those feral raptors into the Ascendants. So far, it's been a miracle that no one has gotten attacked by any of them- considering they seemed to act up by almost anything. At first, Roy was cautious with padding around by himself- as initially he wasn't sure if the raptors were free to roam the territory. But, time past and no one fell victim to the raptors. So, the Flame Alchemist began to relax while patrolling- which was a mistake. He knew better than to let his guard down so easily.

His ears were instantly pricking up at the crack of a tree branch, a few meters away from him. Roy came to a pause, ears turning back to listen to the sound. Roy swore he was alone, he was heading down his designated path- he generally didn't have company while on these patrols. Unless he was being followed- and then the thought hit him. Oh no, it can't be more of the raptors, can it? Slowly, Roy found himself turning to face the source of the sound, blue eyes widened with caution. What his gaze landed on was the last thing Roy wanted to see. A few meters away from him was Delta, who easily towered over Roy. Roy couldn't remember what raptor he snapped at, but he remembered all four of them circling him after. So basically, there is a high chance this feral raptor wants to bite his face off- it probably holds a grudge against the Flame Alchemist.

Without another thought running through his mind, the bobcat brought his front right paw close to him, claws poising for a snap. Maybe even Roy bringing his claws close to him would set the raptor off, but he has to make sure he can protect himself. "Get any closer and I'll do it," He threatened with a deep, dangerous voice, mutated claws inching to rub against each other to create a spark.

Re: BATTLE SCHERZO // PRIVATE FOR NOW - axiom - 07-30-2018

Delta doesn't hold grudges - she simply remembers pain, and knows how to associate people with that pain. While Roy's attacks never hit her directly, she saw the danger the flames did to Echo. And she knows what fire feels like - her body doesn't show the marks, but she received electric burns months ago. After a few sheds of her scales, she managed to fully recover. But the memory of fire and its pains remained.

So she doesn't hold grudges, but Delta doesn't like Rory for his flames and his hostile body language. If he simply locked eyes with her acted more nonchalant, as Bast tended to, then she might leave him alone. But he doesn't do this; instead, as he sees her, she reads his hostile body language and returns with her own; if he wanted to fight, then she'd bloody well brawl with him. Killing threats to her pack came second nature to the teal Utahraptor, and she wasn't afraid of getting a bit burned in the process.

She sees the spark manifest between his claws, and she shrieks at him in rage, her sickle claw tapping the ground before she bursts into a sprint. Yet, she isn't running at Roy - she ran into the forest, weaving through the trees and using the foliage to disguise her exact location. Delta doesn't know how Roy is capable of manifesting these flames, but she knows that he needs to predict where she is; she adapts, she learns, and she certainly won't act as stupid as Echo when it comes to fighting those with magic abilities.

So she circles him, waiting for a crucial period when Roy needs to turn around to keep her in his sights. Intending to outflank the smaller mammal, she watches for the head angle to change, for movement to shift - and then she bursts out, jumping over a bush and advancing towards him with her claws splayed and mouth half-open in an angry grimace. She is mad, and she does not consider fighting without the intent to kill; she tries to wrap her teeth around the bobcat's throat and head, though at her high speed and his small size, she isn't sure whether her target will land exactly as she wants.