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TALE OF ABANDONMENT — joining - Printable Version

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TALE OF ABANDONMENT — joining - candorosa - 07-30-2018

Well, well, well. Just where, exactly, was Lemy? The tom didn't recognize any landmarks, and he was usually very keen on his surroundings. It wouldn't do him any good if he was ambushed - he was better than that. He was aware that he was trespassing; he noticed the borderline when he came across it, but instead of stopping he continued merrily on his way. That did give them a good reason to attack him if they did. Although, with how desolate the area was, there was probably no one around to do so. Maybe everyone was sleeping, considering that it was currently nighttime, and the moon was bearing down overhead.

Lemy softly hummed to himself as he strolled through the forest. His white pupils shifted about, straining against the foggy area, searching for another living being. He was curious as to who lived in such an eerie place. It didn't scare him per say, but there was something unsettling about the lack of life. Were the inhabitants of this place used to it? Were they responsible for it? Were they adapted to the fog, to the sheer stillness, to the feeling of eyes burning holes at their back? His cloaked form practically trembled in excitement - would he be able to find a good fight here? At that thought, the everpresent smile on his maw grew in size.

Perhaps it would be better to wait until it was morning, until someone found him, but where was the fun in that? He wasn't going to wait like a prey animal for these strangers to pick up on the fact that he was intruding upon their home. He paused to quickly think of a plan. Attacking them didn't seem like a good idea without knowledge of their numbers and strength, so Lemy let that fleeting thought go. He could go back to the border and wait, but that was a boring idea that he quickly discarded. The only feasible option left to him was simply announcing his presence, and so he proceeded to do so.

Lemy let out an ear-piercing scream, grabbed a rock, and threw it at a tree with 'thunk!'. After his little spectacle, he began running through the territory with a wild grin on his maw, avoiding the gnarled roots and rocks with little difficulty. "Hello, hello! Where are you all?! I wanna be apart of this too!" He called out after he skidded to a stop, head frantically moving around to catch sight of someone.

Re: TALE OF ABANDONMENT — joining - arcy - 08-01-2018

Videogames had gotten used to the oppressive feel of the territory. It, shockingly, hadn't taken too long. Just .. one day he'd been bothered, and the next everything had been okay. The curling shadows didn't haunt him anymore. He barely flinched when he saw eyes in the distance. He'd been scared to walk around at night, before, because there was something out there, but .. he didn't feel threatened anymore. He was okay.
That didn't stop Videogames from being concerned over people that were out at night. Especially non-members. The king's ear twitches as he rouses from sleep. Was somebody out again, tonight? His gut twists in concern, and he pulls himself to his paws. He stretches, and for a moment tries to stretch his wings, too, but he doesn't have them. Doesn't have wings. He winces, but quickly sets out to see what had woken him up.
He arrives in time to hear Lemy's screech. He winces, and hears a rock bounce of a tree. What was he doing? And why the hell was he so near Whispering Woods, anyways? He's a little concerned, honestly. "Here I am!" Chances were none of his clanmates were up yet. Probably wouldn't be for a while. Did anybody else get the gut senses about this place, anyways? Probably not, potentially concerning. His tail sweeps as he bounces energetically on his paw pads. It was the middle of the night, honestly. Videogames didn't mind the night, anymore. But he really did prefer it when the moon was full. It wasn't, tonight. "I am Videogames, and .. you can definitely join, bro, but who the fuck are you?" He snorts. it's the middle of the night. Who decided to scream their head off in the middle of the night? Videogames might've judged the stranger a little more, but he found the whole thing entertaining. An interesting character! Much better than regular ol' joe shmoes, y'know?
