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RED ALERT - open; trespasser - Printable Version

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RED ALERT - open; trespasser - rhosmari - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:500px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 9pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]--this thread takes place after owen, echo, and delta have already left

Thick muscled legs moved at a almost galloping pace through the thick forest, eyes of burning golden orange surveying the air before soon the limbs began to slow down. Yet there was no stilling for the creature that had entered a place that was partially familiar to her. She didn't really have a need to be back here again but she supposed she needed to be here because of the fact that some of the pack members were located here. They were here from what the mingled scents told her or perhaps she was reading them wrong and they had been here. After all the smells did not seem too fresh but that mattered little to the large predator. She'd return to them on her own time and when she needed them. After all soon claim to the alpha position would be her's and she would be the one leading them. Perhaps that was the reason for her sudden disappearance. Yes, she had been looking for Blue and she'd hoped to find the alpha harmed and not able to put up a fight so she could overthrow her rule over the pack but she hadn't found her sister anyway. It was actually a bit worrying since Blue was the strongest and the eldest of all of them. Even sending out broadcast calls there was no return answer and so she had given up after a while. Leaving the remnants of territories she had looked within.

Now she was her, back on familiar ground and her head lowered a bit as she slowed to a slow walk, stepping lightly over a short and skinny broke tree that laid in her path. A soft babbling noise left her throat as she turned her head to the side suddenly, looking for any signs of what could possible be her sisters or even some valuable prey. After all a meal was a meal and regardless of being hungry or not she wouldn't look at an opportunity for food and discard it. The large beast never knew when her meals were going to come fast or slow so she made the most of what she could find. Her claws curled slightly as she curled her lips, sharp teeth showing for a small moment as she took a few steps forward. Sunlight dappled the ground around her and she found it interesting before a sound made her head snap up, large and long tail balancing her great size as she narrowed her head and waited there. Perhaps it was her sisters, but it didn't smell like her sister and she flexed her claws ready to strike against whatever it was, anger filling her gullet.

Re: RED ALERT - open; trespasser - ADELAIDE -- - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — no. no no no no. all those weird dinos were supposed to be gone. why was one left?  "looks like that thot forgot his pet." adelaide didn't like anyone who associated fondly with...owen. dick. even if he left her his stupid pendant. maybe charlie will appreciate that. or think adelaide stole it and try to fight her. either way, ade was unhappy. her path stopped short in front of charlie, staring down at the raptor quietly. an annoyed expression was definitely on her face, however.

"hey." great way to start a conversation. a heavy sigh left her before looking backwards, seeing no one. yes, the raptor is technically considered a trespasser, but...ade felt bad for her. the poor girl must have been missing her family. she could connect. sitting down, keeping a good distance from the raptor, ade continued on. "they're gone, left for another clan. stupid, really. let's strike a deal. i'll help you get to them, get you food, but you take his dumb pendant." this was so dumb. this animal couldn't understand her. right?

Re: RED ALERT - open; trespasser - OWEN. - 07-30-2018

raptor dad track

Re: RED ALERT - open; trespasser - rhosmari - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:500px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 9pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Her eyes stay sharply focused on the smaller creature before her, pupils enlarging as her head turned from one side to the other. There was a bit of confusion running through the beast and it made her anxious to not understand rather this was pretty or not. The large toe claw began to tap against the ground in a show of anticipation, a low hiss escaping large jaws as her lips curl a bit and her head lowers. She is trying to elicit some sort of reaction so she can be sure of that this creature was. There was no hunger in her gullet right now but a meal was a meal and she will not pass up the chance to since her thick six inch claws into something. Taking a step forward she cocked her head a bit when the glint of something shiny caught her attention. A part of her found the light annoying and she suddenly lunged forward to snap her jaws threateningly near the canine although she came up short on purpose. Her stance was to intimidate only at the current moment and perhaps threatening the glare would do. But her head soon jerked up as the canine spoke. Strange words she had heard once upon a time but she only understood few of them. The word that stuck out the most was food and she took another step forward then.

Her eyes narrowed a bit before a hiss left her throat, claws outstretched in warning and as a precaution for herself as she was ready to defend and kill at the slightest scene of quick movement. There was no mercy when it came to the feral predator and she was an intelligent killing machine. ’Food?’ The babbling sound left her weaponized mouth through her vocalizations as she gave a curious look like that of any animal that had an ounce of intelligence within them. Though she was a danger she o most beasts around her and so for now it was a good thing that this creature held her attention at least until the raptor figured out if this animal was prey or not. If she was a food giver she might have a chance at survival.

Re: RED ALERT - open; trespasser - emil - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]another of those raptors, even though the others and their weird alpha dog had left. it was no doubt amusing to watch this one skitter through the leaves for a while in search of them, until adelaide, the feisty woman from his own trespassing a day earlier, stepped out in her path. for a moment, he was expecting the canine to be torn apart by the raptor, but all that escaped the creature was a babble about food. she did seem on high alert, however, and since he had decided to hang around with this group for a while, he figured it would be bad to let the smaller beast tear her to pieces.

indo stepped out of the shadows to tower over charlie and adelaide, his own orange eyes drawing slowly over the smaller dinosaur. he hovered protectively over the latter and opened his jaws to babble back at charlie. 'foodgiver. don't attack.' the beast bobbed his head to assure her, giving a slow wave of his tail.

Re: RED ALERT - open; trespasser - rhosmari - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:500px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 9pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]She hadn’t expected to come up against something this big before but then again she had fought something larger than this before. It had wings yet at the same time she had had Blue with her when that exchange had happened. Her head cocked to the side and she allowed a scream of excitement to part her jaws wide, the sound carrying for a large stretch of space before she settled into chuffing. Showing her curiosity as she flared her nostrils a little bit. She had not seen this creature before and she cocked her head to the side before stepping forward and testing her boundaries. Was it a threat? It did not seem like it and it was protecting the other thing that had not been clarified to her. At least not yet, not until the larger creature babbled to her and she straightened her form. Food giver. She couldn’t attack. A hiss of defiance left her throat as she looked at the bigger male as his scent implied to her and she snapped her jaws. Slowly she began to circle around the both of them. Logically she couldn’t kill the both of them without her pack and she understood that she could be severely hurt in the process. Her eyes narrowed, glittering with danger as she flexed her sickle like claws. He wasn’t her alpha so why listen to him at all. But a food giver was a good thing and she snorted before pausing off to the left of them, turning her he’s slightly as she sunk her thick claws into the ground. Chittering left her throat before she began to babble to the both of them. ”No attack. Pack?” Perhaps they had seen her pack here and could possibly help her with her locating them. Though she did not want to leave here just yet. She had hunting to do.

Re: RED ALERT - open; trespasser - ADELAIDE -- - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — listen, she isn't usually surprised when someone comes up behind her, but when the shadow loomed a bit too far to be normal, she just had to look. indo...she truly didn't expect him here, but she couldn't say she was disappointment to see him. "hi there cutie, you can be my translator." a really bad one, but usually she could read something in indo's eyes. and, for the first time in forever, she finally understood why owen liked his dangerous reptiles so much. they held something, of course, she could care less about his raptors, but she would fight anyone for indo. he was her friend, a loyal and protective companion.

with a smile, she had went to pat the indoraptor before returning to the lost pet. "listen, they headed to the typhoon. gone, listen?" seriously...what was the point in even coming here if he was just going to leave? it was dumb...and a waste of her time. "i can give you to some food, elk? deer? rabbit? i dont know man. i always carry some meat with me anyways." always. if she couldn't catch something one day then she would still have some food. genius, she knew.

Re: RED ALERT - open; trespasser - BASTILLEPAW - 07-30-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille was not pleased with this Owen individual taking the girls away. He knew the others didn’t care much for them, but he had always found a sort of peace chatting with (at) them and figuring out shitty modes of communication. The sudden lack was vaguely annoying, and so at the sight of Charlie in the distance, he turned towards her immediately. She was likely looking for the other girls, but perhaps she was coming back and could draw the others with her.

[b]”Hey, Baby,” he greeted the younger raptor fondly, employing her shortened nickname instead of her name as he stopped beside the others. Newcomers he hadn’t met yet, but that wasn’t important at the moment. (Granted, the one was also speaking in those noises, so maybe slightly important.) He took another casual step towards her and greeted with those weird chittering noises in the back of his throat. ”What’re you doing here? Are you looking for Delta?”
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: RED ALERT - open; trespasser - emil - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]it was good that she listened; it seemed owen had raised them well. he still didn't completely trust or like the guy, but he supposed there was credit to be given for his efforts. the indoraptor cooed lightly to adelaide before returning his focus to charlie. 'pack gone.' he told her with a low rumble. a bit unfortunate timing, it seemed. he couldn't have cared less about pack ideals; the whole 'alpha' or 'beta' or whatever ranking system seemed stupid in his eyes, and though somewhere inside him he wished he could have grown up with those girls and been cared for, he wanted nothing to do with the concept. orange eyes flicked down to bastilleprisoner for a moment. someone he hadn't seen before, but he smelled strongly of this group, so reluctantly he opted to leave him be. a snort escaped the giant creature at his chitters. seemed he was at least slightly familiar with the sisters, enough to imitate their vocal cues.

he turned to peer at charlie again, then down to adelaide. it was frustrating that he couldn't speak to her, but such was the life of a giant reptile. he wondered for a moment why his creators couldn't have modified some way for him to talk, but the thought only annoyed him further, and so he simply looked to the canine and made a low '...ooooood' noise. hopefully she would get that he was trying to communicate 'food,' for he knew from being one of the creatures that charlie likely would not be patient about the subject.

Re: RED ALERT - open; trespasser - HEARTEYES - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:45%;font-family:verdana"]The molly hadn't been around when Owen had stopped by with the rest of the raptors, so seeing Charlie was a big surprise. Hearteyes watches her clanmates try to talk to the creature from a low hanging tree branch, the fur along her spine raised in alarm. The dinosaur was literally just hissing and snapping at them, why were they not more scared? If those terrifyingly sharp teeth came anywhere near her, she would cry and probably faint. Internally, she applauds her clanmates for their bravery. She was not taking the chance of coming down from the tree to do it vocally. Shifting her weight around the branch she was hanging off, Hearteyes waves a paw down to get the groups attention, anxiety clear on her face. "Can't we, um, can't we make her go away? She looks like she might want to eat, like, half of us. And she doesn't even talk! She can't even talk and I think if she gets hungry enough she will eat us." She squeaks, pink eyes wide.