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YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - Printable Version

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YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - OWEN. - 07-29-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd typhoon tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
[member=1741]Echo,[/member] [member=261]delta[/member]

Owen was unsure about joining this place. Especially since Delta had killed that one Typhooner during the raid on the Ascendants. Owen was a weapon, he knew that. He served in the Navy in his past life, and guns weren't all that unfamiliar to him. But, they didn't use guns here. It was strange, really. Now he used his trusty knives, sheathed at his sides.

The German shepherd padded up to the border of the Typhoon, the two girls following behind him hopefully in pursuit. If the Typhoon was smart, they'd use the fact that Owen could control the raptors, to their advantage. Although, Owen wouldn't be too happy about that. He didn't see the girls as tools, they were family to him. His children.

People would catch wind of them soon, he knew. They'd come running up, smelling the Ascendants on the three creatures. Act all violent and cocky. And then Owen would be the same old smug bastard that he's always been.

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - Character Graveyard. - 07-29-2018

Of course the moment Owen had left the Ascendants' territory, Echo had followed him. He was her Alpha, so she would probably follow him anywhere in the world. The Utahraptor would let out a loud screech as she had spotted a small mouse not too far away from her and she jumped towards it, claws gripping the tiny prey, squeezing it to death before she devoured it in one single bite.

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - axiom - 07-29-2018

Delta recognizes the territory, having come here at least twice before. The first, she hunted crocodiles with the rest of the pack, and stumbled across a few of the mammal inhabitants; the resulting struggle led to her eating one of the annoying felines, though she had no way of knowing that the animal in question returned to life. The second time, she stayed over in the tropical territory for a few days - enjoying the increased heat, while also incidentally helping the group drive off an intruder.

She also recognizes the scent of this mammal pack from the skirmish on her previous home territory; she ripped into a canine and ate part of that one - it's meat tasted odd, and so she left the rest of him to bleed out.

Her large head turns to Owen in confusion, a confused chuff leaving her throat. While she certainly enjoys the island's tropical climate, she doesn't quite know why they chose to live here when the pack just brushed negatively against them. Perhaps the mammal pack would make good prey? "Hunt?" she babbles to him, trying to puzzle out her Alpha's goals.

Glancing at Echo, she doesn't bother to chase after her sister with the mouse; Delta rarely bothers with such small prey items like the tiny rodent. But it seemed that Echo might end up liking this territory... in her own, Echo-like manner.

[ it hasn't happened icly yet, but delta tore luca in two and ate half of him in the raid on the ascendants ! ]

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - adomania - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]// don't mind me posting before Des is even accepted :^) im hype to start with him

Death was not an uncommon occurrence, especially not in a place such as this. Especially not in the mortal plane to begin with. It was simply nature, how things worked - some did it to survive, others out of cruelty, but these days only gods and those who called themselves the equivalent prevailed.

Des was neither of them, and the scars that littered his body told of all the times he had flirted with death just a little bit too close. He could care less, in the end, for it gave him the thrill that all the substances he used to use just didn't give him anymore. At least during the moments closest to his possible death he felt the most alive, and the terror, hope and fury all mixed into one hell of a drug that made the adrenaline course through his veins and eventually kept him alive for longer.

He knew not of who had died here, of who didn't. He had only appeared before the gate about a day before Owen had, exhausted less by his journey and more by life itself. As a result, he didn't much care about what happened before this. He was in no position to judge anyways: he'd killed more people than he could count, and half of them were nameless faces that continued to haunt him to this day.

Lilkewise, he didn't know about the different groups that existed yet. The scent that clung to Owen's fur meant little to Des, so his movements were unhurried and untroubled as he padded over upon catching onto both the sound and scent of someone new. Heterochromic eyes settled on the group, but eventually settled on Owen when he deemed the two raptors behind him less worthy of his interest (as strange as it sounded.) "Hey," he drawled, eventually coming to a halt a safe distance away from all of them with a flick of his tail in greeting. "Gonna go out on a whim and assume you've got business here?"

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - no more - 07-29-2018

it is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness
To expect is to make a fool of oneself and such as plausible to this situation for it was not one prone to violence or cocky words, though they were given to them when it suited, no, this was one of the more mild days for the child.

“Da fuck are those?” The question held only curiosity as dark eyes moved past Owen, of little importance to them when a comparison between him and the raptors were made, watching their movements with intrigue. With minimal skills in reading they had gleamed only some of the creatures which had once lived before they had, their death well known and yet once more they found life. A grin pulled at their lips but the darkly toned child pushed it aside, narrowed gaze coming to settle on Owen once more.

The scent about the trio was strong, missing the tang of salt they had grown accustomed to, rather it seemed lighter and given to a more flowery note, confusion tempering their excitement for a moment. Aita knew well of the raid which had taken place upon the Ascended but their age had meant they were not permitted to partake, they held no skill in fighting and would have only been trouble for those present, and as such they held no knowledge of where they had been before arriving upon the island. “What chu want? Ya know ya on Tayphoo land, ya got no business than fuc off.”

An ear flicked as another voice arose, head swivelling around to look upon the stranger. His words seemed to speak of his part in the group and so they simply brushed it aside, tail flicking in his direction. “What 'e said.”

[ damn it ado, got ninjaed ]
two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - OWEN. - 07-30-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd typhoon tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
"No." Was all Owen replied to Delta with in their familiar raptor babble, his jaws remaining parted as he tried to comfort the raptors with chitters of affections. Everything would be fine. He would protect them. He was incredibly smart, he could get them out of anything. Anything to protect his children.

When Desperado arrived, Owen raised his head to answer, amber eyes focusing on the creature that- surprisingly, didn't show the utahraptors much attention. Delta was a known raptor in the Ascendants, having attacked Roy Mustang and all. And Luca, from this island. Except, Delta had torn Luca in two, vored the living hell out of the male.

"Yeah. My name is Owen Grady. This is Delta, and this is Echo. We're here to join." He replied simply, pointing his tail to the mentioned raptors, eyes narrowing slightly at the child which spoke. His ears flattened, before his temper soon bubbled up. Stay calm, Owen. The girls will react to your aggression. Soon, whatever pissed attitude he had, had ebbed off into an ache. "We left the Ascendants. Got into a bit of trouble." He mentioned with his deep, stern tone of voice.

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - adomania - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]He'd seen worse than dinosaurs in his lifetime, so it wasn't a big enough deal for him to freak out over. Sure, they were unique in the way that a bunch of feral, overgrown lizards could be, but he had seen giant, feral, overgrown winged lizards who could spit fire, and one of those had been his father. For now, the only one who was speaking seemed more interesting, though Des had half a mind to hope that the raptors would surprise him.

Hopefully without ripping his head off.

An easy grin formed on the canine's maw as Aita spoke, a metaphorical brow tilting upwards at her rather... colorful choice of wording. He hadn't been any better as a child, although he had learned some respect since then... but it wasn't his place to correct her, especially in a place filled to the brim with self-proclaimed pirates. He'd never been one to raid and plunder and do whatever it was that people like them did, but he did consider himself rogue enough to join this makeshift group.

His gaze didn't stay on her for long, however, returning half lidded to Owen, then briefly to the raptors again, only to resettle on the sole point of his focus today. "Trouble," it wasn't a question, rather a statement as Des tasted the word on his tongue and tried to discern what it meant. There was a lot that trouble could mean, from the most tamest to reasons to arson and murder. He'd gotten into all of it in between, well accustomed to the colorful choices that were opened up with such a vague term.

"Well, trouble follows some people around. Ain't one to judge, as it's been an old friend of mine for some time," a soft chuckle left his maw, and with a shrug the canine sat down to make himself comfortable, seeing as he was never against a little chat. "I don't see why you'd be rejected, though I'm not one to talk given that I'm new myself."

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - no more - 07-30-2018

it is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness
Raptors, pests at best. Laughter, deep and touched with a hint of mocking, rang through their head as the words rose unbidden, surprise registering in widened eyes and a tightening to their lips. Slowly their curiosity of the dinosaurs faded as Owen spoke, tongue clicking against the roof of their mouth. The names put to each were unfamiliar yet such proved of no surprise, their life was short and had been contained only to the island, news slow to travel towards them for what use was there in a child knowing what was going on when they had no hand in any of it.

“Get used ta it fucka,” speaking through a sneer as they noticed the response to their words they found a short bark of laughter escaping them, pale tongue poking through their teeth before they blew him a raspberry. Was it going too far? Possibly, but they held no fear and knew well their father would not permit another to lay a claw upon them, his status as Captain enough to mean they were safe from most harm. By far Aita was not the worst, even amongst their broken little family the child dared push their boundaries so far.

A roll of their shoulders, head tilting to one side as the two spoke again, disinterested for the most part. “Gotta drink da juice firs, fuc ya up real good.” Speaking somewhat lightly of the entrance ritual and the hallucinogenic, their own experiences only extending towards those they had seen coming back, visibly shaken and for some changed from the experience.
two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - ARGUS - 07-30-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] Argus was aware of these raptors, and not so much on the 'alpha' that they followed. True enough they had caused some trouble within the clan as wild animals often did. Hunting and overstepping their bounds- things like this that needed to be curbed. Needed to be controlled. Spotting them again only made them all the more weary as they approached. Dark red eyes watching owen and his pack keenly, no false amusement or boredom hiding in sight.

"Now just wait a minute." Argus kept their voice cool and non-hostile- of course when facing any joiner. "It ain't our business to ask what your running from owen, but your little group here has caused some trouble here before." Not to mention the killing of two of their crewmates- and soon to be a third when news ciulated from the raid (not that argus would actually care about luca much. As much as he was making amends, argus was all about petty revenge. Having luca suffer a bit more was always good in their books)

It might be best to call the captain in on this issue, though there wasn't going to be any sorrys from feral lizzards there should be caution introducing them into a new land- and new allies that they once perceived as threats- argus included there. They paused outwardly, tilting their head up slightly to look at delta and echo each. Makeing note of the missing beta- the blue one since the attack not too long ago. Carefully they signed, dark red eyes coming back to owen. "It would be best to call the captain here just in case."


Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - Luciferr - 07-30-2018

Frigid was his countenace as he sidled up alongside his daughter in law - yes, he well remebered the one who'd given the order to his pet feral and for all he knew they were in the wrong' for raiding it did little to ease the ache,

maybe, lucifer thought, maybe he was just doomed to live seeing all his siblings die in horrible ways haunting behind his eyelids,

for all Luca was often a contentious figure and didn't get along too well, he was still his little brother via adoption.

The the dark god said nothing merely watching on briefly flicking his eyes to the feral that had done the deed but simply turning away, it hadn't been her fault after all - simply obeying a command and he couldn't fault that, not after his own checkered history.

maybe there was that slight hope is adoptive little brother would come back - he'd done it once after all.
