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MY, WHAT BIG TEETH YOU HAVE || CHARLIE - rhosmari - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]
▪ body age: 3 years old | realistic aging
▪ member of nothing | No Titles

▪ Pack members : Delta, Echo, Blue
▪ did have human training, although it was limited to Owen
▪ No parents since she was created in a lab

▪ she is completely feral and only uses vocalizations common for her and the raptor pack
▪ has had limited training with humans so can understand limited speech
▪ she will attack anything that is considered a threat or smells of fear which she thinks is prey
▪ can be highly aggressive for no real reason so look out, can make sharp slit decisions to attack
▪ InGen is carved into the side of her neck

★ FERAL UTAHRAPTOR [birth/main] | health: 95%
— she is raptor that stands just at 6ft tall, and the youngest of the pack. but because of something she is highly aggressive and her anger can spike randomly and for no real reason. So she is extremely hostile. weighting at 1,000lbs she is a large creature and was primarily made with green Iguana dna which is also the reason for her coloration. Her body is a darker green then Delta's and stripped through with thick rather dark green/black stripes along her body. she has a hard time being a follower and does often disregard orders from the Alpha until made to fall in line, but she is also curious and highly respectful if she deems it necessary.
— major injuries: large open gash across her chest
— minor injuries: none

Purring - can be considered aggressive but mostly investigating/curious
Chittering - an affectionate noise, also a noise made to agree with something or acknowledgement
Claw tapping - movement shown to expression anticipation, usually aggressive/hunting movement
Growl - Self explanatory, a growl, lips usually curl to reveal teeth
Screech - aggressive, usually made when attacking, or right before leaping onto a prey item or threat.
Terrier - aggressive noise usually made extering themselves or trying to get through an opening
Help - a call used to call for help from other raptors in the area
Hiss - self explanatory, aggressive vocalization usually happens when frustrated, or before an attack, also a warning to 'back off'
Babbling - vocalization used to communicate with other raptors, in other words its the common vocalization used for raptor talk
Broadcast call - used to attract other raptors to its position, letting other raptors know their current position, calls in reinforcements
Scream - aggressive call, used before attacking a target, depending on pitch can be used as means of excitement
Chuffing - can be used to express curiosity, usually a idle noise, can be used to express annoyance depending on pitch
Quacking - means of communication between raptors, usually when orders are being distributed between others, not usually made when attacking
Cry - expresses frustration or fear, not often used
Huffing - heavy breathing to gather scents, sound often made when exerting energy.

▪ highly aggressive so take precaution when approaching/ try to be calm and not show fear
▪ Attack in bold and underline.
▪ Can powerplay peaceful or nonviolent actions.
▪ [member=47]persia.[/member] if attacking