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shenanigans ☀ open - Printable Version

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shenanigans ☀ open - arcy - 07-29-2018

Nobody ever said Izuku and Kirishima were the smartest pair of friends. Like. Literally nobody. People probably told them that they were dumb for doing the stuff they do all the time. They were honestly lucky that they weren't really close friends until recently. Watch as they encouraged each other to do dumb stuff and then suffered the consequences. Some pairs of friends had one person who did the dumb things and another who was the buffer. There was no buffer, here. Only a pair of kids making dumb mistakes.
The mistake of the day? This. Izuku isn't sure how they'd gotten their hands, their paws, and wait no Izuku didn't have front paws, just claws. Okay. he's not sure how they got their claws on something that actually fit them both, considering their drastically different sizes. How'd it work on animals? It was a mystery. Anyways. It was a handcuff set. And Izuku and Kirishima had, of course, both decided to do a bonding exercise, involving being handcuffed together for a few hours. It had .. been a few hours. And the key was missing and Izuku could .. not conjure it.
"In hindsight, this was a very bad plan," The larger dragon tells the maned wolf, gently tugging a claw. All his attempts at getting out of this were .. obsolete. He would probably and yank his claws out but he and Kirishima were .. very different sizes, right now. And had different strength levels. He might accidentally knock the maned wolf down. And his jaws .. weren't strong enough to break metal apart. He huffs. Wow. This was like .. a movie cliche. How the fuck did this even happen.
//love me some izuku kirishima shenanigans
wait for [member=1530]Kirishima[/member] to reply bls
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: shenanigans ☀ open - Character Graveyard. - 07-29-2018

A part of him had told him doing something like this was a extremely bad idea. But him being him, he had decided not to listen to his gut. Instead, he'd encouraged Izuku to do this with him. They were just a pair of dumb kids in a world that they didn't even want to wake up in. He missed their old world and being a human. He would never become a hero like he once dreamed of.

A embarrassed grin on his maw, Kirishima would attempt to make eye-contact with the other. How did their paws and claws even fit in the handcuffs together? That was a very big mystery. "Maybe somebody else could break these cuffs off us?" He suggested to Izuku. Oh, if only Bakugou was here. He'd be able to break the cuffs off easily, before it'd take a lot of convincing.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: shenanigans ☀ open - Stryker - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Look who was in such a interesting situation! Stryker walked over, a smirk upon his large maw and a laugh coming from the back of his throat. "Now that's kinky," he remarked. Sarcastically, he offered a wink. Truthfully, he felt as if he was invading on their situation, but if there was a chance to join in on their fun, then he wasn't going to miss out. Of course, that wasn't the reality of the situation. These had to be two idiots stuck together due to some bet or experiment that they thought was oh-so genius, as they both seemed to be in discomfort. Plus, one of them wanted to escape the cuffs. Obviously, it was not fun for both sides of the situation. People were idiots.

"Need a little help getting out of those cuffs or are we going to sit here all day discussing our failures?" Stryker continued. A pierced brow bone raised, questioning them. "It would be fun to discuss that though." A snicker left him. "How did you two fucks end up in such a pickle?" A maned head crooked off to the side, hoping for a truthful answer.

Re: shenanigans ☀ open - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-30-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Despite all the happenings lately, Atbash couldn't help but feel amused by what was happening. She was slowly coming out of her cabin more and more, despite her wounds still healing, and she was glad she decided to venture out today, because this was definitely something interesting. Atbash neared the group just as Stryker started talking and she couldn't help but let out a little laugh at Izuku and Kirishima. "That can't be fun," She mused, her short tail flicking.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi