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some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - Printable Version

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some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - axiom - 07-29-2018

© lexasperated
The tigress made her way across the railroad tracks, her paws sinking into the water without much care for it. In the hot, tropical heat, she thought the bridge's partially submerged nature helped beat the heat - especially with how much fur she carried on her. Quantum is a large female for her species; standing with the height and weight of a male tiger or male lion. With that size, however, comes a greater proclivity for overheating. Which is why she left for the Typhoon in early morning, and it was only now about two hours after dawn.

Reaching the wrecked train and gait to the Typhoon's territory, she craned her neck a bit to get a better look at the ruined scrap of metal; it reminded her of some shit a Sunhaven member showed her, calling it 'modern art.' Well, now she knew next time he bothered her with his silly sculptures, she'd just remind him that his art was indistinguishable from human trash. And who, in their right mind, considered human trash art? Sometimes she wondered if dealing with the airheaded artsy folks in Sunhaven was worth living in the beach town - though, of course it was, she simply liked to play devil's advocate with her choices.

Raising a forepaw - absolutely massive, almost the size of her entire face - the psuedo-melanistic woman batted at the golden bell. She grinned, despite herself, finding the action reminiscent of batting at things as a cub. Back when the most dangerous thing she faced was her mother's teasings; though she put those days happily behind her, now that she hunted dragons and dinosaurs for sport with her sisters.


Re: some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - PINCHER - 07-29-2018

quick track for tomorrow morning reply

Re: some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - rochelle - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]Fischer had been there when the tigress arrived, though she hadn't sensed her at all. The blind feline was trying to get better at distinguishing the sounds of the island versus the sounds of animals. It was ... not easy so far, but getting to understand the sounds and mapping of the territory was getting easier and easier each day, it was just a matter of time before she could sort the rest out. Dying and ... being put into this blind feline body had been a challenging ordeal, but she'd made her peace with it, which for those who still had sight, might be the hardest part. To her, it was trying to continue on with her life, her duties, without the lack of sight getting in the way.

It was the bell that stirred her from where she'd been laying in the abandoned train cart. Huh, reminded her of that Swashbuckler, who had come, jingling that bell like there was no tomorrow. Instead this time, it was a little more soothing to the ears, and Fischer quickly rose to her feet, whiskers twitching and sniffing to get to where Quantum was. "Hello there ... welcome to the Typhoon. I'm Fischer, what can I do to help you?" The Privateer asked, head tilting up so she at least seemed like she was looking at the tigress. From ... the lack of light flooding through her muted vision, she could tell that there was a large shadow over her, from which she could assume was from the size of the Sunhavener. Light and shadows were the most she could rely on for her sight now, besides that, she had her hearing and sense of scent still.

Re: some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - Luciferr - 07-30-2018

Shadowing the smaller feline was the largest known resident of Typhoon - the great black dragon himself - following diligently like an over large bodyguard on the heels of Fischer and eyeing the stranger briefly, noting the unfamiliar secondary scent, another clan?

Lucifer had once had to contend with many after his head, not that any had succeeded - caused him extreme harm when they had afflicted it on his family yes but to him? well he'd weathered wounds unfathomable before, that did not bother him, but none had ever claimed his life - if anything he himself had in a last ditch attempt to end his sire long ago.

Hunters were something he did not deign if only because so many had been sent after he, his kin and his people for many a reason - some so trivial as a bounty or a trophy - needless to say he didn't take kindly to those that did he and his harm after all.


Re: some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - jericho - 07-30-2018

Unlike Fischer, Jericho has been blind for most of his life and has all but mastered the art of traveling without sight... mostly, that is.  There's always a part of it that relies on pure familiarity, and familiar with this land he is not.  For the most part he manages through his other senses and mere caution; he pauses and listens, jaws hanging slightly open to taste the air, each step hovering in the air for a heartbeat before he moves forth.  The little tabby occasionally stumbles over a root, but in following Quantum's steps he finds his way to the Typhoon's border with minimal difficulty.  Jericho comes to a hesitant halt at the tigress's side, his own small stature only highlighted in contrast with how large the other Sunhavener is.  What a leader he must look to them, so tiny and weak and blind, in the shadow of one at least five times his own height.  The Helion himself tries to think little of it, straightening and blinking unseeingly forward.

He arrives just as Fischer does, but he's long since heard the sound of approaching footfalls.  His ears prick and his amber gaze, though blindly peering beyond her, move with his attention in her direction.  The male offers a slight smile, polite and reserved but still kind.  "Oh, uh, hello," he greets, whiskers twitching.  He senses another arriving as well, someone much bigger than the first; honey eyes move towards Lucifer, though they never quite look at the dragon.  Jericho flashes another quick smile, still as small and hesitant as the first, and then the ginger feline clears his throat sheepishly as he continues, "I'm Jericho — we're, ah, w-we're from Sunhaven.  We wanted to visit since we just s-settled nearby."  Really, Jericho just knows that Sunhaven can't keep to themselves forever, and he wants to make sure they're on good terms with their neighbors —  it'd be ever better to have friends in times of need.  "And I-I was hoping we could at least be neutrals; we've got a lot of shopkeepers, I thought we could come to t-trade sometime?"

Re: some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - CELESTE G.M. - 07-30-2018

"I recall something about there not being neutrals with the Typhoon, although I may have misheard." She remembers Pincher having a fit over some group dropping them to neutrals, so whilst she doubts that the two mean any harm by that remark... She feels like it would be a disservice to give them false information. Or, she may just be wrong and made a fool out of herself. The possibilities are there for both if she's honest and she's new but that doesn't mean she doesn't wish to be helpful.

"Although, the trading sounds interesting... What do you sell?" She asks, sounding genuinely curious. She figures that if she's friendly, it might put the nervous feline at ease. The large tigress seems to be almost beyond worrying about impressions, given her size that could easily crush Temulin with a paw should she feel like. And Temulin,,, would rather not be crushed.
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Re: some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - Character Graveyard. - 07-30-2018

Unknown to both Jericho and Quantum, Ellie had decided to follow the older two, curious about this group called the Typhoon. She had almost been caught a couple of times on the way here but knowing them, she didn't think that Jericho would send her back to Sunhaven on her own. The hybrid lupine pup would crouch low, slowly walking to her Clanmates and standing next to them, icy-blue eyes focused.

She would look upward towards Lucifer as he was the largest one here. Did he happen to scare her? Oh yeah. She wasn't used to seeing very tall creatures as she'd been traveling for most of her life already and she had never encountered a dragon in person.

Re: some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - JA´SUNNA - 07-30-2018

Ja'sunna isn't far behind of the trio, picking up the rear of their visit with a pensive look on her face. While eager enough to surround Sunhaven with protection, she understands why the Typhoon would not be happy with having neutrals - neutrals offer no benefits, no advantages, why not raid them for their stuff instead? Her eyes drift towards Jericho and wonders why he thinks being neutral should be the go-to. Being allied with someone like a dragon, for example, would prove extremely beneficial.

At the question asked about trading, Ja'sunna steps up and offers a quick bow, vermillion eyes burning in the light. "Depends on who you ask, usually. Some people trade food, books, weapons, items, you name it, we probably have it." Her massive shoulders rise and fall in a noncommittal shrug, head tipping to the side as she tries to think of what more to say. When she finds that there is none, she steps back behind the others and lets herself simply watch and wait for whatever might happen, happen.

Re: some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - ADAKIAS - 07-30-2018

[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:georgia;font-size:11px"]Sylvina always enjoyed whenever the melodic sound of the entrance bell would reach her ears. It possessed a simple yet effective tune that notified the members of the Typhoon whenever someone seeked attention at the border mark - typically those of who were looking to join the ranks. However, there had been multiple instances within her short span of life that other civilized groups had come forth to solicit or entreat Pincher with clan matters. Her father was most definitely a businessman and it would seem that the quality had passed down to his daughter, her mind enjoying the intracancies that grownups spoke so seriously about.

The Bengal kitten would pad towards her gathered crewmates only to place herself upon her haunches besides Fischer, the domestic’s body dwarfed by the older female. Sylvina would flash her olive gaze to rest upon each of the strangers momentarily — they seemed not to pose any inate threat, and in actuality wanted an alliance of sorts. That was always good, right?

The ebony pelted kit would listen idly as Ja’sunna introduced the various trade items that their group — Sunhaven, was it? — had to offer. At the mention of weapons, Sylvina’s ears would immediately prick with interest as her maw already began to form a response. ”Got anything small enough for me?” She’d inquire with a sense of excitement lacing her voice as she instinctively stood up to learn more. Recently she had been craving a quaint knife of sorts to sling over her shoulders, its use mainly for that of chopping down the overgrowth within the jungle’s terrain. It could get quite difficult out there.

( mobile post! )

Re: some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - JA´SUNNA - 07-31-2018

Ja'sunna's vermillion eyes widen slightly at the youngster wandering over, a little taken-aback that someone would actually ask more about it. She'd expected it to be breezed over - clearly not, and something warm settles in the scarred tigress' chest. She dips her head, messy bob shifting on top of her head, before responding with a soft smile. It's subtle, barely more than a quirk of her lips, but it's there nevertheless.

"Yeah, I got some. There's this pocketknife I recently acquired called a balisong or a butterfly knife - or we can get you a regular switchblade. Depends on how small or big we're talking," she responds easily. She figures maybe they'll be around for a while, so Ja'sunna quickly lies down on her stomach, paws tucked underneath her chest comfortably. Is it informal? Quite. Does she care? Absolutely not. "It's in my shop though. You can visit me in Sunhaven if you want, or if you can't, I can probably just drop by and hand it over. Free of charge. Consider it a free trial."

She wonders if any of her clanmates even imagined she would act the way she is now. She spares them a lingering glance over her shoulder but decides she wouldn't really care about what they think, or if they're surprised that she's talking to the child and responding so... so openly and freely when she'd been so short of words before. Let them think what they want to think.