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plot w the baby boy - Printable Version

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plot w the baby boy - JUNJI - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]plot with the baby!!! i have a lotta muse for him but dont know where to put it so. why not threads!!

im too lazy to put down a list so. hes open to pretty much anything!! hes only closed to romance, litters (obv), getting killed/captured/noncon, all that bad stuff. if u have any ideas for bigger plots im all ears cuz i Love long plots!!!!! ❤️❤️

go wild yall :3c

Re: plot w the baby boy - dead chars - 07-30-2018

idk what junji and toko have in common really? but i could see them being pals of some sort?

Re: plot w the baby boy - JUNJI - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]jun could definitely take a liking to him!! he'll probably ask him about being a bird-cat hybrid a lot just cuz he's never seen anything like that before :"D
they could also bond over herbs or somethin like that!!

Re: plot w the baby boy - dead chars - 07-30-2018

oh yeah that would be great!!! tokoyami would love answering any questions he has abt being a bird hybrid as long as they arent mean spirited lol
do u want a thread for them? :- )

Re: plot w the baby boy - JUNJI - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]yes please!! tho i have to leave soon, would you mind making? //w\

Re: plot w the baby boy - Cheeters - 07-30-2018

junji and pinch could have a thread!! he could shower him w/ questions lmaoo

Re: plot w the baby boy - JUNJI - 07-30-2018

HECK yeah!!!!! hjffhfj again im kinda busy today tho, could u possibly make? ;;