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campfam — p storage - Printable Version

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campfam — p storage - cafune - 03-29-2018

[member=5]deer[/member] [member=58]Bunstache[/member]

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Re: campfam — p storage - deer - 03-29-2018

∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
slides in here with a track

Re: campfam — p storage - cafune - 03-30-2018
the good time music video is?? weirdly a good aesthetic for the clan idea??

Re: campfam — p storage - Bunstache - 04-02-2018

yO I'M FINALLY HERE!! But yeah, I totally agree with that! I can see the clan basically just striving for a good time and for happiness to be spread to all of their clan mates. Not to say that won't protect themselves either, I can see them holding up in a fight if they desired to or simply flipping the tables while they calmly invite their attackers for tea and some of Happy's homemade cookies

Re: campfam — p storage - cafune - 04-03-2018

oof okay notes so i don't forget

territory is dense, expansive pine forest, possibly mountainside, water runs from the mountain down in a river to the lake, where the main camp is settled
camp lives on cabins built on long, wide piers over the lake and in cabins in the clearing (HPs have the pier cabins?)
during the rainy season, the clan moves upriver to a clearing, and sets up in tents(?)

features —
mysterious grove in forest that has a ring of trees that always seems to have fireflies
waterfall upriver(?)
mysterious haunted house that floats on the lake, seems to only appear on foggy nights as it's missing by morning. apprentices are sent in to see if they have what it takes to be a warrior.

traditions —
patches. adapted from my original clan idea for himitsu hunters, high positions in camp campbell(?) wear patches as a sign of their rank, usually on some sort of article of clothing or sash.

to do —
more territory ideas
look into graphic design for scouts/girl guides pamphlets to design a template for the clan
rank names (other than some HP being a 'Councillor')

Re: campfam — p storage - deer - 04-03-2018

bc i wanna be helpful wheeze

- also in the lakeside camp, there could be some cabins on the land just in case there are characters with a form of aquaphobia or just feel more used on solid ground
- though these pertain to grade levels, the girl scouts levels could be a basis to the rank names, such as dasies and brownies being shp’s and larger grade levels being hps, up to counselors being deputies and who knows what else would be leader
- could also maybe follow the roles from camp jupiter from the heroes of olympus series, such as praetors, centurions, and so forth, yet may be tricky since camp Campbell is just a regular camp and doesn’t have roots in Roman mythology
- cryptids being a sort of thing being integrated into camp traditions in the form of traditional ghost stories- could be a thing and be conflicts for them
- camp activities such as orientation and team building stuff, as well as focusing on different “camps” in it (music camp, science camp, take notes from the show)

Re: campfam — p storage - Bunstache - 04-03-2018

I'm going to add on as well oof

- Meetings take place once night has arrived when the sun sets, allowing the clan gathers around a large bonfire where the leader and (co leader if we have one of those) gives out the the info of the week as usual while they give/take away badges. Though unlike other clans, members can stay around afterwards to discuss clan things (events, who will do daily tasks, etc) with each other over s'mores

- Ranks could be: Head Director (leader), Co-Director (Deputy), Cabin Leader (Guild-ish, I suppose? There could be a few for different 'camps' or whatever), Nurse/Health Director (Medic), Campers (members) and that's all I have. I'm got those from camp websites or we can do tree things like sapling, oak, birch etc

- Possibly ghost infestation later on from a camper bringing one to shore on accident?

- Maybe a large flag pole stands at one of the borders and we could Bella could have made the symbol for Camp Campbell?

- A small cave that hides behind the waterfall called "Lover's Cave" for obvious reasons. Many go to confess secret loves to their crush with the waterfall muting them to the outside world

- Cabins can fit a few people in them, though there is smaller ones for more isolated people.

- Summer is where the camp gets really busy, with several activities being planned throughout the hottest days of the year!

Re: campfam — p storage - cafune - 04-03-2018

ooh, an idea for the clan's backstory/history: maybe it was simply where bella and happy took buggy for holidays and they decided they wanted to settle there, but gathered others to help out?
[s]maybe bella and happy finally confessed in the waterfall cave, that's why it's so sentimental and cheesy