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fully realized creation / open, trespasser - Printable Version

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fully realized creation / open, trespasser - emil - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]freedom.

endless amount of time spent in isolation, locked in a cold, dark cage, and he was finally free. free to do as he pleased. free to roam. free to hunt. free to kill. he'd torn up a few helpless creatures on his way out of captivity, hunted creatures he'd never before seen in his time trapped inside those walls. the outside world was fascinating, filled with all kinds of wonders. he couldn't wait to get his claws in all of them.

the enormous, mutated creature moved slowly through the foliage, orange eyes searching for any sort of movement, until he breached the forest and came upon stretching plains. in the distance, a large structure, not like the place he had escaped from but similar enough to elicit a low rumble from him. the place reeked of animals, some he could identify, others completely new. no doubt there were quite a lot of them living here. oh, he was going to have a ball.

indo retreated into the shadows of the trees, settling into the underbrush and simply peering out into the open space. he knew he wasn't well hidden—a 10 foot tall black dinosaur didn't have many places to hide—but that didn't matter. he knew most creatures were gullible. trusting. someone would come along, speak gentle words to him, and that would be their downfall.


Re: fully realized creation / open, trespasser - OWEN. - 07-29-2018

//track! Anyone can feel free to reply first! The raptor girls can also reply before Owen does.

Re: fully realized creation / open, trespasser - MirrorEdge - 07-29-2018

Even Thea, who probably was a bit more gullible than the other Ascendents, bandaged paws proved that, as she spotted the black figure in the undergrowth, could feel her fur fluffing up, at the sight, and the orange eyes she caught sight of had her claws quietly unsheathing as she inched closer, standing a few yards away, before calling, "Hello? You're trespassing, right? Are you lost?" Still cheerful, even with that feeling of... dread, almost, nipping at her mind.

She probably would've been more bubbly, had she not learned that not everybody she could beat. And this was one of them.

Re: fully realized creation / open, trespasser - Suiteheart - 07-29-2018

"What the fuck?" came the soft voice of Suiteheart as she squinted into the treeline. She had just started her patrol; she had not expected to be greeted by some beast. The gigantic creature stood out easily against the foliage it was attempting to hide in. Nervousness bit at her core. This creature was bound to behave similarly to the utahraptors. The only difference between this new beast and Owen's girls was that she trusted the latter.

Shifting into a polar bear, Suiteheart let herself calm just slightly. While Indo still had a four foot advantage, this form was ruthless, and could hold its own against a dinosaur - if only long enough to make sure her friends and family were kept safe.

Moving closer to the trespasser, the large bear drew her lips back in a snarl as she moved to stand between Thea and Indo. She would not allow the beast to touch the cub. The heightened emotions of this body hit her like a freight train, and she could feel the need to destroy and to fight welling up within her. "You're trespassing. You need to leave, " she growled, eyes narrowed. While she was aware he might not be able to understand her, she hoped her body langauge would suffice

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: fully realized creation / open, trespasser - Character Graveyard. - 07-29-2018

Another dinosaur on the territory that wasn't apart of their pack? She would hate the thought of that if she had the ability to think and speak properly. The six-foot tall Utahraptor had been walking through the forest, claws tapping against the ground when she stopped every few seconds and nostrils flaring rather aggressively. When a unfamiliar smell reached her nostrils, she let out a loud-screech and ran towards the very heart of where the scent was coming from.

Eyes narrowing as she saw the larger and taller dinosaur, she would let out a broadcast call for Delta before stepping forward- challenging Indo. Echo's lips would curl and her teeth were barred- she also let out a threatening hiss, telling the mutated raptor to back off. This was her pack's territory.

Re: fully realized creation / open, trespasser - emil - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]lost. trespassing. was there a difference? he wasn't lost, no. he was exactly where he wanted to be. though he knew he was not welcome by the way this polar bear spoke to him, and simply by the way she stood. she was big, but not as big as him. he could take her.

for now, he played dumb. the indoraptor chittered quietly from the bushes where he crouched, feigning fear. he shifted slightly, slowly moved closer, nostrils flaring as he breathed in their scents. they smelled strange with the scents of possibly hundreds of other animals clinging to their fur, mingling, creating an ugly combination that made him exhale sharply and shake his head. his claws clicked on the ground almost impatiently.

and, lo and behold, another raptor appeared. she was smaller than him too. a sense of dominance filled him at that fact; he was bigger. stronger. he was better than them. indo dropped the act almost immediately at her challenge and stepped out into the light, rising on his hind legs to tower over the smaller creatures. a sound similar to that of a purr escaped him, morphing into a low, rumbling growl. he accepted her challenge. the broadcast call was something he ignored. if more raptors came, he'd simply tear them down as well.

massive jaws stretched wide and the mutated dinosaur screeched, dropping back to the ground and attempting to clamp his jaws around some part of echo. the beast, still very aware of suiteheart's presence, would then aim to whip around and knock the bear over with his tail. this was going to be fun.

Re: fully realized creation / open, trespasser - ★ HAZEL - 07-29-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Hazel never had much interaction with the utahraptors; they were, under most occasions, Bastille's specialty. It was rare that he could not find something to appease them. Hazel tended to avoid them if at all possible, by sheer force of fear of what they might do. She found no shame in her fear this time, either. As if the teeth and talons were not bad enough, the beast had to be six feet tall. There were some members of the Ascendants that were extremely powerful, and yet? They did not frighten her so much as the dinosaurs that roamed the territory.

Hazel crept up to the scene, raking a saucer-wide gaze over the unfamiliar beast. He was ragged and unkempt compared to Echo, which was surprising; Hazel was not expecting to ever think of Echo as sleek or clean, but here they were, facing off with an unknown, seemingly feral utahraptor. At the broadcast call Echo made, Hazel let an embarrassing squeak slip past her lips, the earth fracturing under her paws. Then all hell broke loose, with Indo lunging for Echo and Suite morphing into a bear only to have a massive tail whipped her way.

Fear cracked like a whip through her veins, splintering the earth and producing a rather large chunk of malachite. "Suite, cave! Be careful!" Hazel yelped, wavering near Thea. She was a coward and completely incapable of defending herself, which almost frightened her more than the present situation.

Re: fully realized creation / open, trespasser - OWEN. - 07-29-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd ascendants tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
Owen hadn't been ready for this day.

He hadn't prepared himself to be called over to the battlefield. He wasn't prepared to be told to control something that he didn't raise. He wasn't ready to face something this huge, after such a long time of being away from Jurassic World. Maybe in his past life, he'd have been able to take the reigns and try to find a way to keep his raptors in check when it came to something like this, but the last time he did, the Indo-Rex had taken full control over the girls until he had won their respect back. Like he had now.

Rushing forth to the battleground, he watched as Echo defended her territory, letting out a broadcasting call to her sister. Delta, she would come. She always did, but the others wouldn't. Not yet. Not yet. His voice was like a booming mic, something he hadn't even expected to hear himself exert, in all honesty.

A long, strong tail bashed into Suiteheart, and Owen tensed. Then, Indo lunged for Echo. Shit.
"DELTA! COME!" He called again, unsheathing his knife and attempting to throw it at Indo's eyeball.

Re: fully realized creation / open, trespasser - MirrorEdge - 07-29-2018

Thea froze for a few moments. Something that never had happened before. Freezing in fear, acting as if she were a deer in headlights. It took feeling the air whipping past her as the indoraptor's tail traveled towards Suite that shocked her out of it, and Thea was quick to teleport, aiming to land above the raptor, and attempting to dig sharp claws into the area around his eye and the softer parts of his neck. It wouldn't do much damage, as she only had teleportation, but hopefully it would distract the indoraptor long enough for Suite to get out of the way, or get a hit in.

Re: fully realized creation / open, trespasser - Character Graveyard. - 07-29-2018

As Indo lunged towards her, Echo would let out a high-pitched screech as his jaws quickly fastened around her neck. She would attempt to franctially claw at the other raptor's side, in her attempt to free herself as well as hitting the taller raptor's side with her long-tail. She would also let out weakening screeches as the indoraptor held on.