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YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND ME WHERE THE SKIES ARE BLUE | vow renewal, open! - Printable Version

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YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND ME WHERE THE SKIES ARE BLUE | vow renewal, open! - Margaery - 07-29-2018

(this is a human au yeet!!)

[b]"You're buying a Tchaikovsky symphony... on vinyl?" The blonde laughed, immediately causing Margaery's cheeks to turn a bright shade of red. She fumbled with her money as she handed it to her, more so embarrassed that this absolutely gorgeous girl was giggling about her music choices. "Yeah... I, uh... It's for my dad," She lied, though not convincingly, watching the woman - her name tag said Shay - carefully. That grin of hers, lopsided and casual, succeeded in flustering Margaery greatly and she found herself torn between wanting to get out of this little store as quickly as possible or asking her for her number.

[color=#93b6c1]"Alright Miss Prim and Proper... You seem new to town and convienently enough, I have two tickets to a grunge show tonight. Want to come along?" Shay's inquiry caught her off guard, a smile of her own finally appearing upon red-stained lips. "I'd love to."

That scene replayed over and over in Margaery's mind as she sank into the closest chair, the memory serving as the only thing to ground her as the pre-ceremony anxieties began to engulf her. What if Bast didn't show up? He was no fan of Shay and she could see him simply skipping all of this in favor of anything else... and then there was the matter of the triplets. Her daughters had been missing in action for weeks now and, though she had sent out an invitation to them, she still feared that their seats would remain empty. Four children. Four children who would not be in attendance.

Her father would be absent from the ceremony too, as would her mother. She wasn't exactly complaining about that, but they were her family and their lack of presence would be strange now. But Margaery had Cooper with her, and admittedly, the older man was all she needed. She would glance up at him, a smile finally adorning her pale features. It'll be okay, Margaery, she assured herself, This is your new family. This is your day. Anyone who doesn't show up is missing out.

"Are you ready, love?" Margaery finally inquired, "I believe the ceremony is starting soon."

Margaery had made sure to send out invitations to all of she and Shay's closest friends. Following their recent drama, the pair had only seen it fit to renew their vows as a testament to their undying love. Imperia would be officiating and Wash... well, bless his heart, the Freelancer would be handling security. She was forever grateful for that precaution, especially given how spontaneous her family tended to be.

She figured that everyone who was going to arrive would have arrived by now and that Shay, too, was growing antsy with waiting. They're married, yes, but she still felt nervous as she rose to offer her arm to Cooper. Two years. They'd been married for two years now.

Hey, Shay? Margaery inquired through the bond, knowing that communication between them was frowning so close to the ceremony but not caring, Here's to many more.
© [color=#9ca4af]MADI

Re: YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND ME WHERE THE SKIES ARE BLUE | vow renewal, open! - ONISION. - 07-29-2018

//cue onision crying in the background

Re: YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND ME WHERE THE SKIES ARE BLUE | vow renewal, open! - Suiteheart - 07-29-2018

"I have to admit I've never been to a concert like this before," Margaery tittered nervously, hands combing through her chestnut-colored hair. The night was cold, but the tiny underground club was warm. Shay had fought the urge to reach for Margaery's hand to hold as they moved through the line to get into the music venue. "Then it'll memorable for sure," Shay grinned in return, not hiding the way her face flushed when Margaery's features lit up in a smile.

Three long sets later, the concert ended. "Can I walk you home?" Shay had asked. Margaery nodded and smiled and then lead the way. The walk was a good ways, and though it was in the complete opposite direction Shay needed to go, she felt like this was the path she should always take. The small journey was filled with laughter and nervous, excited chatter.

Finally, they reached the door of Margaery's home. There was a pause as both teenagers hadn't wanted to break away from the moment. "I had a good time tonight, Shay. I've never gotten to do anything that fun," Margaery admitted. Shay waited a tick before venturing, "Maybe we should do it again some time, huh?"

"I'd like that," Margaery responded, and the smile that broke out on Shay's features was almost too big for her face.

Just as Margaery was thinking of the first time they met, so was Shay. That had been a little over eight years ago. She could still picture the events of that night as easily as if it had happened last night. They had been so young then - only 17 years old. The years had passed quickly and easily, and though some months and even years had been difficult, the both of them got through it - together.

The blonde woman stood at the alter, a warm smile gracing her lips. Baby blue eyes scanned the crowd of gathered friends and family. The ceremony would begin any minute, and she could feel nervousness glowing inside of her. It was funny, she thought, that she still got antsy all things considered. Maybe she was just worried about those who were missing. There had been many friends and family members lost before this event. She wished all their loved ones could be here, but then again, maybe they were in spirit. Shay missed Lil, Eli, and Lissa the most, and she prayed they would make it.

'Always and forever, my love. Always and forever,' she responded, her smile widening ever so slightly as the nerves calmed within her.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND ME WHERE THE SKIES ARE BLUE | vow renewal, open! - kinglykingstone - 07-30-2018

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When Suiteheart had told him that she and Margery were renewing their vows, Dale found himself filled with joy. The man had instantly swept his best friend into his arms, spinning her in circles until they both fell to the ground in a dizzy pile of giggles.

When Margaery had asked him to walk her down the isle, he felt that joy swelling and doubling over. He'd been so surprised that tears had brimmed in his eyes, threatening to spill over. Of course he'd accepted, gathering the woman in a tight hug.

So here he was, standing next to Margaery as she sat in her chair, reminincing over his own wedding day years and years ago. He remember the nerves flooding him on the day and the joy of his fiance becoming his husband. Cooper settled a hand on the brunnete's shoulder, smiling down at his friend.

He wasn't going to cry, he wasn't going to cry. Not yet at least. It wouldn't be until Suiteheart and Margaery were up at the altar that he would truly start to cry. For now, tears only started to gather in his eyes. When the woman inquired if he was ready, he responded with a smile and nod. He didn't trust himself not to break if he spoke.

Pulling his pocket watch from an inner pocket of his suit, Cooper checked the time to find that they would infact need to go soon. As Margaery stood and their arms intertwined, he would gently rest his free hand on her arm, giving her a teary-eyed smile. "Are you ready?" asked the man, a slight wobble to his voice as he fought back tears. He wasn't this emotinal normally but, when it came to these two he couldn't help it. He was so proud of and happy for the couple.

Re: YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND ME WHERE THE SKIES ARE BLUE | vow renewal, open! - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-30-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
Washington didn't really have any connections with anyone. At least not now. The ones that he used to trust were either dead or probably trying to kill him at the same time. The Freelancer also had never been to the wedding because there was little time for the likes of romance when it came to the likes of the military. Washington never really thought about starting a relationship when he became a Freelancer as his primary concern was that of the War. He got close to those that were in the project, but that was the extent of his interactions. He wasn't really one to flirt either way and when someone was a soldier there were some aspects of them that weren't the same as civilians either. Washington didn't honestly know what to say when Marg had asked him to play as security for renewing their vows. Something that the Freelancer had no idea what it actually was but simply agreed. Reluctantly. Washington knew that he was just doing this to get onto the good side and didn't really know either of them personally. He didn't own them anything, but if he offered them enough favors it would mean that they would need to pay him back sooner or later.

It was strategic, like he usually was. The Freelancer wasn't about to leave anything to chance and acquired a AR-15 rifle. A gun that he wasn't really used to using, and the permission had been given to him by Marg to carry the gun. Washington honestly didn't really have any idea for the high amount of security considering that this group didn't really seem to have all that many enemies at the time. He knew that Suiteheart had ended up dying and coming back to life but he didn't know the entire story behind it really. Having a weapon in his hands again was certainly a nice feeling, and he felt like a soldier again. All that he had ever wanted as it gave him a form of meaning. The gun was a black color and had a small scope on it. He had no intention of really interacting with anyone that he came across. He was here for security and nothing else. The human didn't have any of his usual armor on though, and instead the only armor he had was his helmet. He almost never seemed to take the damn thing off, and this situation wasn't different either.

If there was going to be a gunfight, he would prefer to cover his head a little bit. He was fairly certain that there were bulletproof suits, but in this time era, he wasn't exactly sure how extensive the technology actually was. The suit that he was wearing was a regular black suit with a tie. He certainly looked well kept for once in a long while, but that was because someone had to practically dress him. It had been YEARS since he had to tie and a tie, and he was embarrassed when he had to ask Carolina to tie it for him. Washington was already in position off to the side of where the altar was, looking at the crowd of chairs that were soon to be filled. He had a good vantage point and his eyes were constantly looking around to make sure that he didn't see anything. He felt like he was another mission again, and his body reacted as if by muscle memory. Even if it was just a wedding and there was barely any danger to it all. There was a black strap that held the gun to his chest, and he always seemed to keep his hand on his gun.

He secretly had a small concealed pistol on the back portion of his belt in case he was attached in close quarters. Never leaving anything up to chance, and one could even say that he was maybe a little bit overdramatic. Occasionally, he would stop looking around and look down at the gun in his hands, turning it over as it to make sure that everything was going to be fine with it. Once done, he would begin to patrol the area by sight, and if he thought someone was suspicious, he would make sure to look at them at a distance and keep them on his radar. Carolina had been in regular clothes when he had left, so he had no idea what she was going to end up wearing and where she would end up getting it from as well. A heavy sigh escaped his mouth as he thought about what he had ended up becoming. A security guard. Sure, he had gone through a couple escort missions, and they weren't his favorite because something always went wrong. But here he was, armed and ready to shoot at anyone that he deemed suspicious. He wasn't trigger happy though, as he wasn't an idiot. There were usually signs that came from someone that wanted to start trouble. For now, Washington remained silent like he usually did.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND ME WHERE THE SKIES ARE BLUE | vow renewal, open! - MirrorEdge - 07-30-2018

Thea was there, of course. Her mentor was the one getting her vows renewed, and the fifteen-year old sat in one of the middle rows, dark hair brushed, her usual red headband gone, in favor of a white ponytail, and wearing a pale blue dress.

She'd never been to a wedding, or a vow renewal, and it was clear every time Thea shifted, trying to look proper, like she knew what she was doing. She always felt more comfortable on a mat, with sports such as martial arts and fencing. Stuff where you could understand your opponent by exchanging blows. Not fancy social events. Still, Thea would do her best, and she fidgeted once more, pale fingers curling into the dress. When Shay looked over the crowd, Thea tried to give her a smile.

Re: YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND ME WHERE THE SKIES ARE BLUE | vow renewal, open! - MOONMADE - 07-30-2018

[size=9pt]Moon wasn't just here for the joys of seeing Peri as a Priest. Yeah, that'd be pretty hilarious, but he was also growingly fond of those who were getting their vows renewed, and even though he had no fucking idea what that even meant, he was here to support them, as mushy as that sounded. He sat front and middle, not because there'd been a seat reserved for him or anything, but because he'd told some balding guy with four chins that they were handing out free pie in the foyer. Straddling the chair backwards, he rested his chin on his folded arms, and waited not-so-patiently for the ceremony to begin. Some would say it was a childish way to sit, a reflection of Moon's immaturity, but those clearly hadn't realized the writing on the back of his suit jacket that read, 'I'm Edward Cullen's Sugarbaby.' He'd paid good money for that to be printed on; no way was he wasting it on the back of his chair.

Re: YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND ME WHERE THE SKIES ARE BLUE | vow renewal, open! - ★ HAZEL - 07-30-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Hazel had...never been to a wedding, much less a vow renewal. She was fairly sure it was at least similar to a wedding, which was just as exciting. When she'd recieved her invitation, the ground had splintered under her bare feet, glinting with spots of iron pirite. It was about damn time that Shay and Margy had something like this happen; there had been too much angst swirling about lately. Fortunately - for Hazel, at least - she was finally starting to get used to the radio silence in her brain; finally able to start bottling up her anger and self depreciation again now that Ti wasn't screaming. Maybe they would all hit that turning point. Maybe this was Margy and Shay's turning point.

The only thing Hazel was really anticipating was the song Shay had asked her to play when most of it was said and done. She had to scramble to learn it and ignore the way her fingers shook the entire time. Playing in front of crowds sounded awful and embarrassing, but...if Shay and Margy really wanted her to, Hazel didn't have it in her to say no. Hopefully no gemstones cracked the ground while she sang. Deus, that would be mortifying.

Hazel stood with Shay, praying she was in the right spot. She was sure there were others that were supposed to be there, standing with her for Shay, but...maybe they were just late. The curly-haired girl shifted, resisting the urge to fidget with her hair. It felt stiff, loaded with hairspray to keep it in place. She could still feel the frizz, but there was nothing she could do about it now. She glanced at Shay, watching the tension ease slightly in the other woman's shoulders. "Are you ready?" Hazel asked quietly, nerves and excitement battling for her overtone.

Re: YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND ME WHERE THE SKIES ARE BLUE | vow renewal, open! - imperia - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]When Margaery asked if Peri would officiate the vow renewals, the girl used every ounce of her will to fight the urge to cry. On very few occasions has she ever been happier. Peri immediately set to work on researching how to officiate a vow renewal. She does not think that either woman is religious, so she spent extra time creating something wonderful and touching without raving on and on about gods, goddesses, and all deities in between. Thankfully, there are a lot of resources out there for someone who has never had to officiate anything ever.

The young woman now stands at the end of the aisle, patiently waiting for the lovely women to arrive and officially begin the ceremony. Long, raven black hair is secured neatly in a modest braid which brushes past her hips; small blooms of babies breath interwoven into the strands. Her gown is simple and white, with long sheer sleeves, a sweetheart neckline, and a bodice cinched in at the waist. The skirt billows down, brushing over her bare feet. Peri is tall enough not to require shoes, and she does not want to tower over Margy and Shay either.

Long fingers are clenched nervously around the thin leather bound book which contains the script for the vow renewal. Peri more than likely knows all of it by heart, but she needs it just in case she becomes too anxious and her mind blanks out.

Re: YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND ME WHERE THE SKIES ARE BLUE | vow renewal, open! - rhosmari - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Getting an invite to something was rather odd for the soldier. Odd and unexpected especially when that invite happened to be to go to a wedding and be armed security as well. At first she had thought to just ignore it because it wasn't something she had interesting going to. Why protect strangers at a wedding? They could hire anyone for that but after a lot of coaxing from Wash and there was a lot of coaxing the female finally decided to attend. It wouldn't be so hard to do anyway considering it was just a wedding and one freelancer alone could handle any situation. After all they were trained with more advanced things than most others were and pushed to their limits day in and day out. This should be easy to deal with. Should be. Even after helping Wash get ready the woman was taking her time, nervous really because the mere fact that she had to wear a dress made her a bit....uneasy. Her fingers trailed along the fabric of blue tones that melted into a gossamer of white at the bottom. Sometimes dresses hindered movements and she frowned a bit, rose pink lips bunching up a little as if she was about to coo before she grabbed up the dress and went into the bathroom.

Slipping on such a garment was also not easy because she hadn't worn one in a long time but she managed and her fiery red locks draped over her shoulders in heavy curls. Her wrist were clad in thick bracelets of black and white. The dress was cut up the side to reveal her leg and she looked down at it fleetingly. It didn't matter and she wasn't there to impress anyone, just to do her job. Her bright green gaze narrowed at herself in the mirror before she put the holster around thigh, a gun on the right and a knife on the left. It was really all she needed and soon she was leaving the home. It was not that long before she arrive and it didn't seem things were going anywhere and she wasn't late so that was good. On her shoulder was slung a purse, a small thing but inside was another gun because she just wanted it just in case. Her dress trailed slightly behind her as she made her way around the room, shifting herself just slightly to try and look comfortable in this new and strange version of herself. Alright, alright. Her eyes caught sight of Washington and she  came to stand beside him as she waved toward some strangers every now and then. Time for the show.