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NOT YOUR HERO ¤¤ open - Printable Version

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NOT YOUR HERO ¤¤ open - Seina - 07-29-2018

He just wanted to live a life in peace. To be left alone, wishing for a life in isolation from the world. Because he was admittedly tired of it all. Wherever he want always meet people how loved to tramp down on the weaker, the less fortunate ones in life. Shion was no fool. From a early age had he learned how the world worked and from there on had watched it all, or been the victim of all the cruelty. The unwanted child. So he had closed himself of, distance himself from all and everyone around him in hope to be left alone. Playing the neutral role to never interfere or even care. If doing so hoped for a easier life for himself knowing very well no one ever come for the rescue. Heroes did not exist in this world. Out here it was everyone on thier own. Either adapt or get buried beneath. Only care for yourself and no one else. That was the lesson he had been teached and had followed it ever since his oniisan had spoken those words to him, leaving him with these lonesome words behind. Never trust anyone. Never expect anything from anyone. It's you against the world.

Shion had taken himself to the more colder side of the land. Up here even snow lay in the middle of summer. It was a suiteable weather for the shiba thanks to his thick coat that helpt to shelter him from the cold. He also hoped less creatures lived up here to found a isolated place for him to live on. That was the plan - had been the plan before he walked straight into someone else battle. Shion had just rounded a corner when he saw the two wolves how had surrended a white artic fox, a child how carried a rabbit inside of her mouth."Where do you think you're going with our prey huh?. Thinking running into snowbound territory would get you away from us?. You little brat you will pay for stealing from us!." One of the wolves growled before he lashed out a paw to hit the child right across her cheek so she would crash down at the snow with a whine and in the process droping the prey as well.

The two gave out a laughter, seeming to enjoy to pick on someone both smaller and younger then themself. Unimpressed Shion narrowed his orbs as he watched this unfold right in front of his eyes. By the distance he stood could see the child was underweighted as well. Such a sad fate for the child. But what was there for him to do?.Turn around and leave, this is not your battle. Shion could just image what his brother possible would have told him at this very moment. But it was the truth. The world worked like that beside did not exactly wanted to trepass this tribe territory. At all cost had he tried to avoid any sort of civilsation. Now was not the time to break it.

So he turned and right as he did so heared the child cry again, but this time in pain as one of the wolves started to assault the fox. Shion froze at place, unable to take a step one forward. This was wrong. He knew that but there was nothing he could do. But the child contunie to cry out for help while laughter from the two wolves echoed into the background as they bullied that life. It was just to much to take. Stop, you're no hero!. With a quick turn Shion turned himself around before he sprinted of straight towards the wolf how was pinning the fox down at the ground and snapt his teeths around the attacker front leg. A suprised yelp came from the wolf, briefly paralyzed in shook. Letting go of the wolf leg Shion then used himself as a shield as he put himself between the two attackers and the child. " Run!!." he would order back at the child while his red eyes was locked on the two opponents.

With relife the child listen without any protest at all and was quick to leave the scene to get out from the harm's way. The same could unfortunate not be said to himself. The two wolves was now pissed and Shion happend to be the perfect chew toy to get it out on. " You little bitch!! you'll pay for this!." One of them growled. Shion succeeded to dodge out from the first attack but the second got him as he felt the teeths sink into his back and in the next second he was flying through the air before landing with a loud thump back down at the snow. The impact itself had left him breathless, struggling for air but that had just been all time he had been given before the wolves attacked him again, to kick him around like he was some sort of a doll. Shion refused to fight them back, knowing it was impossible for him to win against a wolf so what was the point?.

He was going to die. This was how he was going to go down. Torn into pieces. Not the death he had wanted or wished for but... it was not exactly something he could do about it. Only to accept. Oniisan...i'll see you soon. he thought but it was the both wolves suddenly stopt. "Shit!, they're coming!. Lets get out of here!." And like that both of the wolves turned thier back at him and run of, and all he could do was watching them disappear there he lay beaten down on the ground. Who was coming?.That he didn't know for sure. But it seemed like he had been saved somehow. That was if he even could get himself back up on his paws. Shion attempted to do this but only come halfway before collapsing back down at the ground again. It seemed like his condition was worse then he had thought after all. Some possible broken ribs and... he couldn't move his left front leg. This did not look good...Out here in this cold he for sure would not survive with these injures.

How ironic.

// no need to match this muse guys!!, also it's past midnight here and i need to sleep so i have not read through my post, hopefully i haven't done to many grammar mistake in here ^^' otherwise i apaologize in advantage. Will fix it tomorrow.

Re: NOT YOUR HERO ¤¤ open - pallid-i - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Abomy had been busy digging a hole in the ground, but when she heard sharp cries of pain, the hidden female started to shake rather violently and she pulled her plastic bag over her face and pulled her black blanket to cover her body. She wasn't a hero, but whenever she heard someone in pain.. It just brought her back to the days in the circus. Where things were hidden away from the public eye. Her mind began to wander back, but Abomy forced herself from her thoughts. The circus life was past her. She should stop and go help. So the hidden feline hobbled to the source, and found someone. A shiba. She quickly waddled over and hesitated while she shook. "He-Oh... Uh.. Pl-Please don't move. You're go-gonna h-hurt yourself.." She said as she stood there. She needed to call for help.. But it hurt to yell. It was incredibly painful to yell, actually. "Please... I-I'll sss-stay with you! W-We can wait f-f-for help.."

Re: NOT YOUR HERO ¤¤ open - NUI HARIME - 07-29-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
well this was worrying.

stalking through the snow, her pricked ears easily caught up to the sounds of yelps and teeth meeting flesh. as always, as ever, blood drew her forward. it was her instinct. her lure. nui had a knack for finding trouble. this was no exception.

nui had been left behind with the sight of a nigh broken body, and a stranger clad in cloak and bag, attempting to ease the stranger's suffering. as always, she was far too late to the commotion. far too let to do anything, but not out of the goodness of her tiny little heart, nor for the sake of saving the shiba from any further grievous injuries. a selfish, fowl little creature like herself had only been out to stoke the fires of blood and sink her teeth into the flesh of the aggressors themselves.

"oh dear," nui breathily murmured as she came closer. less in horror at the sight of the injured body, but more in awe at the tragedy itself. she slipped forward liberally coming close to inhale the scent of the canine. he did not smell as if he were for any clan. but the crimson seeping from his cuts did smell wonderful.

nui drew in a shaky breath before pausing to inhale. the scream that poured from her lips was loud and obnoxious; like a siren calling for attention.
of course, her scream would alert someone eventually; regardless of whoever it was. preferably someone with some medical attention.

nui pivoted her head to face abomy, single eye roaming curiously over the bagged head in acknowledgement. she had so many questions, but now  was not the time for them.
"he'll be okay, i hope. if someone doesn't come soon, feel free to run back to camp and ask for izuku."

and with an eager pant, she gingerly lowered her head towards shion's cuts once more to inhale generously, before flitting out a tongue to attempt to lap at the salty red leaking from his wounds. it smelled like heaven, perhaps even tasted like heaven.

it was barbaric, but both parties benefited from it. at least she liked to think so. her thirst would be quenched, and her saliva would keep shion's cuts clean and moist until izuku arrived.

// im sorry nui is such a weirdo. permission for her to lick shion's cuts clean?

Re: NOT YOUR HERO ¤¤ open - arcy - 07-29-2018

Now that both of Izuku's legs were in .. questionably working condition, he was taking advantage of that. And also the wings. He'd managed to figure them out shockingly quickly, and being able to fly was .. freeing. It was a ton easier to go out to fetch herbs. Mostly because he could walk at all. He'd been starting to pick back up on his habit of going out of the territory, but it was a lot easier to go back and forth.
So. This is why Izuku is out before anything alerts him at all. He'd probably be resting right now if not, because of .. something. Hm. Well. He's out here. Wading through the snow with a thick tail waving behind him. He's gotten bettera t balancing and doing stuff in this form. He's been doing some training, too. Nothing too heavy, of course. Just little things. And then suddenly he hears Nui screaming and Izuku flinches back. He's pretty far-ish but it's still loud and things are still kind of louder when he's like this. But he doesn't have time to linger on this because something has happened and thank fucking god he's already learned to steady his claws. They were sharp and dangerous, but they were good enough to treat people till he managed to shift back.
"I'm here!" Izuku assures, having ran over here pretty quickly. He quickly stops to take in the situation, an ear turning on his head. Nui and Abomy both are there, and Nui seems to be trying to clean the canine's wounds. Hm. Not sanitary, but Izuku could live with that. There's a strange scent in the air, but Izuku can't focus on that, as much as he'd like to seek out those people and give them a piece of his mind --. He could keep going, but he won't. He can't allow himself to be so violent. Not when his classmates were expecting him to be the same soft boy he'd been when they were all students.
The little dragon approaches, and makes to gently nudge Nui out of the way when he gets close enough. "Thank you. Let me," He says softly, and wriggles to lay himself down. He's an awful lot bigger than the canine, lion-sized as he was, but Izuku has been training for this since he switched forms. He frowns. The stranger was probably kind of cold. They might need a blanket, and to bring him in, later. But he doesn't seem too ridiculously out of it. "Hey, I'm going to treat your injuries now, okay? What happened?" He urges softly, frowning as he wriggles back a little to start conjuring up his supplies. He had enough right now, didn't he? He thinks so. Hm .. he should treat the surface wounds here, and figure out what other injuries there were. Unless there were internal injuries? That would suck. Because how the hell do you treat internal injuries with medicine like this? Ugh. There wasn't even stuff like surgery here. Not that Izuku would know how to do surgery in the first place.
//yo bls elaborate on injuries just a little too ashgdsjfhas
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: NOT YOUR HERO ¤¤ open - Character Graveyard. - 07-29-2018

The strong-smell of blood and panicked voices had brought the maned-wolf almost running over. He would be running at full-speed, if he had four legs of course. He would mentally curse at himself before arriving on the scene, a concerned look on his facial-features. His crimson-hues would glance at Abomy, Nui and Izuku- making sure none of them were hurt in anyway before he looked towards Shion.

Geez. Somebody had messed him up pretty badly, to be honest. He would hurry to the Frosthealer's side and he would question. "Izuku, do you want me to carry him to the village? The ones who attacked him might still be around here."
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: NOT YOUR HERO ¤¤ open - guts - 07-30-2018

The commotion draws him over, the irony smell quickly invading his nose. He blinks hard as flashes of memories surface, ones of blood and death, but he quickly pushes them down and focuses on the voices of his clan-mates. He was here, everything was alright. As he comes across the scene, he glares down at the injured Shion, the thought of one of their own doing this making his blood boil. He tightens his jaw, though, glancing around briefly to make sure they weren't still around.

Since Kirishima had already offered to do the heavy lifting, Aizawa remained silent, quietly fuming. One would think Snowbound of all places would know kindness best, but obviously not. Apparently some of their members needed a lesson on respect, it would seem, as multiple faces came to mind.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px black; font-size: 24px;"]— AIZAWA

Re: NOT YOUR HERO ¤¤ open - Seina - 07-30-2018

When Shion had heared someone approching in the snow had expected for him to become the next victim of a other person this time. Food possible even. So it had suprised him a bit when hearing this alot more gently words that greeted his sensible ears. The tension that had been building up inside of him loosen itself up slightly. It was a nice voice, a soft one but he could tell the person was stressed, upset maybe even. His red orbs tried to find her but had to admit felt a bit tired now. The cold was not much of any help neither that he was an albino so his immune system was not exactly the best. Thinking back on it now his decision might not have been the most benefited one for his own survival. Not knowing why this female was here now thought it did felt nice to have someone here right now. Stranger or not. As long they not had a ill intention towards him. " It's okay...e-everything will be alright." How strange it might sound was trying to comfort the other female right now more then to really direct this words to himself. Call it for a real bad timing to show empathy for anyone else then himself right now but all he could feel was really coldness.

It was a bad sign for him because that meant his temperature was sinking.

Shion would listen to the advice not to move though mostly because he was not sure if he really had that sort of strenght left now. He wasn't sure when the other one had come but was she licking him?!. Shion know about the helping processb by licking someone's injures could do as well to help to keep the temperature to rise up. But it for sure was a rather uncomfortable physicial contact Shion never before had been approched with. So it took him a bit with suprise but didn't do anything about it, doubtful he might even have succeeded even if he had tried. It did made him feel awkward though but thankfully had no idea for the true reason the female was doing this towards him in the first place. All he saw proof of was someone how tried to help, why they decided that his life was worth saving though was not something he fully understood.

More people arrived, a other voice how seemed to have come here to help as well. A..dragon?. No way. He really most start to lose his consciousness or something now. There was no way...that dragons existed, did they?. To tired to think about that would give a nod. " Wolves." he replied as he flattered his ears a bit backwards not wanting to go deeper into details then that. "Gomenasai" he then apologized for being a bother, for taking up thier time. I told you, didn't i?. Maybe it would be better if he died after all.

// permission granted! c; and Shion's injures are; broken left front leg(one of the bones are sticking out from the leg), broken ribs, a nasty bite mark over his back, and a almost as bad bite mark over his right hind leg. His temperature is also sinking, and he have a concussion. The rest is just bruises for being kicked around. Also any none-violent powerplaying is fine on Shion in this thread!, no need to ask for permssion.

Re: NOT YOUR HERO ¤¤ open - NUI HARIME - 07-30-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
salty tang filled her mouth. what a service she was doing! an absolute helper of medical knowledge-- why, she could become a healer right now, with her quick thinking.

at least, that's what she was telling herself as she had aimed to clean the surface of his bloodbathed body.

izuku was quick to arrive, shouldering past and gently nudging her away from the limp canine. nui promptly pouted and stuck out a blood-saturated tongue, but allowed the dragon to do his work, watching as he made sure the victim was conscious, and asked him a vital question.

kirishama. aizawa. they were all here. nui shuffled her paws against the snow, gazing at awe at the ease which izuku conjures the items. she'll let him handle this from here. he's got it.

wait, wolves? wolves are the one who did this to him?

as far as nui knows, there are few wolves within snowbound's territory. nui sincerely doubts it's one of their own. after all, what reason would they have to attack another member?

unless they were infiltrators. aggressive ones at that. it's a reach but it doesn't matter to nui. loner or spy, should she cross paths with them she'd be sure to give snowbound a breath of relief by tearing her jaws across their throat.


if they allowed her to do that.

questions were burning on her tongue. why did they attack? what did they look like? would she be allowed to fight them if she ever saw their faces?

"we'll make sure those guys don't come back again," nui nods affirmatively at the shibe. "i can help escort him back to camp as well.

Re: NOT YOUR HERO ¤¤ open - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-30-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Being outside of her cabin in camp was one thing, being outside of camp was another, and Atbash knew that Izuku would probably reprimand her for coming outside of camp in her condition, but she was still the Hailcaller. She still had duties to attend to. Spotting the group from afar, Atbash rushed over as quickly as she could, trying to find back wincing from the burns as she moved. Coming across what was going on, the she-cat let out a gasp and felt a wave of nausea flood over her as she studied the wounds that covered this stranger. Namely the bones that were sticking out of him. How did Izuku deal with this? "If you need anything, let me know." Atbash tried to send the telepathic message to Izuku, moving her gaze away from Shion.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: NOT YOUR HERO ¤¤ open - TSUYU. - 07-30-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

"What's going on, ribbit?" Tsuyu croaked out, hopping over as quickly as a frog-manx hybrid with a fucked up hip could. She was still healing, it was fixing itself on its own though. Thank the Gods.

She didn't offer any help, since the others had it under control, but merely watched by Aizawa's side, wide charcoal eyes taking in the sight of the terribly wounded canine. Well, that sucked.