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IT'S GOD'S PLAN && open, trapped in cage. - Printable Version

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IT'S GOD'S PLAN && open, trapped in cage. - DELILAH. - 07-29-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Delilah was prone to getting into a lot of trouble with her clumsiness. Sometimes, it even annoyed herself. How could one person be so damn gullible and clumsy? One could never answer for Deli, but she was pretty sure it was because she never watched her step too well, or stepped too far.

Tonight was one of those nights.

Pink and purple fur had fallen into a hole, obviously built by somebody, but she let out a loud, blood-curdling screech of panic. This wasn't supposed to happen. She just wanted to take a walk.

All of the latches on the cage were trapped shut, and she could see the moon overhead faintly. "MAMA!" Delilah screeched out, calling for her two adoptive mothers in a panic. They'd help her. They always would.

[member=1717]TALIA P.[/member]

//feel free to reply before the two hound moms

Re: IT'S GOD'S PLAN && open, trapped in cage. - SOCKING - 07-30-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
the screech delilah had emitted was loud and defeaning; there was no way stocking couldn't have heard it. it was the cry of a girl in distress; a girl in need of saving.

unfortunately, stocking was not much of a hero.

it had taken her a while to find the trap. when she had located the source of the noise, stocking dropped to a crouch and peered cautiously over the hole, it's opening barred by cages. she could absolutely not do jack shit in this situation, and it was another one of those scenarios where stocking wished she still held her godly powers.

"holy shit," she murmured to herself. "just hang in there, delilah. i'm going to go get some help, okay? i won't leave you, i promise."

with that, she turned around to fetch someone from the town square, limping as fast as her nearly healed leg would allow her. stocking could not deal with this alone.

"delilah is trapped in a hole! she needs help!"
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: IT'S GOD'S PLAN && open, trapped in cage. - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-30-2018

Re: IT'S GOD'S PLAN && open, trapped in cage. - TALIA P - 07-30-2018

(i'm here 'til i die)
Talia looks up from her and Malkyn's little cove when she hears a telltale screech coming from somewhere in the territory, and what she hears makes her blood run cold. Panic comes alive in her chest, building and building in suffocating amounts as she scrambles onto all fours and dashes outside the nest, pulling sharply at the bond between her and her wife. Mudwater sloshes around her, staining her pristine pelt a dark grey, and she doesn't even care - doesn't even spare the patterns across her fur a second glance as more and more voices start to fill the air with bitter dread and panicked songs. She couldn't lose - she couldn't lose another one, she couldn't lose another daughter after Melanie, after Adelaide, after Kari...

She arrives at the scene with a desperate look on her face, snapping her jaws in the air if anybody got in her way. Get away, they need to get away, step back - her worried expression overtakes her usually calm features to burn deep in her turquoise eyes. There's a cage on top of the hole, a cage door (she can't tell what it's made of but it's there); she can't find where it opens, how did it even close in the first place? I don't have time.

"Delilah!" Her voice echoes around the chasm, peering into the darkness below to stare at her daughter. She doesn't seem hurt but they don't know for sure yet, and she tugs again at the bond. Everything she sees, she's transferring over to her wife, so she scours the cage opening before deciding that she's likely large enough to tear it open... or so she hopes.

Her hind-talons wrap tightly around one rung of the cage, and she spreads her massive wings out, allowing them to unfurl to their full length. With a soft breath, a prayer to Ghil, she jumps up and follows it with a flap of her wings, muscles straining as she lifts only enough until her body is stretched from where it's still anchored to the cage. Teeth grinding together, she keeps flying, pulling, yanking at the rung and hoping that it'll give and come off.

ooc. i wasn't sure if you wanted us to have the cage door removed just like that so feel free to say whether it works or not!

Re: IT'S GOD'S PLAN && open, trapped in cage. - DELILAH. - 07-30-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color: #F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]It hurt. Everything hurt. The feeling of steel digging into her hind leg seemed to make the femme screech out louder. "I don't like this! Don't leave me!" Cried out Delilah, her usual cherry blossoms piling under her from the panic she felt. When she was more nervous, the cherry blossoms shed faster, in bigger quantities. It was moments like these that made Delilah's anxiety ten times worse.

Flashbacks flashed through the pastel feline's head. Awful smells, powerful voices. She didn't want to remember. She didn't like being caged. She didn't want to be caged again.

But then light came, fur of whites and greys that Delilah noticed through the blurry vision of her flashbacks. Memories, terrible memories. But she was here. Mama was here. "Mama!" Delilah cried out, tears filling her eye sockets as she tried, fucking tried, to yank her leg out of the hole of the cage's wall. She tore the door off, Delilah saw that. But what use was the door being torn off if she couldn't get her leg free?

"My leg is stuck- Oof!" Her scattering voice was interrupted by a shift in the cage, the hole widening from the force of Talia's hind legs. The ground around the cage was fragile, it caused the steel cage to plummet further into the ground. Further into darkness. How deep was this hole? Why would someone do this to her?

"I-I'm scared! I can't! I can't do this!" Came her desperate, terrified voice as she settled with crouching down in the small cage, paws covering her ears. Her foreleg ached from being twisted wrong, but Delilah was too scared to move. Too scared.


Re: IT'S GOD'S PLAN && open, trapped in cage. - SOCKING - 07-30-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
stocking came galloping back, sprinting as fast as she could on a healing paw. she had told all she could back at camp. though she seldom rarely cared about anyone else, leaving delilah within a whole to rot and die was not her style.

somehow, there were more people there than when she had arrived. thank god. she noticed talia straining at the cage, the force of her pull slowly bending a hole into the metal that was currently widening.

but the cave shook, and seem to fall further into the darkness. she can hear the crumble of dirt as the metal slides against earth. she wants to help talia, but she isn't sure if she could reach down far enough to grasp the bars with either her paws or her jaws.

she tries to keep her voice steady. level. calm. she cannot panic. "what can i do?" what can she do to help. she's spent far too many decades as an angel living like this to be tossed down from heaven and be powerless. stocking feels little for delilah. she is selfish, and in this predicament... she wants nothing more than to be able to make a difference, as unfamiliar as the other is to her. maybe this is more about stocking feeling useful, for once. truly, how self-conceited she is.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: IT'S GOD'S PLAN && open, trapped in cage. - TALIA P - 07-30-2018

(i'm here 'til i die)
The more Delilah talks, the more her panic starts to manifest, and something bitter is throbbing in the back of her throat that she forces down with a hard swallow. The door gives way under her and she tosses it far, tosses it away until it's hitting a mangrove and sinking uselessly into the bog - but there's another cage, a cage within the hole keeping her daughter trapped and she can't stand it, can't stand the thought of losing her because she hadn't been fucking fast enough.

"Delilah, Delilah listen to me, honey -" She stops when the bitterness comes back, swallows. "I'm not leaving you down there, you hear me? I am not leaving you down there." Never. She would never, could never - the desperation is clawing at her chest, enough for something underneath her pelt to start pulsing an angry hazel sheen. Her gaze wanders to the other Tangler, she doesn't know what the fuck her name is, only that she's offering help.

"Find my wife. She knows herbs, kn-knows how to heal her if she's badly injured. I just, I need to -" Talia doesn't even finish her sentence, instead letting herself dive down the hole as its walls narrow around her. She doesn't know if she'll even be able to make it out (she'll find a way, she'll always find a way). Just when she thinks she can't go any further, her talon brushes the other steel cage and scrabbles for something to latch onto. "I can't twist around enough to see where I'm putting my talons. Can you see anything I can wrap my claws around so I can lift you up?"

Re: IT'S GOD'S PLAN && open, trapped in cage. - DELILAH. - 07-30-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Calm down. Calm down. Why are you doing this to yourself? Why do you panic like this? Why do you tremor with fear amongst a mere steel cage?

The voices in her head made her shake her head side to side, claws digging into fluffy ears as the maine coon tried, fucking tried her best, to listen to her adoptive mother. She sounded panicked, which only made her panic more. Was she going to die? Was she going to rot down here?

Then things fell silent. She fell silent. Her whimpers, her cries. Everything stopped.

Drip, drop.


Drip, drop.


Minutes went on before Delilah finally moved again, magenta eyes staring up at Talia as she panicked over her child which was stuck in a hole. That was collapsing, falling apart around her. Just like her life. But, at Talia's question, Delilah took a deep, shaky breath, glancing around for anywhere that Talia could grab with her talons.

Then, she saw it. It looked like a handle, or a hook, whatever it was. She didn't know, nor did she care at this point. "To the left is a steel hook-like thing, mama. I think.. I think you lift it out like that." She meowed, her voice broken and scared.

Why do you tremble in the eyes of those who pity you?
Do you desire what they have?

No, I just want to live in peace. I want to see him again. I just want the pain to stop.

He's long gone, dear. He isn't coming back.

Drip, drop!

Tears bubbled up in her magenta hues, her eyes widened as they rolled down her cheeks. He wouldn't return. He left me behind. Just like everyone else will, someday.

Re: IT'S GOD'S PLAN && open, trapped in cage. - SOCKING - 07-30-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
find her wife. Yes. She can do that. She can.

Stocking does not know the name of Talia's wife; but it isn't hard to know what she looks like. The two supposedly follow each other around, sticking to one another like glue.

Like the crack of a whip, stocking takes off again, streaking across mud streaked ground to find the alluringly sharp and mysterious hellhound known as Talia's partner.

// crappy mobile post. I don't usually know how to roleplay out ic summonings and malk has already been tagged so I'll pretend that if she does show up on the scene, stocking somehow found her if that's alright
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯