Beasts of Beyond
QUEEN OF EVERYTHING YOU SEE -- open, joining - Printable Version

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QUEEN OF EVERYTHING YOU SEE -- open, joining - array - 03-28-2018

The childish little girl had long since passed the point of knowing where she was. She doubted she would ever make her way back to her siblings, but she supposed it would never be the same back home anyway without her favorite brother. Well, one of her favorite brothers, she wouldn't want the others to get jealous. Actually, did she even have a favorite? Lumi didn't know. The girl studded in freckles of green beryllium was hopelessly lost, not just within her surroundings, but within her mind as well. It was a strange kind of lost, but one she seemed to experience rather frequently. But oh, she'd really messed up this time! The girl had most certainly wandered too far, far too far. The plants here, they were different from back home, these weren't the same trees, this wasn't the same dirt, she could feel it.

Luminita just didn't know which way to go to get back, so the little wolf would continue marching on. It was rare to see the girl so worried, usually she radiated this carefree joyful energy, this constant hype, and although it was still there, it was muted. Made dull by the fear that was beginning to wrap itself around her mind. Any yet, she still found herself asking a butterfly if it had seen a wolf like her, with gems sticking out of him, and when it took flight, she followed it. The child chose to put her faith in the butterfly, and eventually, it had been led her to a place that brought that brilliant smile back to her features. There were animals here, a bunch of them, she could scent it. Surely Buggy would be here too?

Re: QUEEN OF EVERYTHING YOU SEE -- open, joining - Belladonna - 03-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna had, in fact, seen a wolf with gems growing out of him - but seeing the wolf walk so carelessly close to the edge of the Tanglewood's territory, she pressed her facial features together in a frown as she approached. "Woah, hey, careful - this forest is unsafe." she mewed, keeping her eye on the girl. There was something recognizable in her, but she couldn't quite place a finger - claw? - on it. "Do you know where you are?"


Re: QUEEN OF EVERYTHING YOU SEE -- open, joining - array - 03-30-2018

She should have known to stop a respectable distance away from the border, but that wasn't her style. Luminita was a strange kid, the piss line was interesting to her, or perhaps she was just offering her sympathy to the poor plants that happened to be the target of the pee. Lifting her head up as one approached her, the wolf couldn't help but hope to see Buggedout. That was, after all, who she had been looking for. Hm, no, that definitely wasn't Buggy, nope, not at all. Still though, the butterfly had led the young girl here, and she didn't believe it had meant to lead her astray. Actually, butterflies were mysterious creatures, it probably didn't even know she had been relying on it and was just running for dear life. Even so, Lumi didn't believe that it would have brought her to a dangerous forest, as this stranger said, but the girl would do her best to keep it in mind. That is, if she didn't forget again, something that seemed to happen rather frequently.

Then the stranger spoke again, this time not a warning, but a question, one that the wolf would easily be able to answer. "Nope, I'm totally lost." the girl would reply with a giggle. She was too young and stupid to know the severity of her situation quite yet, although she had been beginning to grasp it just before this girl came along. Those thoughts did not seem as though they would return anytime soon, not now when another being capable of her same speech was around. And quite a pretty stranger too, although the wolf velieved everything and everyone to be beautiful. But the girl's presence meant she was safe, that she was going to receive help, at least, that is what it usually meant. So there was no reason to worry, not until she was alone again, but when was she ever truely alone? There was always something living nearby, and if there wasn't, she would find a way to change that. It was just the way Lu opprrated.

Re: QUEEN OF EVERYTHING YOU SEE -- open, joining - BUGGEDOUT! - 03-31-2018

Buggy wouldn't lie to himself when he knew all to well that he missed one particular sibling of his, for she was one of his favorites (and definitely preferred some siblings over others) and his gut churned with each sickening thought of how he left his dear sister alone with the body of their mother to take care of as soon as he left. It made his small form weak, trembling after awaking from cold sweats in the dead of night with blurred faces mocking him for being the worst brother or that they were dead too because of he and his mother's actions. Why had he done that? What warranted such behavior and feelings as to isolate himself away from the only remaining family he had besides his father? Buggy simply wrote it off as him being an asshole and a coward, his mood growing bitter during his month of solitude while he made his way to Tanglewood would ratty fur and blood dried onto his fur, only the occasional traveler daring to speak with him as he replied angrily towards those who dared to comment on his appearance. But now, here he was- a wandering, battered soul who only seemed tense around many of the people he called clanmate with the more joyful ones finding themselves drawn to him, much to his annoyance. It was a bit hard to be an orphan like himself in a clan like this, so it was only logical that he did his best to isolate himself as he wandered around the clan as far as he could go without an adult tried to warn him of the territory around him.

That all seemed so little now though, especially with his bright yellow eyes locked onto his dear sibling who spoke with Bella so casually. Buggedout's stature changed drastically with fear and nausea overcoming him as he moved forward just to make sure this was his Lumi, which turned out to be all to true as he stood next to the tea loving feline. " What are you doing here? " His voice came clear despite the swirl of emotions inside of him, stabbing and rejoicing despite the dark tone his voice took on. " Luminita, why the fuck did you come here?! Where's Hriso or the others? " The boy's voice rose slightly and he couldn't hold back a paw that rose to the top of his head, gripping at the fluffy, hair-like fur that sat on top with his paws now holding an iron grip on it. This place would eat her up, Happy and Bella would be around her more, no doubt and that was only the little things. Buggy wasn't expecting this at all and just-- Gods, what was wrong with him?!


Re: QUEEN OF EVERYTHING YOU SEE -- open, joining - array - 03-31-2018

It was quite a surprise to see anyone remotely familiar, especially since Luminita had gotten so lost. Sure, Buggedout had disappeared and she had been looking for him, but she hadn't been too sure she'd actually find him. That butterfly had actually led her to her brother, she'd have to thank it if she ever saw it again. Hopefully she would, it had been quite an alluring little thing. But back to Buggy. Lumi's smile grew humongous when she spotted her brother. With all his gems and everything, it was quite a sight to behold. He'd grown a little, or maybe that was just his head fur? Either way, it surely was a frabjous day, she was reunited with her sibling once more.

But, he didn't seem all too happy though, if anything, her appearance made him stressed. He looked pretty frustrated, kinda like Hriso when she wandered off all the time, which she couldn't help but find humorous. She wondered how everyone was doing back home for a moment, suddenly realizing she hadn't meant to cause them any grief, but probably had. They were probably so worried, just because she'd gotten lost. Maybe she should go back, tell them that she was alright, but oh, she didn't know the way back! She didn't mean to make everyone worry, what had they done to deserve that? What was she to do now?

That bright smile on her features vanished rather quickly, and like the crybaby she was, and had always been, tears began to form at her optics. Flinging her front paws around Buggy, she'd aim to give him a big hug, crying loudly into his fur. "I was looking for you, dummy! And then I got lost, and I couldn't find my way back, and I was really scared!" she would sob. The girl knew it wasn't totally Buggy's fault, but he had made her think such sad thoughts, so maybe he did deserve to suffer a little bit too. "They're all still back home, probably really worried because I got lost again looking for you. Buggy is a bad bug for leaving. Why didn't you take me with you?" a bunch of feelings were spilling out of her heart, and perhaps she was being overly emotional, especially in front of this stranger next to them, but that's just how Lumi was. She'd always had a heart that was too big for her body.