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Of Gods and Witches | p, Rosemary - Printable Version

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Of Gods and Witches | p, Rosemary - Luciferr - 07-29-2018

/ha, I just remembered from your post abt the witches, in his backstory luci does have an adoptive daughter who was a witch so another talking point cx

it was a quiet early morning, no one was awake yet as far as he knew and only the faintest traces of pale blue sky were peeking on the horizon to herald the coming dawn - the waves slapping the shore were a soothing lull, but Lucifer was not drawn to sleep by them, in truth he rarely ever slept,

who would when haunted by such horrors, it was only lucky he and his kin could function fine without it, not that he didn't envy others their ability to find solace in that soothing dream realm.

so it was the huge dragon simply idled atop the rocky outcrop that overlooked this portion of the beach and inky night waves - his favourite spot to simply think these days.

so he was somewhat surprised when footsteps neared him, the spikes along his crest trailing down his neck flared upwards slightly in his surprise before they rested back into their neutral jagged upright position as that half scarred face turned

"I did not realise anyone else was awake"

[member=1130]rosemary roux[/member]


Re: Of Gods and Witches | p, Rosemary - ROSEMARY - 07-29-2018


Rosemary preferred a nocturnal existence; night air tended to stay cooler and less humid than the day, and less people wandering around meant she rarely dealt with her social anxiety during these late hours. However, she noticed Clan's resident dragon often stayed active in the night as well, despite how she knew he liked to mingle with the rest of the crew in daylight hours. Usually, she managed to avoid him with her stealth skills (and that he likely wasn't on guard around the territory), but tonight she felt like socializing. The feeling was rare enough for her that she almost didn't recognize it.

Noticing the large beast bristle as she approached, she hesitated, her paws stopping dead in her tracks as she considered turning around and going back to the temple to get more work done instead. As he relaxed and she heard his (possible?) greeting, she let out an exhale she hadn't quite realized she'd held in. To say that the male behemoth unsettled her was an understatement - she felt uneasy by his presence. Rosemary never liked strange men, even under ideal conditions, and having a powerful male beast around... this made her wary.

"I tend to live a more nocturnal life than the rest of the crew," Rosemary stated with a small nod, walking closer to the water's shoreline to take a seat in the sand. She found it difficult to even think of how to talk to him; conversation usually felt somewhat awkward to her, but this time she felt quite sure that it was a mistake to approach the dragon. Still, she knew how irrational this was, and it frustrated the witch that she couldn't just push through her trepidations. "Why are you still awake?" she asked, finally, deciding she was curious about that and supposing he shouldn't mind her returning his own question to him.

[Image: Om9iAuf.png]

Re: Of Gods and Witches | p, Rosemary - Luciferr - 08-07-2018

"Pretend to be everything you are not: teacher, husband, father. But there is one unavoidable truth you will never escape: You cannot change. You will always be a monster."
"I know. But I am your monster no longer."
For all that he mothered after near half the crew, lucifer hadn't and still partially wasn't the most social beast - often his presence was a background shadow, looming at any meetings and simply dispensing mostly an introduction or welcome to any new members, this was thawing however, the more he slowly got to know and trust in truth the rest of them all.

He wasn't born so suspicious and paranoid, but then, he hadn't had the most conventional upbringing after being robbed from his home - he and his brother - and then immersed in a torment of misery, no, he came by his paranoia and suspicion with reason.

But this was only Rosemary - and while he held the wise approach that anything, no matter how small or big had the potential to be dangerous - she was a Crewmate and thus his spines relaxed from their initial startled and the great dragon hummed with a nod, single mercurial eye closing in agreement - though the red never could.

She asked though and he simply flexed his claws against the ground befirfly with a hum of thought "I am more nocturnal myself given my nature...though sleep at all is something rare"

He seemed to smile somewhat self depreciatingly "...I do not sleep easy, sadly" he hummed, claws idly tapping and a slow breath from his nose "so instead I patrol or sit sentinel while the rest sleep easier than I"
