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SWEET NOTHINGS - open; joining lost creature - Printable Version

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SWEET NOTHINGS - open; joining lost creature - rhosmari - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]'Don't forget your place or you'll end up like Mommy..' The child remembered those words and he remembered why his mother had spoke them to him before they dragged her away. Where they had taken her he didn't know but he understood it was because Mommy had forgotten her place and they were going to make her remember it. This was but a distant memory now at least for a kid his age but it wasn't going to be something he forgot any time soon. He was afraid that because he ran away that they would get him again, and make sure that he didn't go back outside. But he would never, never forget his place and where he stood on the pecking order. The ideology had been beaten into him too many times for him to forget that. So whomever he saw first he would throw himself at their feet as was necessary of him. At first glance of the child it was obvious that he was strange and very much different to the typical 'normal' standards. Black fur was the first noticeable thing but what seemed to stream across his body and weave through his black body was not. Little and thick streams of lava that seemed to move like pulsing veins across his form were visible because of the light and heat they gave off. There were even some that seemed to cluster around his muzzle before draining down the sides of his face and down to his throat. His tail seemed to drip with lava that cooled upon impact of the ground instantly.

His little body was heavily exhausted and he inclined his head that was adorn with the horns of a ram, slowly beginning that curl though the black adornments were not as impressive yet as most others would be. His glowing solidly bright orange eyes roamed over the area and he waddled his way over to a plant, eyes never having seen something so green before and his first determination was that it was food and so he chomped it. But the moment it burned up in his jaws he spat it out the rest a burning remnant that didn't seem to bother him since he was too preoccupied with the taste. It was disgusting! His heated glowing orange tongue swiped at his muzzle as he attempted to get he taste out of his mouth and his stomach grumbled loudly. He'd never hurt like this in his tum tum before and a whine left his throat as he moved forward just a little bit more, pawsteps leaving burning indentations upon the ground. Was there any one even around here. His nose twitched before he sat down with a soft huff and then laid on his side, burning the ground to a heated burning of sand and rock as he just laid there for a moment. Hardly visible around his neck was a pure diamond collar, indented with a square like pattern. It was a symbol of how low he was on the totem pole but that hardly mattered to the pup. What mattered was getting some food and he stretched out his body, reaching with thick and dark black claws for nothing in particular, not wanting to start a tantrum.

Re: SWEET NOTHINGS - open; joining lost creature - deimos - 07-29-2018

[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The smell of something burning was what drew Deldrach's attention on her walk. She was used to the taste of smoke in the air, wildfires all to easy to start in the dry seasons where she was born. But to smell it here was at the least concerning. Her pace picked up, trying to see where the flames located from- only to find none and a body instead. A body, drenched in channels of lava and with a pair of horns atop it's head.

She frowned, trying to think tactically about walking closer, before her eyes narrowed. She opened her maw, speaking clearly to the body laying on the ground, as she was standing behind him. "You are aware you're trespassing, correct?" Deldrach said, still on guard and rather intolerant of the idea of relaxing around someone she didn't quite know.

// lazy post im sorry qq

Re: SWEET NOTHINGS - open; joining lost creature - rhosmari - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]The young boy jolted when he heard something behind him. Or rather someone and he jerked his head up from the ground followed by his whole body as he hurriedly got to his paws. His heated form left a blackened imprint of where he used to be laying but right now his focus was on the woman that was before him. Ah, what was he supposed to do again. This was important especially when he was addressed and he dipped his head suddenly, body hunching down with nose pressed heavily against the ground. Yep yep! He was supposed to bow and she didn’t have one of the clear collars on which meant she was higher than he was so he had to bow. If he didn’t bow he could get slapped or worse, doused with water. He remembered when that had happened and it had been one of the worst pains he had ever been in before. He didn’t dare pick his gaze up from the ground. Eye contact was not permitted and he shivered a bit as his muscles started to ache. She’d said something to him and he swallowed hard realizing that h and had done something wrong. Something bad and he winced internally. ”I’m really sorry! I didn’t know and I won’t do it again.” Really he expected to get punished for it and the young hellhound folded his ears down against his skull, claws digging into the ground. Frankly he just hoped it wasn’t water.

Re: SWEET NOTHINGS - open; joining lost creature - deimos - 07-29-2018

[img width=520][/img]
[div style="background-color: #1c1c18; color: #d2b25b; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 520px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]// oof, just changed aesthetics qq

It was normal to see the surprise as he jolted up. But as he paused, giving her a strange look, then suddenly submitting himself before her? Deldrach felt.. disgust. She hadn't seen anyone bow before her in ages, and honestly, it sickened her. She didn't deserve to be bowed before. Her ears flattened, teeth gritting and her jowls lifting in a grimace. She shook her head quickly, her eyes- which, the mutation where she was born, denounced royalty- narrowing.

"Nay, do not bow before me. Stand up." Deldrach's tone may have made it sound like an order to the Hellhound, but that was simply how Deldrach spoke. "Don't worry about the trespassing part, as long as you aren't here to attack us. Who are you?" She questioned, her tail flicking slowly. This was.. a strange one, to say the least.


Re: SWEET NOTHINGS - open; joining lost creature - PINCHER - 07-29-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher had never had any deep connection with his mother nor his father. He couldn't blame the lack of connection with his mother because he had been taken away from her before he had been able to get to know well enough. All he remembered was her mysterious rituals and hushed tone, one that he seemed to carry in his voice that contrasted his father's rugged deep tone. The memories of her were faded like forgotten antique photos that one found in their basement after years passing by like old pages from a book. His father's presency was not absent but that didn't mean it had been a positive part of Pincher's life. He didn't feel any warmth or sentimentality for any of his parental figures and there were times when he would feel...sad and lonely that he didn't have any fond memories of them. They were either not there or had actively been around to bring Pincher and manipulate him into doing their bidding. It was frustrating and not because of him but because his children were never able to claim a good grandparent. They did have Jacob's side of the family that had his father to play that role but the demigod desired that his parents would have at least tried to be good influences. But that was the past and Pincher didn't want to sink into a state of self created sadness. He had shit to do and now was not the time.

The captain was busy rifling through papers with his fictional eyebrows furrowed as he glared at the possible ideas that he had to chronologically order so things would not become cluttered. It was wonderful that he was being introduced with multiple plans, the only problem was the cursed timing he had to do to see if they would all run smoothly without bumps or drawbacks. But the more he broke his head with planning, the more frustrated he became and the wildcat snarled and pushed back the papers and headed out of his submarine to take a smoke in private. As he popped an ivory white cigarette into his lips, the male trekked out into the jungle with his glowing ice blue eyes locked forward as he inhaled the air before he heard voices, one that he was able to identify as Deldrach's and one of a stranger that sounded quite young. His long tongue forked out to taste the air and smoke filled his senses and he knew it wasn't his cigarette because it was unlit and dry. Rolling his broad shoulders, the large powerful predator stalked slowly towards the scene with his form halting beside the figure of the lioness, halting beside her. He glanced over at her, appreciating that she was around to notice the trespasser before locking his calculative gaze onto the strange creature that appeared to have lava outlining his form. "The hell are you, kid?" Pincher simply questioned with an eyebrow quirking, curiosity enveloping him.

Re: SWEET NOTHINGS - open; joining lost creature - lilyspoise - 07-29-2018

i learned love is like a brick:
you can build a house
In a past life, Lilyspoise was a royal, a princess of a kingdom faraway. In this life, however, Lil was simply a domestic feline, a host to her two twinsouls, and a medic. And in full honestly, she preferred it this way, so stumbling across a creature coated in lava bowing to one of her clanmates was... unusual, she supposed the wording would be. She had arrived in time to hear the young boy apologize and Deldrach inquiring as to who he was, and although she was perfectly content to stay quiet and wait for him to reply, the more motherly of the trio of souls immediately pushed for control of the host. Lil found herself relinquishing it easily-- she didn't really care either way.

"Sweetheart, are you lost?" Lissa asked softly, the only tell that there had been a soul swap being the change in eye colors from a lilac to a soft red, and of course the personality change, but she didn't think either knew Lil well enough to pass judgement on the difference from how she "usually" acted. Of course, that changed when Pincher arrived, but Lil still found herself apathetic to the idea of Pincher knowing of her twinsouls. It was no secret -- she would speak openly about it, if asked to -- but she didn't put it on full blast. Still, Lil supposed she should've given stricter guidelines to Lissa and Eli, because knowing them they'd run off and try to make friends with people she'd already formed relationship with. Not that that was a bad thing, but she could see it leading to some confusion. "What's your name, dear? We can keep you safe, if that's what you need."
or sink a dead body.

Re: SWEET NOTHINGS - open; joining lost creature - rhosmari - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Really, he hadn't expected so many faces to come forward and it made him feel terror inside of his body. That unease that wormed its way up into his throat and attempted to constrict it. He felt horrid but it wouldn't go away because deep down he felt like he was doing something wrong and if he didn't answer their questions truthfully he would be punished. They had every right to do so and he understood this. It was their given right to do whatever they wanted with him and he'd have to accept it. He swallowed thickly as he thought of this as their was no other life for him. He was obedient to his very core and what the first one said he figured was a test to prove to her that he understood his place. He understood his place. Squishing his face harder against the ground and closing his bright glowing orange eyes tightly he puffed out air before he shook his head a little harder than intended. "I-I sorry to deny your request, ma'am. But it is against my status to not kneel before those higher than myself." Had he passed? He wasn't sure but he really hoped he had. Wiggling his rump a bit as he struggled to hold the position as he would only rise if he was told to so something for one of them. Hopefully they had jobs that he could perform for them, right?

This place surely had use for him. Or so he hoped as he had been walking alone for so long and he missed his mother terribly. A rough breath left him and he tried not to look at the large male that came forward. He was terrifying and he didn't know if he was going to try and eat him or not. He really, really hoped he didn't try to eat him. " name's Dadga your higherships. I'm a hellhound, I think." The more soft and motherly voice did catch his attention but he didn't dare look up to see whom had spoke to him. Instead he focused his ears in that direction, waving his lava dripping tail before he gave a nod of his head that thumped his chin against the ground. The pain of the action made him wince a bit but he pushed on because he was a good boy. He'd always be a good boy and even in the dire of situation he would do his servitude well and please his highers. His betters. "I'm...kinda lost I think, your highership. I'm Dagda and I'd like to be in service to someone here if that's okay. I can do a lot of things. Like fetching things and cleaning things. I've cleaned a lot of things."

Re: SWEET NOTHINGS - open; joining lost creature - purgatory - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:8.5pt;text-align:justify;line-height:110%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;color:#5c5c5c"]Cronas hadn't been alive long enough to understand the weight behind ranks despite holding a high one themselves. They were presented with it due to what they suppose is dedication and they accepted it. It wasn't like it was hindering them in any way, nor did it give them special rights or privileges. If that were the case, they were unaware of them. To be shown such respect was interesting to them and they began to wonder just how far the curious looking newcomer would go. Perhaps he was putting up an innocent front? Perhaps this was how he's raised? Cronas didn't have it in them to judge others, though never once were they not curious about something. Dagda held their interest for a bit as the child approached on quiet paws. Seating themselves next to Deldrach, abnormally pale crystal blue eyes stared at the hellhound for a while as a long grey tail wrapped itself neatly over their paws. Only when they were comfortable did they speak, their voice holding its usual monotone flatness. "Hell...hound?" They echoed, cranium tilting slightly to the side. "Cronas thinks Dagda is interesting." They meowed, referring to him overall. The way he speaks, acts and looks is all new to the feline. To them, it's a learning experience- like a lot of things. "Cronas would like to know if there are more creatures like Dagda... Hellhounds, they mean." Came their flat inquiry. There was a noticeable pause before they breathed a soft, "oh." before dipping their head politely. They seemed to have gotten ahead of themselves, didn't they? It was impolite of them to ask him questions about himself when he requested to join and Cronas hadn't introduced themselves. "Cronas is Cronas." They started, lifting their head. "If Dagda would like to join the Typhoon, he is welcome to do so." They weren't sure what he meant by "be in service to someone" but Cronas knew Dagda knew what he was talking about. The Privateer decided to let him handle that part by himself.
[div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;margin-left:50px;margin-top:10px"] sincerely, inadvertent ignorance ・゚✧*

Re: SWEET NOTHINGS - open; joining lost creature - JUNJI - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]unholy. hellhounds, creatures of the lowest pits of hell, straight from the arms of the devil and into this world. the little half-angel couldn't help but bristle as he came to stand behind pincher, peering with wide sea green eyes at the older child. he knew it was bad to judge—dagda didn't seem very hellish to him—but it was in his blood to be wary of the creatures that had turned against the heavens. still, junji stayed, keeping his gaze fixed on the canine from where he practically hid behind the captain.

"...status?" the child asked slowly, tipping his head slightly. to cronas, he flicked his tail and frowned. "there's plenty of him in the world... and underworld." he said, voice quiet. junji shuffled a bit further into view. he drew his eyes warily over the larger creature before softly clearing his throat. "uh, i'm junji."

Re: SWEET NOTHINGS - open; joining lost creature - deimos - 07-30-2018

[img width=520][/img]
[div style="background-color: #1c1c18; color: #d2b25b; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 520px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Alright, that started to piss her off. This kid's ass was in the air, his nose practically sliding in the dirt beneath his muzzle and his entire body was shaking. Deldrach cleared her throat. She knew what she had to do to make this kid more comfortable- the people standing about her wouldn't like it, but she had to do it. "I said stand. That is an order. And if you know what matters to you, which should be your life, you'll do it."

When Deldrach spoke, her tone was cold and her eyes were narrowed. Her head was held high, tail lashing. Deldrach was fit back into the mold she had long abandoned when first arriving here, when her daughter died, when Primus took everything from her. The Queen was back on high.
