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YOU FOUGHT WITH THE DEVIL'S HEARTBEAT && open, temp joining. - Printable Version

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YOU FOUGHT WITH THE DEVIL'S HEARTBEAT && open, temp joining. - OWEN. - 07-29-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd traveler tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: center; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
Owen never thought that he'd be able to stay in one place, with all the raptors having disappeared except Delta. It was unfamiliar for him, odd even. He knew that Delta stayed here in the Ascendants, it was confirmed the moment that he had brought the gift baskets in for the group. The three girls whom showed up were quite the lookers, although Owen could never really find himself romantically attracted to females anymore. It just didn't feel right for him, so he usually just stuck to his occasional smash and passes with them. Nothing more.

The black and brown german shepherd had been here before, amber eyes watching the observatory from a distance. He looked reluctant, hesitant. Should he just.. Yell out? He had already been here recently, would it be weird for him to just.. Stay for a while? He had to look for Blue, Charlie, and Echo, after all. There would need to be quite the search party, but then an idea hit him. He had trained the raptors to scent out things, maybe he could get Delta to lead him to the other girls? Then again, it had been so long since Delta had done a scent trail that it seemed impossible.

Distance, something Owen had favored while he was out of commission for those many moons. But now, the shepherd craved the presence of others, despite being the lone wolf that he used to be. He turned his gaze back up towards the Ascendants home, a loud sigh leaving his maw. Well, fuck it.

"Hello! My name is Owen, I've come here before. I'm here to join for a bit." He barked, shaking dirt from his paws idly. They'd come, probably.

Re: YOU FOUGHT WITH THE DEVIL'S HEARTBEAT && open, temp joining. - axiom - 07-29-2018

For now, with her alpha back in the first time in a long while, Delta sticks close to him; she does not want him to vanish again. She is used to her sisters slipping out for extended times alone, as they never truly needed to stay as a pack these days, with such easy mammal prey. Delta prefers hunting alone herself, avoiding squabbles over the best bits of a carcass, unless the prey was too big to take down easily.

Owen, however, is strange to her in that he is her parent - and therefore as strong as her, in Delta's feral mind - yet he is small. It is easy to lose sight of him in dense foliage, but she doesn't have a problem following his scent to keep close on his tail (metaphorically and literally speaking). Thus, as Owen pauses to shake his paw, she stops too. Noticing that they are near the human constructed building, she sneers at it momentarily before her dark eyes return to Owen and surveying the nearby territory. While she liked living here because her three favorite pack mammals lived her, she hated dealing with the ones that wore shiny things on their heads - the big one gave her that nasty scar on her face, and she does not forgive him.

Re: YOU FOUGHT WITH THE DEVIL'S HEARTBEAT && open, temp joining. - Suiteheart - 07-29-2018

"Then welcome to our wild bunch, Owen," Suiteheart responded as a smile surfaced across her lips. While she knew Owen had once been here, she wasn't sure if that had interacted with him outside of one or two times. Even so, he seemed incredibly interesting; after all, how often did you come into contact with someone who had control over fucking dinosaurs?

She found her smile widening just as bit as she spotted Delta beside him. In the last few weeks, the Folie-Mikaelsons had developed an odd symbiotic relationship; the vampire duo left carcasses just over the Ascendants borders and Delta came along and disposed of them in order to feed. Had Suite grown oddly attached to the utahraptor? Yes.

"I think Delta'll be happy to have you too, Owen," she added, motioning with her towards the feral girl.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: YOU FOUGHT WITH THE DEVIL'S HEARTBEAT && open, temp joining. - OWEN. - 07-29-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd ascendants tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
"It's rather surprising to see my girls taking any interest in other beings. It's nice to meet you, Suiteheart." He laughed out softly, happiness bubbling up inside of him as his paw reached up to gently attempt to pat the larger raptor's side. An affectionate click left his throat, and he began to stride forward, muscles rippling under his thick pelt.

While it was strange for him to talk with others like him, he thought it would be best to learn now. He needed to know who hurt Delta, after all. "Hey, do you know who gave Delta these nasty scars?" Owen asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice as he flicked his amber gaze up to the utahraptor's neck. Whoever did this would be getting quite the ass-beating. He hated when someone hurt his girls.

Re: YOU FOUGHT WITH THE DEVIL'S HEARTBEAT && open, temp joining. - Tex - 07-29-2018

"just visiting then?" the lioness would inquire, casually being the first one to greet the german shepherd who she's never before met. most likely, he was here a while ago and left before the time she first joined since she doesn't recall ever meeting him before this little encounter. now what is it that she is apparently supposed to say? normally she'd see folks say 'welcome to the clan' or that it's 'great to meet you' to newcomers. none of those she'd really say to people she doesn't know a thing about, but a greeting nonetheless. ah fuck it, traditional it is until she can find something new to say. "welcome back, i suppose. texas is the name, but tex for short." the freelancer would add since she really didn't know how this place worked with people coming back only for a few playdates or whatever business they may have to take care of. all she knew was that it had no amount of relevancy to her current life, just yet. "as for your friend there, no clue who. sorry." the agent would add with a flick of her tail. her best guess would be one of those enemy clans, but there was no guarantee about that.

//jurassic world *heart*
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