Beasts of Beyond
OLEANDER FLOWER ¤¤ JOINING - Printable Version

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Memories. It could be a such nasty thing especially when it involved memories of the past you not wanted to remember. So to get ride of this unpleasant memories erased them all entierly. Locking them away, erasing them to make life become better, easier. However, memories always seemed to work in a unpredicable way. It was the memories how made you to the person you was so if erasing one special one of them?. No matter how small they might be it the consequences could replace that small part to make it to a big deal. Without that memory apart of the man got lost. Like something was missing, a hole that never could get filled. But it had still been better days. Because without that memory a damaged man had become less...damaged. Without that part a man how never had know how it felt to be truly loved was blessed without that sort of warmth to instead only knowing how coldness felt like. It was that sort of memory how had got closed away not because of not wanting to know - oh no. It all had been because of the lies build up around it. If believing that warmth was real but then wake up to realise it never had been?. A false reality. It could shattered a man's sanity, destroy a person heart.

Pain, pain, pain.

The worst part?. To have thought it was all real and having done everything to get it back only for the cruel reality to come crashing down right in front of the man face. Oh, the world could be so cruel they said but people could be such monsters. So of course if there was a way to erase all of the agony who wouldn't have picked a less suffering path?.

It had gone well. He had been doing fine. To not know was sometimes better. Despite knowing of not knowing had never wanted to unlock any of it. But then of course. The monsters returned. Mocking, upsetting, playing around and around in a game so well known for himself. But not had he backed down, accepting the game to win. So close, so close. But the monster had have one last thing underneath her sleeve. To awake the most unpleasant memory - no, not the most unpleasant but for sure the most heart breaking one. The truth about those lovely lips inside of his bed how only had deceived. The death of the unborn. Sacrifice, sacrifice. Blood, blood.Laughter, laughter. A joke. It had been devastating, it had been unberable but then everything had turned black. Before losing it all everything had been destroyed.

In a new unfamilliar world had he woken up, raising from the ashes. Yes, a brand new world but oh the memories was still there. Those feelings inside that was boiling. So much emotions and it was spreading. Round and round again. The toxic feelings wanted out to infect others, to spread this desease inside of him.
Kazumi finally stopt once the scent of a other territory entered the nose, a smirk present so pleasantly as the vampire stood there by the border, studing, observing. It was a lovely day outside today with sun shining high up in the sky and birds singing like angels themself was blessing them today with thier lovely voices. Oh if only they knew about the chaos that was waiting around the corner, about the desease that was standing right in front of thier very eyes. A disaster how should get put to sleep but instead was here to contunie to spread this oleander flower.

Always and forever.

// don't worry if you think this is confusing, it's suppose to be!! Kazumi posts is not always going to make sense cx Aside from that hellp guys! here i'm, it took me the whole day to write this out but you know


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]junji had taken to walking the island alone, enjoying the quiet and using his time to learn more about his new home. it certainly was a beautiful day; sun shining, birds trilling, the sight and sound of the ocean never growing old. except, today, a strange-looking dog stood in front of the view, silent, almost calculating. it was creepy, but he wouldn't let that get in the way of welcoming him.

the child shuffled through the gritty sand and came to a stop a few steps away, offering a smile up to kazumi. "hello!" junji greeted, still unable to shake the eerie feeling. "i'm junji. are you new here?"


Katherine was unsure of what to think about people joining. She had been born in The Typhoon, so she didn't know annything about joining places. The young bengal came up behind Junji, as she just stared at Kazumi. She wondered who he was. But maybe, she'd at least introduce herself. "Hello. Welcome to The Typhoon. I'm Katherine Roux-cipher. Who are you?" Kate thought she sounded dumb for even saying what she said. But she at least introduce herself to the stranger.

//SEINA<333 Hi bb
TAGSKatherine Roux-Cipher of The Typhoon PLAYLIST

Re: OLEANDER FLOWER ¤¤ JOINING - Luciferr - 07-29-2018

Lucifer ofte took to patrolling the border routes via the sky, the dragon having held dominion over the skies of their beloved pirate homeland since he'd been here - a frequent sight that many in the Typhoon had likely since gotten used to when the ones who weren't used to seeing a live dragon, though they usually got over that fairly quickly,

or well he hoped so, even if a few did have a tendency to stare at the large red mar adorning his face.

spotting Junji and Katherine approaching a stranger, the dragon god shifted his slight path accordingly and began descending before landing some ways from the two and steadily joining them, idly watching out for them and eyeing the stranger with curiosity.

he often met joiners with hints of suspicion but always unfailingly polite unless proven otherwise - for all his long life and prior lives, the dark god would never and could never fully shake his inherent distrust of unknowns.

still he kept quiet for now until the other spoke up.

/yo welcome! c:



CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Memories were important in the eyes of Pincher. They helped define him even if many of them were not okay, some had scarred him and haunted him even after months had passed. But there were good memories especially recently with his children growing up and his crewmates showing a lot of progression for the future of the crew. Now he was engaged and would soon become a husband to Jacob, a man he loved very much. Despite the darkness that dwelled in the back of his head, the jaguar forced himself to stay focused and honed onto improving and getting better. He may be seen as a decent captain but he wanted to be better. The broad shouldered figure was enjoying a simple break from work, his large form stretched inside a hammock with his eyes closed shut as he hummed softly. All he could hear was the soft crashing of the waves and the faint calls of the seagulls and crewmates, Pincher letting his thoughts drift away from him. All he allowed was positive emotions to seep in as he thought about his wedding day, a faint smirk tracing his muzzle until he realized it was probably better for him to head out and check the border.

With a soft sigh escaping his jaws as he pushed himself off the hammock and the dark ash gray wildcat began to trek towards the border when he noticed the pawprints heading towards the same direction on the sand. Curious, the male began to quicken up his pace until it was a light trot with his long onyx talk waved lazily in the air. As he followed in after Lucifer, the demigod halted beside the others with his vibrant electric blue gaze flickering towards the Junji and Katherine, glad to see the children were alright. He tipped his head ever so slightly when he caught sight of Kazumi, wondering who they might be and why they were here. Their appearance was certainly odd but then again so was his with his being tattooed and scarred with an unusual coloring for a jaguar but the wildcat simply went to a sitting position to wait for a response from the stranger.



[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;text-transform:lowercase;"]  shriiieeeks - welcome to the typhoon! ^^//

Memories were a dangerous thing to them. Dark obtrusive thoughts argus had practice keeping out. Living with ghosts that were easy to ignore until they weren't. Until one ghost actually had a voice, and a body- and argus was left facing someone they knew long ago. Trying to decipher if the vision was actually real or another illusion. Times were argus shook with the revelations of what they have done- times that these ghosts seem to haunt her most.

But Pincher was right, in that they helped define a person. It was very rarely that their memories would become a comfort to them. Only the recent one's were, now a days. Most of their past- most of their lives were filled with regret. It is not something easy to come from, not something easy to manage either. But they were apart of them now, and sometimes, in the darker nights argus can admit to the necessity of these regrets. You need to mourn to be able to move on, and argus still had a lot to mourn, still had a lot of regrets to push through to ever be free of this mess.

It was easier to stay focused when they had people to entertain. Being alone wasn't best for them, and it was the reason why they needed a clan around them. People to annoy and trick and talk to. It was easier to push past memories and thoughts and ghosts when they could focus on the present around them. So they always migrated closer to their crewmates, and they wished they could say it was the sounds of conversation that drew them in.

But argus' ability to sense spirits has always been keener than their nose and ears, sharper than eyes. Hunting down spirits- living or dead had only honned it. And like many things- argus sometimes got feelings. Sensing someone fimiluar- something that they knew wasn't there, but they followed it anyways. It was one of the reasons they strayed from the border even now. The feeling of a spirit that they knew- a daughter, a sisiter- a mother sometimes. But this one was close. Argus did not rush closer, still within the borders. But as they got closer to the border the sense only got stronger. and dread- anticipation on the tip of their tongue. When they landed they spotted an unfimiluar animal. But the eyes- those eyes were f i m u l u a r.

Through narrowed eyes, the wolf stepped up to the side of pincher. Dull red eyes watching the other tensely. "Hn."


There was always something he liked to do when arriving to a new place and that was to observe. There was so much to learn about a place if just paying attention to the details. A island that was isolated from the rest of the world. A place many called for the paradise island. This was the sort of place many come to when wanting to escape thier previous life to make a new one, maybe even a better one. The neglected, the ones how had been treated wrongly. Here they come to be accepted for who they where. Oh how ridiculous that was. It reminded him about that one clan he once had been apart of. The home for the exiled.

That was not his reasons for having come here. It never was, never would be. He was not created for that.

Kazumi catch himself out from his own thoughts the moment pawsteps was heared. Mismatched orbs would glance down on the first one how had arrived. A child. Oh the irony of that. If not having been here for friendly purposes would have torn this child apart to very very tiny pieces until there was nothing left then torn apart pieces. Unfortunate for himself couldn't, not yet at least. The child looked a bit uncomfortble in his present though so in return to that he would smile, that sweet one you wouldn't dare to break. " Hello there sweetpie." he would hum in a pleasant tone, but his eyes stared down at him carrying the perfect facade but still, something was clearly off about him. " Not exactly but almost correct." he then said, perhaps confusing the youngster a bit but the vampire seemed all to unconcered about it. " I was just...enjoying the view, while waiting for ya prectious crewmates to arrive."

Just then he said that more seemed to arrive shortly afterwards. Most of them where quiet, observing him just like he did with them. Made perfect sense. There was some he was paying extra attention to. Like the dragon. Aha, who didn't loved this powerful and elegent creatures?. It had been so long since last time having seen a dragon last time so for sure this was a pleasant sight for the vampire. Such a magnificent creature indeed. Then there was a jaguar, a odd coloring one but wouldn't judge. Kazumi had always loved more outstanding apperances how was bold and dared to stand out. Personally couldn't say the same about his own coloring design, prefering something more in his own taste. But was somewhat stuck in this body, sadly. The jaguar looked to be somewhat importand in this place though. Carrying himself in that way and oh, the way he looked at the child. Interesting. The third indvindual only catch a briefly of his attention. A white winged wolf with a hole inside of her chest. Hollow. To prevent himself from growling bite down on his tounge. Memories,memories, memories. Oh he wanted to destroy them all.

His eyes was shifting themself away from the wolf to let them land down on the final one, also a child it seemed like how just had introduced herself. Katherine. No,no,no. What a bad and horrible joke. Disgusting, disgusting, go away. Keeping his facade at place his smile turned to a wide grin. Put the mask on, put the mask on." My name's Kazumi. It's a real pleasure to meet ya, Katherine." He said the name 'katherine' even more cheerful. Dancing with the flames inside would with relife turn his eyes away from her, knowing he not yet had said why he had come here. No one had asked him yet which was a bit of a suprise but not necessery  a bad one. Maybe this world was different - well not different but refreshed. " Aha what a crowd. I guess i should tell ya all why i'm here, no?. Well i heared a rumor that ya people took in the unwanted?. So i thought why not give it a try, neh?." he finished with a smirk now, and from there on could not do much more then to wait to listen what they would say.

// reiko-chan and whisp!! <33 and thanks for the welcome guys!