Beasts of Beyond
Let it sink in thinking whatever| Joining |Better now than forever - Printable Version

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Let it sink in thinking whatever| Joining |Better now than forever - Sweetopia - 03-28-2018

A great day was one such as today, sun partially shining through the clouds, breeze riding through making soft sounds as it hit many objects. Brightly colored specks could be seen in the underbrush as the golden tabby tiger dug through it, making himself a clean path. Prey would scatter away from the bigger creature as he emerged from most of the gathered plants, snapping as he stepped on a few, causing them to easily break; such as a bite from a bigger animal to a smaller animal's body.

Satisfied with getting through most of the annoying plants, the tiger would inspect the surrounding area, seeing if anyone was currently in the area. Sniffing about, the male could obviously tell that this was the group that he was looking for, rather then the others. Giving a great grunt, the bright pelted tiger would sit himself down, sitting unnaturally neatly.

"Hello, anyone there?"
Haruto called out, but not loud enough to give a poor soul a headache.

Re: Let it sink in thinking whatever| Joining |Better now than forever - COSMIIX - 03-28-2018

Making her way over towards the sound of an unfamiliar voice, the jaguaress would blink her mismatched gaze for a moment taking in the sight of a handsome golden tabby tiger. She wasn't wearing her cloak like she usually did but her entire body was now open to all curious eyes that wished to look upon her, jewelry on her as the golden tail rings hit each other every now and then as she offered a slim smile "What's your name, darling?" She finally uttered in a cool, smooth voice laced with an Egyptian accent before she pressed her slender form to the bark of one of the trees that surrounded them "Also your business on these lands," She was going to be straightforward and not waste another moment of figuring out who this stranger was, she was certain that if he was here to join then no one would tear him to shreds but if he wasn't well, he was nice to look at while it lasted. Her tail swept across the bark behind her continuing to smile and well, she was no temptress nor would she want to be one. Vladimir's impairment didn't really give her time to have fun with anyone well, she'd mess with him but he couldn't see her to begin with. Bleh.


Re: Let it sink in thinking whatever| Joining |Better now than forever - Sweetopia - 03-29-2018

The light colored tiger would give a small jaw drop as he saw the majestic creature in front of him. "Ā, anata wa kanzen ni utsukushīdesu." speaking in japanese as he's used to, tried to compliment the female, but probably already failed terribly. No one was used to speak in most other languages, but he most likely forgot anyways. Realizing that soon after, the male would give an embarrassed look, hoping most people would think he was fully hitting on her.

"I'm Haruto Nakano, and I'm here to join your lovely group." The golden fur beat would seem to purr, dispite the size he was. Acting like a smaller and more friendly cat was normal for him, although if someone messed with him; It would get ugly.

Re: Let it sink in thinking whatever| Joining |Better now than forever - COSMIIX - 03-29-2018

She took note of the small jaw drop and couldn't help but smile a bit further but once the tiger began speaking in Japanese is when she was a bit confused though she didn't reveal any of the confusion on her face offering an attractive smile instead. "Maybe later you can teach me some Japanese," Was her only response before listening to what his name was. Haruto Nakano. It was quite the name for someone of quite the appearance and his curved ears angled forward with a twitch of her whiskers deciding to introduce herself with a small nod "I am Amunet Ghana. Welcome to Tanglewood," She would release her own purr-like rumble though her mismatched gaze surveyed the area to try and see if anyone else was coming.


Re: Let it sink in thinking whatever| Joining |Better now than forever - Belladonna - 03-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna found herself intrigued as she heard someone - of all things - speaking Japanese. It was a language her mother had taught her, passed down in her family, but it wasn't her first language; she wasn't completely fluent.

But at the tiger's rumbling words, the she-cat padded over to the side of Amunet, a gentle giggle sprouting from her as she glanced between the two big cats. She caught the general gist of his words, and she gently nudged the other female, smiling shyly all the while. "You're quite the magnet aren't you, Amunet?" she joked, but her eyes went back to Haruto, and she added, "Haruto Nakano, was it? I'm Belladonna. Hajimemashte."


Re: Let it sink in thinking whatever| Joining |Better now than forever - Sweetopia - 03-29-2018

The tiger would stare at the two, excusing his own odd attitude and actions. "I'd love to Amunet, and thank you both for the welcome. I really appreciate it!" He would give a quick bow afterwards, seeming a bit hyper that he was accepted here. Maybe the walking was worth it after all.