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ANOTHER MAN'S TREASURE / o, gifts - Printable Version

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ANOTHER MAN'S TREASURE / o, gifts - bubblegum - 07-29-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
today, goldie had a special surprise for everyone. a surprise that she had been working on for a long time. something she was incredibly excited to show off. it was going to be good and it would make others happy! she could give back to her crewmates what they'd given to her and feel proud of herself in the process. it wasn't often she felt proud of herself. but, in this moment, she most certainly did. she had worked her butt off on these.

the young girl had a very large crate. it was quite easily four times her own size and she had to stand on her hind legs just to reach inside. but, that's why she had lynn. she had been teaching the harpy eagle how to fetch, so now she could put it into use. she took it upon herself to push the crate from outside of the submarine all the way to barracuda bay. the girl was tough, so she could do it, but it would be pretty difficult. she'd need to take a couple of breaks in the middle of doing it and would slip on the sand a few times while lynn rode atop of the box.

the crate she shoved was filled with lots of baskets, all labelled with a name. inside each basket was a present or two along with a letter, addressed to each and every crewmate. she had made individual gifts for every single crewmate that lived inside the typhoon. some presents were more personal than others, of course, as she couldn't possibly know what every single crewmate liked just yet. some of them had just joined, after all. but, she tried her best to make something nice for every single person. she hoped they would like it. she spent a lot of time on all of it.

once she reached barracuda bay, she'd sit down, letting herself rest for a moment before quickly turning away. an excited expression was on her tired features as she looked around. her tail twitched back and forth quickly and she held a genuine, bright smile. "oi, i've made presents for everybody! come on over so i can give you yours!" she called, hoping at least most of her crewmates would arrive. she did create something for quite literally everybody, after all.

Re: ANOTHER MAN'S TREASURE / o, gifts - charrie graveyard - 07-29-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]It wasn't too often that Connor received a gift from someone. Of course, he had gotten gifts from Rox and Pinch, things he still kept with him in his cabin (although he wore his tie constantly) and held very close to his heart. But before joining the Typhoon, he had never gotten anything from anyone. To be honest, the whole idea of gifts had been extremely foreign to him. Perhaps it had been because he was never close enough to another living being to be gifted something out of kindness, or perhaps he had never been good enough for a gift. Who knew?

At Goldie's voice, the tabby cat was instantly intrigued, padding over with a small smile on his muzzle. Adjusting the tie around his neck, he would allow his eyes to wander to all the gifts at the younger she-cat's feet before he would speak. "Hello, Goldie. Feeling alright today?" Connor would greet her, blue eyes locking with hers.


Re: ANOTHER MAN'S TREASURE / o, gifts - Verdigris - 07-29-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Gold had told him she was making presents, once upon a time. It had been shortly after the tsunami when he had found her wandering along the shore, hauling along a heavy basket of rocks and other odds and ends. She had claimed that she would make everyone presents- even Caesar, despite their shared prediction that he would not appreciate it in the slightest.

  If literally everyone was receiving something, that must include himself as well, Paper thought. If he was an exception, she likely would have said so- she was too nice to get people’s hopes up. Whether or not he really deserved a present was irrelevant here, it would seem.

  Approaching behind Connor, Paper eyed the crate with a raised brow. That was a lot of gifts to prepare, but given Gold’s chronic habits of overworking herself and not sleeping enough- both of which she’d been lectured about by everyone and their mother, and neither of which she was likely to stop- he probably shouldn’t have been surprised that she managed it.

  ”How long did it take you to get all this out here?” he asked, gesturing to the crate. No one else besides Connor and Gold’s pet eagle was there, so she must have done most of the pushing by herself. Pincher would have a fit, not that Paper could really blame him.

Re: ANOTHER MAN'S TREASURE / o, gifts - Luciferr - 07-29-2018

Lucifer was of course nearby, the great drake never being far from a gathering  though he did shadow Goldie a few times these days, if only out of worry for the sickened child.

so of course he was there, the dark prince inclining his to the group and simply silent as connor had already asked what he would have anyway given his penchant for being a giant mother hen.


Re: ANOTHER MAN'S TREASURE / o, gifts - CELESTE G.M. - 07-29-2018

It was more than likely Temulin would not be included in "literally everyone" and she was fine with that. Still, it would be nice to see other people happy and she was still impressed at the effort that Goldie had gone to for preparing for such a thing. From what she'd seen, the Typhoon was by no means a particularly small group, so to make a present for the majority, if not all of it's members was... Well, the child must have a pretty excellent work ethic to say the very least about her.

She sits quite close by, trying to not to look as if she expects something from the child. After all, Temulin is semi-sure that the two have never actually met.
[div style="text-align:center;width:55%;font-size:11pt;font-family:times new roman;padding-TOP: 3px;"][color=white]SO STILL THIS BROKEN MELODY AND HEREWITH SHOULDER THEE

Re: ANOTHER MAN'S TREASURE / o, gifts - CLEO R. C. - 07-29-2018

Cleo was painfully materialistic in every sense of the word. Items extended to her a certain level of fascination and gemstones, in particular, had the nasty knack of always being capable of catching her eye. She had an already growing trove of useless treasures at her disposal, jewels - both real and fake - scattered around a tiny cave she had discovered while exploring. Her snakes guarded her possessions quite tenaciously, sinking venomous fangs into anything that strayed too closely, sometimes looting victims and adding their belongings to Cleo's ever growing collection. The tiny bengal would be kidding herself if she even tried to claim that she wasn't at all attached to the physical aspects of her world, knowing full and well that she valued them over many things when it came down to it. With that in mind, nobody should have been surprised to see her approach Goldie.

Items that you found were good and all, but items bestowed upon you by someone you liked or cared about were even better. [color=#445544]"I want a present!" The snake charmer would exclaim, exuding more emotion in that statement than she had ever before. In her presence was also Eshe, though the pair doubted that she'd receive a gift. The black mamba was not an official member of the Typhoon after all, it'd make no sense for her to be regarded as a real one, even if the idea of a gift fascinating her as well.

[color=#445544]"I want mine first, Goldie!" She insisted, [color=#445544]"Please."

Re: ANOTHER MAN'S TREASURE / o, gifts - PINCHER - 07-29-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher wasn't fond of surprises especially because he had a bad history with them. Unlike many who viewed surprises as a fun and exciting moment, Pincher only felt dread when someone said they had a surprise for him. His body would tense and his stomach would fill with butterflies made out of anxious paranoia. What the hell did they mean about surprises? His memories were plagued with a myraid of horrifying "surprises" that his father and uncle would do, cruel pranks that he had no knowledge of. One time as a child, he desired to sleep in peace after a long day's work as his father's puppet but once he had woken up, he had found the head of a stranger laying beside him and staring at him with wide glazed eyes. That had been the start of his bad reputation of surprises, his mind connecting horror to surprises so he tended to become very angsty and nervous when someone stated that they had a surprise for him. Hell, he had been nervous when someone had stated that they would give him a birthday surprise for the time he had turned a full year and had ended up slapping them in the face when they had jumped out from under his bed with a gift. Pincher wasn't very proud of himself for that and he hoped that one day he would be able to grow comfortable with the idea that surprises as well as presents were good.

The male was within the domains of the tavern enjoying a large mug of rum with his forked tongue lapping up the drink while he glanced down a book he had found rather interesting to read about. Of course it was a traveling book, one that focused on desert terrain and how one would be able to survive if ever finding themselves in it. He was in a chapter about sandstorms when he faintly heard the voice of his daughter call out and he turned his head towards the direction of where Goldie's voice was coming from. His vibrant ice blue eyes narrowed as he focused on the small golden brown speck of his daughter beside a large crate and he frowned, worried that she was pushing herself again. The towering male quickly scrambled out of his spot, leaving his book and rum behind as he trotted towards the gathering group. He didn't appear to realize what his daughter was doing as he brushed past Cleo and Connor, offering them a light warm touch but his attention was focused on his tired looking daughter as a worried frown laced his muzzle. "Goldie, you should be back home resting." He warned, his usual sharp ordering voice now soft and filled with warmth for his daughter as he went on a sitting position beside her, his long tail wrapping around her as he lowered his skull to softly bump his head with hers.

Re: ANOTHER MAN'S TREASURE / o, gifts - ROSEMARY - 07-29-2018


It wasn't hard for her to figure out why everyone was gathered around Goldie - she heard the call for presents, and it seemed that everyone rushed in. She couldn't blame them, though; she wanted to see what Goldie got her and everyone else as well - though she wished that the crowd wouldn't be quite so... large. Chewing on the inside of her cheeks, she stood off to the side as she watched, trying to stay out of the way for now.

[ ah quick post ]

[Image: Om9iAuf.png]

Re: ANOTHER MAN'S TREASURE / o, gifts - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-30-2018

The last time somebody had given him a gift was Roxanne, and she had given him the knife he constantly wore on his right foreleg. He found a sheath to put it in, and that's why it was always on him. Besides, he didn't want another tsunami happening and him having to go back and find it. "Surely you have a gift for me, don't you, Goldie?" Was Caesar mocking her? Kind of. Although he was legitimately curious as to what she got him, if anything.

Re: ANOTHER MAN'S TREASURE / o, gifts - VANDAL R. - 07-30-2018

"Pfft. C'mon, Pinchy, Dee will be fine," comes Vandal's soft, teasing snort as she wanders over, having been attracted by the prospect of presents. While she doesn't understand why it's necessary, she would never deny a gift, especially one from her niece. Without a doubt, Goldie would've worked hard on them, it's just how Goldie is, and Vandal is always happy enough to show support and appreciation for that she's being given.

Vandal stands next to her brother and brushes her shoulder against his, although she flicks her ear in greeting towards the others that have gathered around to see what all the commotion is about. Her lips sink into a warm smile at Cleo's insistence to be the recipient, at the others' curiosity, and the maned wolf lowers he head again to speak to her brother. "'Sides, look at her. She seems pretty fuckin' happy to be able to do this for everyone, ya see tha' smile?" Her voice lowers more, nothing more than a hushed whisper between them. "I know you're worried, Pinchy, but you an' I both know she's strong. She's a Roux, she's got that fighter's spirit and whatnot."