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FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD | o, curious visitor - Printable Version

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FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD | o, curious visitor - FELIKS - 07-29-2018

The male had a vast history in regards to 'groups'. For most of his adult life he had hopped around them, trying to find one that stuck just right with his morals and values but none seemed to adhere to decency. Many had been big name places that had fallen from grace and a similar fate was sure to cast itself upon these lands should they not be careful. Cynical voices within him spouted about how there was no point in joining a place if they were just going to treat you like a slave, but he couldn't be a loner. The griffin acted independently, did things to purposefully fall out with others, but no matter how much he tried to isolate himself he needed other animals. It was that requirement which brought him upon salty borders on that particular day, wings resting by his side as he waited on the viscous sands.

As knowledgeable as he claimed to be, he'd be the first to admit that he had no clue about the inner workings of any of the places around here - that was the first thing that needed to change. What good was getting involved in politics when you were as clueless as a newborn baby? Sure it didn't stop some creatures from pretending to be a know-it-all, but the pariah was smarter than that. A lot hung on how quick he was to wise up to all these different cultures. The only thing that was certain so far was that they were heavily territorial, and had it not been for the reputation of a neutral group on his shoulders the griffon would've placed a paw deeper into their lands just to see how they'd react. One of his feet did seem to lift and stretch slightly, as if toying with the idea regardless of the consequences, but common sense quickly shut it down.

"Sup? Heard a group lives around here, I wanted to check you guys out, see if you're hot shit or not," he cawed his intentions out for the jungle to hear, blown out pupils trying their hardest to fixate on the environment around him. It was too humid for him, Feliks too used to cold environments to ever feel truly comfortable in a total contrasting world. "If you're not I won't hold it against you, swear on me life, I'd be pretty bitter too if I was a below average intellectual," he clicked his beak as the sides of it became outstretched in a wily grin, back legs shaking in anticipation. The male was blissfully unaware that he was talking just a little bit too much, thoughts racing about as he tried to reel himself in. "Just wanna know your name... your culture... just stuff like that to be honest, I'm a cheery little stranger to these parts,.

Re: FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD | o, curious visitor - ARGUS - 07-29-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;text-transform:lowercase;"] Argus knew of another who did something akin to this. Gentle probeing of groups looking for information before carefully selecting a place to pledge their allegiance to. Except, that that person had already picked a home- and their intelligence gathering had been seen more as a threat than it ever should have been, if it was anyone other than argus to greet them at the border.

But as it stood, argus is inquisitive at nature, and while they picked their own clan to join rather impulsively, their wit was enough to compensate for the missing knowledge. Sending out spies to other groups with little fanfare to gather a little bit of information- enough to feel settled in picking the right clan and enough to keep tabs on any growing wars between the groups. If they had to they could always pose as a merchant to gather Intel. Trading some of their loot as well works wonders on easing someone else's tongue.

Argus was clever enough to tell when someone's prodding at information, and while there was some stuff they could tell there were other's that they were weary about saying. Either way- what is it to say that argus couldn't make them work for it? a smile played at their maw as they landed- large wings stretching to make a easy landfall before tucking back into a neutral stance. Dull red eyes watching the creature with keen eyes behind a uncaring facade.

"Hmm, while there is a bit to tell, it would be unwise to say anything to a stranger." Argus responded with a kind tone, beside their voice being on an octave akin to a growl. "Ya got a name, stranger?"

Re: FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD | o, curious visitor - Luciferr - 07-29-2018

how bold - and unsubtle.

Lucifer had been born into an empire once - and then stolen into a den of cruelties, lies and torments and that was but a portion of the long tale of his own - point being he hadn't been raised amongst such strife not to see what this was from a mile away even if they weren't being deliberately unsubtle.

oh sure culture might not have an impact from first glance, but give enough information on that and you had spies embedded in that went far more easily unnoticed than someone new and green to the clan and its culture in question as such - or those more knowledgeable to rig the game they played into their favour.

his siblings once long ago had often called him too suspicious and while he may have mellowed, Lucifer had always found it healthy to be wary of anything and everything for an underlying trap.

they'd all been blinded when dearest brother Corvus had turned on them after all - and family had always been a blindspot for him discounting his sire.

the cold that heralded his approach and exuded from his scaled form no doubt Told Argus he was there long before he'd arrived even if his daughter in law wasn't so attuned to when his presence was about - as it was the large dragon merely raised a brow over mismatched eyes at the griffin - ignoring the stab of melancholy, his sister had once taken a similar form, he missed her loud personality.


Re: FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD | o, curious visitor - rochelle - 07-29-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border: 0%;width:75%;text-align:justify;"]Fischer was ... not having a good day when she arrived to the scene. With her sight recently taken away, she was trying to map the territory again through movement. Sometimes it was much easier than it sounded, and other times, it was much harder. Today was one of those “other” times. How so? Well, she thought she’d been nearby the Tavern, but suddenly she tripped over railroad tracks and knew she was near the entrance to the territory.

The black smoke stood there, a sense of controlled disappointment and shame at herself that she tried to stuff away when she heard the voice of a stranger. A very pompous stranger, at that. Carefully, she made her way over, noting the scents of two other Typhooners. By voice she could tell it was Argus, and by scent she could tell it was Lucifer. But the stranger, however, she could not pinpoint anything about him, still unsure of the smells or sounds that belonged to particular species. He was, for sure, quite inquisitive, though she kept quiet for now, trying to reevaluate her surroundings.

Re: FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD | o, curious visitor - FELIKS - 07-29-2018

The caution exhibited by the other appeared to be nothing more than an unnecessary hurdle in the grand scheme of things. Regardless of whether or not this refuse chose to be honest with him, information would still be garnered some way. Perhaps through interrogation, a swift kick to another's teeth would've been enough to get them to spill the beans in most circumstances, or maybe he could grow lazy and ask someone about the groups of these territories. With bias ringing in the air from those like the 'Ascendants' (whom was on his list of animals he needed talk to since it was one of two names he was familiarised with) Feliks didn't understand why they'd take a risk making an enemy out of him. Heck, he was a pretty big deal! Was... a quick lump was swallowed in his throat followed shortly by a hoarse cackle, Feliks giving a brief nod of his head to the one who spoke to him. "Fair enough. I'll let ya in on a little secret though, I'm new to these parts, and you know what others are like, they tend to twist information about other groups to make their own seem cooler. You'll probably do it to, as you implied, honesty ain't always the best thing towards a stranger but really... what is there to learn that I could't just figure out the old fashioned way? I figured I'd be nice at least,".

He had no reason to be nice, no reason to be rude, no reason for anything in his life. With no purpose and no aspirations, he was like a spirit trying to break free of the shackles that mortality cast upon him, but it was easier said than done. Green eyes flashed towards Fischer and Lucifer, offering them the same silent treatment but keeping a note of their reactions towards him for future reference. The one showed no focus in their eyes, the other seemed a little chilly - no things that he wasn't yet adjusted to. Feliks had always been a tough cookie to phase, but apathy came at a great cost when on the inside he was a being overwhelmed with emotions. "Feliks," he cooed, looking back towards Argus. "It's Feliks... no last names or anything, can't stand family names... so it's just plain ol' Feliks,".

Re: FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD | o, curious visitor - coldblue - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Unlike the others, Coldblue does not seem to fear or suspect this stranger. Or maybe he does, and he is just good at hiding it. But it is more likely that he is filled with the idiotic boldness of youth or a lack of care for his life, so why should he give a shit anyways if he is staring down a big feathery cat/bird/thing? The handsome young bengal stands no taller than the newcomer's chest, but he is unfazed as he strides over with a cocky smirk. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Feliks-no-last-names-or-anything," drawls the boy without his expression faltering. "My name is Coldblue Damien Roux, Son of the Captain, Son of the First Captain." He bows with a flourish, but when he straightens his posture, the boy's composure has disappeared and a shit-eating grin now tugs at his lips. "Just fuckin' with ya. You can call me Blue. Have to warn ya though, if you come across a little yellow bastard, he more than likely will try to wield his rank to intimidate you or whatever." He means Caeser, that motherfucker. "So are you joining? Visiting? Staying? Leaving?" Blue obviously is bored out of his mind and is entertaining himself, and clearly feels no remorse for talking the poor dude's ear off.

Re: FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD | o, curious visitor - goodsprings - 07-29-2018

"ooh, hi feliks no-last-names-or-anything!" captainpaw announced his presence as he strolled toward the stranger, a big grin on his maw. he had never seen a creature so... large before. the closer he came to feliks, the smaller cap felt and he slowly edged closer to coldblue, ducking under the male slightly.

"i'm captainpaw..." he spoke a bit more shyly, looking down at his paws. why were his paws so wet now?

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD | o, curious visitor - PINCHER - 07-29-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher enjoyed knowledge and was incredibly fond of being able to peek behind the curtains to see how everything worked in places that he didn't know much of. His most dangerous trait was Pincher's intelligence and capability to study and research his enemies as well as anyone that threatened his crew. Which is why in the beginning of the Typhoon, he had created allies with everyone excpt Tanglewood to ensure he knew what their territory was like in case of future problems which had appeared after those allies broke off. He didn't mind it though because he had already gotten the most essential information that he needed if he ever desired to plot their downfall. With his crewmates by his side, he was positive that they would strike any fucker that dared to face them. The only flaw was the risks it was to give out information to beings that decided to check out the vast secluded island that was far away from the other groups but still connected by the strip of land that stretched out for three miles.

"All you have to know is that we're plundering pirates, snowflake." Came the rumbling low nonchalant voice of Pincher as the muscular lean figure of the cinder gray jaguar appeared behind the others with his long jet black tail twitching with slight irritation at seeing another Snowbounder come in. He understood they held a peace treaty but Pincher preferred to have them come in when he wanted them to, not when they wanted. He wasn't afraid to break the peace treaty and start shit once again if it showed that he was serious when he explained that the Typhoon would be off limits if Snowbound was too. His crewmates understood and didn't visit the damn place so he believed that should be understood. Yet, he wondered why Feliks had decided to check them out and why. He understood it was for information but why. What would that information be used for and why should any of his crew or himself spill their guts about what the Typhoon was. He had been lying a bit about the plundering pirates.

They were more than that do to Pincher's openness to anyone that dared to join them. If they were able to go through the entrance ritual, Pincher held respect for them no matter if they were some pacifist or trembling child. But for now, he wanted there to be a facade for creatures outside of the volcanic island to believe that they were just cutthroat ravagers that enjoy messing with others. "I'd suggest you to leave. Typhoon doesn't do visitors that have zero connections to the crew." Pincher stated flatly, his onyx black ear twitching as he locked his frigid magnetic ice blue eyes onto the griffin with his facial expression not holding much emotion except a sharpness of attentive contemplation.

Re: FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD | o, curious visitor - purgatory - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:8.5pt;text-align:justify;line-height:110%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;color:#5c5c5c"]Cronas didn't care for visitors either, but it has nothing to do with the Typhoon. They weren't joining so having a constant source of information was impossible. It sounds too troublesome to stay in contact with someone they wouldn't be able to speak to if they wanted nor would they be able to observe their behavior due to their absence. Visitors were useless to Cronas and Feliks was no exception. Though, the child could relate to the avian's curiosity. If he was so interested, he should just join and learn about them that way. But it seems he was going to be turned away without a drop of knowledge. Nothing Cronas could do there. Quietly joining the group, Cronas found their place next to Argus as empty blue eyes scanned over the large bird. "Hello, Cronas is Cronas." They introduced themselves first with a polite dip of their head. "Cronas wishes Feliks a safe trip on their way back." They meowed as they took a seat. Though their tone was flat, it was clear they sided with Pincher on the situation as they casually meowed their dismissive farewell.
[div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;margin-left:50px;margin-top:10px"] sincerely, inadvertent ignorance ・゚✧*