Beasts of Beyond
Sweetopia Here, New Member Alert - Printable Version

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Sweetopia Here, New Member Alert - Sweetopia - 03-28-2018

Heyya Candies your official name yayyyy, Sweetopia here, and I am new here! I decided to check it out after a friend showed me it, and this is gorgeous!

How are y'all today?!

Re: Sweetopia Here, New Member Alert - skypher - 03-28-2018

hellooo!! Im skypher, your friendly other world triangle! Im not a staff member but you can come to me if you wanna plot or have any questions c:

Re: Sweetopia Here, New Member Alert - fabrie - 03-28-2018

hey! welcome to the site. i'm fab + lemme know if you ever need help with anything!

Re: Sweetopia Here, New Member Alert - Sweetopia - 03-28-2018

hey skypher and fab, thanks so much for the warm welcomes!!! <3

Re: Sweetopia Here, New Member Alert - limerence - 03-28-2018

hey, welcome to the site!!!
im limerence c:
i'm not staff either but I'm also open to talk + plot if you ever want!

Re: Sweetopia Here, New Member Alert - Sweetopia - 03-28-2018

heyya limerence thanks for the welcome as well!

Re: Sweetopia Here, New Member Alert - Kicksie - 03-28-2018

♡ — helloooo, and welcome to the site!
i'm kicksie, a moderator here c:
if you ever have any questions or need anything, or even just someone to talk to and plot with, feel free to shoot me a message!

Re: Sweetopia Here, New Member Alert - Sweetopia - 03-29-2018

ahhhh thanks kicksie, i appreciate it!

Re: Sweetopia Here, New Member Alert - Imortapose - 03-29-2018

Hey there, and welcome to the site! I'm Imortapose, but you can call me Immy. Just like the others, you can message me if you ever have any questions, want to plot, or just feel like chatting. (x

I love your icon! I've been wanting to play Undertale recently. I bought it a while back, downloaded it and played it for a few days but I never finished it. With Spring Break around the corner, I could have an entire week to just sit down and play through it! 0:
Did you play Undertale, and did you replay it to go through all the routes or did you only go through one?

Re: Sweetopia Here, New Member Alert - Orion - 03-29-2018

Ayyy welcome to BoB! Name's Orion, some others also may call me Star. I'm the owner of this joint and if you have any questions, let me know.