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ANGSTY “LOVE” PLOT - Printable Version

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ANGSTY “LOVE” PLOT - cashew - 07-29-2018

heya! so i have this idea, let me share it with ya

my character is sylvina roux-cipher and she’s the daughter of pincher roux and aphra cipher (adopted father is jacob wickliff corleone)! she’s a very stubborn, ambitious, and super sassy little girl and is only five-ish months right now.

the plot i have in mind is that she somehow comes across y/c from a different group (someone around her age) and she instantly tries to fight them because shes a salty booger like that but then the two eventually get along and start talking which forms a friendship over time and over many visits which will lead her to her first childhood crush

y/c is free to have a crush back on her or not, it’s totally up to you! but as they grow up they’ll start to drift apart and then something will happen where they get mad at each other or one or the other gets mad/sees a character w/ another love interest and their relationship will instantly fizzle away

there’s a possibility they could get together in the future but after the two initially break off then sylvina will take it very rough and see y/c as an enemy. she’s very emotional despite her cold and tough personality

i would like if y/c could be from a clan in alliance with the typhoon but i can never pass up a good plot if it’s the right fit!

this would be a big contribution to her character development and why she wont let others get close to her so definately looking forward to playing it out!! just lmk what ya got!

Re: ANGSTY “LOVE” PLOT - Una. - 07-29-2018

Quick question: Does she like females or males or both?

Re: ANGSTY “LOVE” PLOT - cashew - 07-29-2018

Both! (:

Re: ANGSTY “LOVE” PLOT - Una. - 07-29-2018

I have Ellie in Sunhaven! She's six months old and she's a hellhound but that can change for the plot if nessecary!

Re: ANGSTY “LOVE” PLOT - cashew - 07-29-2018

that sounds perfect! she’s totally fine with being a hellhound! <3

Re: ANGSTY “LOVE” PLOT - Una. - 07-29-2018

Would you like them to have a thread? <3

Re: ANGSTY “LOVE” PLOT - cashew - 07-29-2018

that would be great ! im wondering how they should come across each other territory wise?

Re: ANGSTY “LOVE” PLOT - Una. - 07-29-2018

Ellie lives in Sunhaven but a member of Sunhaven is going to visit The Typhoon soon (I think) so maybe they could interact a little there & they could wander off & talk?

Re: ANGSTY “LOVE” PLOT - cashew - 07-30-2018

yeah that’s a good idea! she can “stalk” them back towards sunhaven since she’s a curious lil bean lol