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SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - Printable Version

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SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-29-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
//Retro injuries
Atbash had been wanting to do this for quite a while now, and she was glad that Izuku gave her a Weekly Task that kind of went along with her plan. It was nearing the end of the month, and the Hailcaller was confident she had everything she wanted planned out in her head. In fact, the she-cat had went around and got some of rumors surrounding Snowbound's territory from NPCs and strangers that happened to pass by. "Snowbound!" Atbash called as she stood out in the center of camp, her ears pricked in excitement. "I'm making a new tradition. At the end of every month - or at least close to it - we will travel to the lake and spend the night there. We'll be having a bonfire and marshmallows and will be sharing scary stories!" She announced, clearly happy to get this started. "Allies and neutrals will be invited, too. So if somebody could head out to Tanglewood and The Typhoon, that'd be great. I'll be heading to The Ascendants." She had to let them know she was their Ambassador, too.

So Atbash went off towards the lake now, and she practically had things set up already, with the help of some NPCs. There were nests scattered throughout the clearly, although with the weather being slightly warmer, the ice was too thin for anybody to sit on it. There was a bunch of sticks already set out, with stones circling them so the fire wouldn't get out of control when it was lit. Upon taking a seat near the pile of sticks, Atbash conjured up a bag of marshmellows, and set them aside before conjuring up matches. Using one of the matches, she lit up the sticks and flinched a bit as the fire roared to life. It's okay. It's controlled. She told herself, pinning her ears back slightly. This is fine. The she-cat took in a breath before slowly letting out.

"Welcome to Snowbound's first Gathering!" Atbash announced, hoping that the invited groups were arriving just in time to hear this.

//Groups invited:
The Ascendants
Moonlight Vale
The Typhoon
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - Character Graveyard. - 07-29-2018

A gathering? How interesting. This would be both fun and exciting, so the three-legged maned-wolf had stopped by his cabin and he had decided to pack a small bag of his possessions, such as a pillow and a blanket. He didn't really anything else for this, so he had hurried and met up with the other Snowbounders at the lake.

When he had arrived to the gathering, he would take a brief moment to look around- mainly looking for Izuku, Tsuyu, Ochaco or Todoroki. He didn't see any of them yet, so he had decided to walk over to the fire and his red-eyes would stare at it.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - Dimitri - 07-29-2018

This is stupid! They’ll know what our territory looks like! He couldn’t help but agree with Delta, but chose to ignore it for now. Dimitri.... didn’t really like social functions and wondered if Divertimento would be appearing anytime soon to take this for him. He just.... got anxious at these. That’s all.


Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - galexiux - 07-29-2018

  Inviting people? Why? That didnt seem very practical. At least they weren't jnviting those damn pirates. At least she didnt have to worry about Atbash's sanity then. The crow sighed. "Fine," she cawed out, "ill head over to tanglewood."


Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - arcy - 07-29-2018

When the thing about bringing invitations was brought up, Izuku had honestly considered going and doing it. He liked doing stuff around the group! But then he realizes he kind of .. can't. He can't walk that far with his legs like this. Does he sulk a little? Perhaps. Izuku wants to be useful but he can't right now. All because of some dumb mistakes. The only reason he doesn't feel worse is because he can spend time with his clanmates, and maybe people from the other groups. Maybe it'd be nice to socialize outside of his circle of clanmates, y'know? Cause I mean .. a good majority of his clanmates were .. also his classmates. When would there be .. less.
Izuku huffs softly as he arrives. The feline looks around, ears turning, and blinks. It's all blurry because of his vision, of course, but he thinks it's pretty, even if the fire hurts his eyes. Speaking of fire --. "Don't like straight at it, you'll hurt your eyes," Izuku chides as he limps over to Kirishima, making to nudge the wolf with a soft grin. They didn't need another person with bad eyesight, now did they? Hm. He should get marshmallows for them to roast, in just a minute. And make sure Atbash is okay, too. From what Izuku remembers, she wasn't that fond of fire, and she seemed a little nervous.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - DELILAH. - 07-29-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Delilah wasn't used to crowds. Many bad things could happen in crowds, and it terrified her at the thought. What if- what if? This was a daily occurrence with the pastel pink and purple feline, padding up into the gathering only to find that she was the ONLY Tangler there. Ooh, crap.. She didn't do too well with socializing, but maybe she should.. No, she had to do this.

Cherry blossoms began to shed from the anxious feline's pelt, making the petals litter the ground as shivers passed through her pelt. She didn't like Snowbound's cold territory, not one bit. She was used to the muggy, thick atmosphere of Tanglewood's marsh territory. But while the territory was stinky, she most definitely wasn't. She made sure to bathe before she came, and her aesthetic element only made it easier for her to smell more like cherry blossoms than swamp guck.

Magenta eyes focused on the much larger creatures who had obviously been apart of Snowbound, but she said nothing for a few minutes, just trying to pretend she wasn't there. She was just a statue. But then, she caught wind of the scent of herbs, and perked up a bit. Medicine! Someone was a doctor here!
"Uh, ah.." She stuttered out, trying to find a way to start a conversation. "I can smell herbs.. Does.. Does anyone have medical- no, herbal experience?" She meowed, trying to at least strike up a conversation despite the overwhelming anxiety filling her.

Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - arcy - 07-29-2018

Izuku, of course, noticed when the Tangler appeared. His ears twitch, though he continues sitting with Kirishima for the moment. He didn't really have a conversation topic ready to drag other people into, after all, and he didn't want to be awkward about it. Even if socializing with the other clans would be a good idea. Izuku just. Doesn't know how to talk to people. She seems nervous, though. Izuku could relate. He didn't do well with crowds, either. He could only really ground himself when he was with people he knew, and, luckily, he was on pretty close terms with all of his clanmates, so he wasn't ever somewhere he wasn't comfortable. Uh. Except when he arrives to joinings early, or something.
The Frosthealer's ears perk up as she calls into the crowd. She scented herbs? That was .. definitely him. Had Izuku left his cabin all day today? Absolutely not. No wonder the herb scent was so potent today. He'd be happy to discuss stuff with whoever this was, though, and so Izuku grins as he scrabbles to his paws, and, unfortunately, abandons Kirishima in favor of talking to the stranger. He knew Kirishima already, forming bonds outside of the clan would be high priority right now.
"That's probably me!" He tells her, tail wagging as he regards the stranger a little nervously. He'd been making more herbs into the premade stuff he uses at injury scenes. So he doesn't have to chew the herbs up or something, that was unsanitary. I mean, it was more time consuming this way, but it was probably overall healthier and better to use. But then the herb scent was potent and probably literally all anybody else scented from him. "I'm Izuku, Snowbound's Frosthealer. Who're you?" Was she Tanglewood's doctor or just interested in herbs? Izuku was always happy to discuss medical stuff, though, even if it was absolutely exhausting now that he was the only one on the medical team. But, honestly? He was more willing to discuss it with this Tanglewooder than he was with his own Clanmates, which was kind of sad, but at least a little understandable.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - Character Graveyard. - 07-29-2018

He would turn his attention to Izuku as his friend approached him, a friendly smile on his maw. Upon hearing the other's tip on not looking at the fire for not too long, otherwise it might damage his eyesight. Frankly, he didn't want that to happen, so he would nod his head and chuckle. "I was just looking for a second-"

Then it seemed the other had walked off to talk to a stranger. Kirishima would respond with a mere shrug of his shoulders and he would look around for somebody else he could talk to.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - Suiteheart - 07-30-2018

And then, along came the Ascendants.

A lopsided grin was strung out across her lips as she moved through Snowbound's territory on the way towards the meeting place. The air around them, while warmer than it had been during her last visit here, was still slightly chilly. She didn't mind at all. In fact, she loved it. It reminded her of her first home. She just couldn't help but love this place.

"Hey, Atbash," Suiteheart called, padding over to stand beside the Savannah cat. "Thanks for inviting us to your gathering. We appreciate it a lot." Her words were sincere. In times like this (with so much trouble from within and without), it was good to have the Snowbound on their side. She wasn't sure how they could repay the group for all the kindness they had bestowed upon the Ascendants.

"How've things been with you guys?" she asked, ocean eyes moving from the Hailcaller to servery the mass gathering. She could see lots of smiles and nervous, excited energy. Everyone seemed eager to meet new people. This was a really cool event, she thought, holding onto her smile. 

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-30-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
//I'll send an invite to The Typhoon!

This looked like it was going to be great. Atbash couldn't help but feel pride and happiness upon realizing how well this was working out, and she watched the others mingle and talk with a huge smile on her face. Suiteheart eventually arrived and made her way over and Atbash dipped her head in greeting to the other she-cat. "Oh, it's no problem!" She chirped in reply. "I'm honestly glad this is working out. It's nice to see everyone talking to each other." And not at each others' throats for once. There was still a plan she had in mind, but she was going to wait just a tad more before going on with the rest of the plan. "I'm doing fine though. How are you and The Ascendants?"
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi