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WHITE NOISE -- PRIVATE + LA'MIYLA - Printable Version

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WHITE NOISE -- PRIVATE + LA'MIYLA - arrow - 07-29-2018

[color=black] Once upon a time, Arrow was a simple loner in what she remembered was a city scape, old metal buildings and street lights adorning the corners, shards of broken glass and the dim lights of windows shielding those at night who were still awake, those who had yet to turn off the light. In such a place she'd only ever run into a very limited group of animal species. Cats, dogs, birds, and rats. And it was no walk in the park, either. Everyone was out there fighting for resources, there was some nasty injury, some death, no games were being played. As pretty as it was, she knew she had to pick herself up and move elsewhere where she could actually live out her days peacefully. Originally she'd planned for a body of water, a river or some rocky coast where she could feed herself and still live in peace. Instead, she wound up here. And what came with living here? Getting to see various animals of all kinds wandering around in the swamp. Hellhounds and the like, a crash landed angel, whatever the hell Fen was, and of course, the newest addition. Tigers. Tigers with some badass piercings. Inspirational, really. She wished she was that cool.

But you know what she was instead? A stick. A living stick with stick legs and a stick tail. Nothing to write home about, hell, you could snap her in half. Well, you could but she'd probably still be talking. No piercings or anything cool. This was a revelation she had after catching her reflection in a puddle of water. She scoffed, flicking one of her large ears with a small paw. She'd never dealt with such a level of self consciousness before, but she was uncool. She wanted a bigger body now, she wanted muscle, she wanted some sweet, sweet thighs. "Ya look like a dirty praying mantis." She muttered, turning her nose up at her own watery reflection. Shame.

Re: WHITE NOISE -- PRIVATE + LA'MIYLA - goodsprings - 07-30-2018

↠↠la'miyla's childhood was similar in a sense, though her 'fight' for survival was more so proving herself fit to be called a caralho just as her sisters. a large family like there's, always competing with one another for sport hunting prizes and scouring their bodies for room for their next scar was... tiresome. the woman was glad her sisters agreed and took their chance to depart from their family on their own terms.

still, mimi was proud of her family's heritage and their beliefs. growing up around that worked in wiring her brain to believe it was fun to hunt the biggest game they could find and absolutely waste the food and life it provided. that they could leave around practically untouched carcasses in their wake for the crows until they found something that could entertain them longer. her edest sister, quantum, always caked in blood never deterred her. rather just irked her because of the mess, but it was normal for her.

living among the rednecks seemed like an odd decision to make. her original goal was to find the beach, and they had after wandering out and discovered sunhaven. though she still wanted to remain in tanglewood... partially. something here was drawing her in, which was a shock considering the gloom surrounding the 'wood compared to sunhaven.

the ivory tiger had not been here with a purpose today, though. she was mostly trying to settle in still and figure out how to navigate through the less mucky parts of the swamp. she had scented arrow first, not realizing how close she was until hearing the feline soon after. a frown tugged at her lips, and she peered over the brush to see the girl.

"you alright, hun? i wouldn't drink that, if that's what you're planning." she's half serious half joking, pushing her body through the foliage and setting down next to arrow. "you look mighty upset about something, though. whats on your mind, sweetie? boy problems?"

Template by Quill

Re: WHITE NOISE -- PRIVATE + LA'MIYLA - arrow - 07-31-2018

[color=black] Speak of the devil, it looked like one of the aforementioned pierced trio had found her. Arrow turned around to meet her, feeling a sharp jab of dejection when she truly picked up on the size difference between them. Mimi could break her back with a single step.

Still, she smirked at their inquiry about her current mood. "Boy problems? Never." She almost scoffed at the idea, albeit playfully. She wouldn't be caught dead wasting her breath and time on such an issue. She was a strong, independent woman. Not to mention her exposure to seeing someone fall apart over someone else was an awfully convincing argument to distance herself from all that. She looked up, squinting slightly and frowning. "You're so big, and cool looking. I feel like a rat next to you." Arrow whined, sitting back and reaching up with her front paws, swiping at the air with no particular target. Haha, puns.

Maybe she looked a little ridiculous, but it was just such a wild concept to her, something so big. She even took it a step farther when she popped her shoulder from reaching to high, wincing and sitting back down fully in shame. She rubbed her shoulder, cursing under her breath. Nothing was out of place, throwing your shoulder right out of the socket from stretching would definitely be the Ultimate Weakness. "La'miyla, right? The lesser of three evils." Arrow grinned. "I'm just kidding, you're all pretty cool. Sorry that the swamp isn't that beach you were looking for. I got pretty damn lost myself, it just comes out of nowhere, man."

// this post is all over the place aaaa i'm tired

Re: WHITE NOISE -- PRIVATE + LA'MIYLA - goodsprings - 07-31-2018

↠↠the oriental's response to her first tease makes her smile proudly paired with a small giggle. perhaps that was one thing her and arrow had in common. boys were not on the brain; quite the opposite for mi. as arrow continued the tiger would look to her once more, her head tilting and brows knitting together.

"oh, sweets don't think of yourself like that! you are rather intimidating yourself upon meeting. i'm almost jealous, too. these trees are too weak to hold up my weight, you know how cool it'd be to just be able to hide up in them?" that would probably make mimi appear even more out of place, but she loved the thought of making those she didn't like uneasy with the fact that she could do as she pleased. "if it weren't for the fact you spoke up i never would have known you were there. that's badass. like some sort of stealth master."

the ivory tiger nodded at arrow's guess to which sister she was, giggling at her comment. "oh don't worry. my sisters and i are nowhere near saints; i'm just nicer about it." quantum definitely was just how she appeared, but she loved her just as she did ja'sunna. they had been through too much together for her to ever think badly of them. "we found our beach not too far from here but... i've been bouncing back and forth between here and there. maybe i formed an addiction to radiation." she snickered, covering her mouth with a paw.

"really, though, don't compare yourself to me alright? we all have our own strengths. you just have to use them when you have the advantage. so, you're pretty good at blending in with your surroundings; that's more than i can do half the time. tell me what else you can do!" in tanglewood la'miyla was loving and supporting her fellow girls.
Template by Quill

Re: WHITE NOISE -- PRIVATE + LA'MIYLA - arrow - 08-01-2018

[color=black] "If it weren't for the fact you spoke up i never would have known you were there. that's badass. like some sort of stealth master."

The very word badass sent a wave of validation through the girl, green eyes widening as she let the compliment sink in. She shifted her front paws, grinning from ear to ear as she involuntarily began to purr quietly like a little motor. "I'm a badass..." Arrow chirped, for some reason absolutely smitten with the idea. Nobody would ever know why, she was just a strange little alien-like cat.

"You'll have to take me to the beach one of these days then, I could use a break from the radiation water." It couldn't have been that far now, could it? If she was bouncing back and forth anyway, unless she had one of those crazy powers everyone else seemed to possess. That was not something else she could do, and automatically made any list of accomplishments she had boring to her. "Oh, well, I'm not much of an interesting person really..." Arrow admitted sheepishly, feeling her face burn ever so slightly. What could she say that would hold any interest? "I can...find things? That's not much but there's a lot of abandoned shit around the town and I navigate through it a lot. I collect glass and metal from it, plan on making something..." She puffed out her cheeks for a moment, whiskers twitching. "Wait, that sounds kinda gross. Uh...I don't have a lot of strengths." She knew she was being pathetically vulnerable right now, it was laughable. She wasn't the coolest, or the fastest, or the prettiest, or the nicest....or much of anything. "But Tanglewood hasn't thrown me to the gators yet so I must be doing something right." She joked, attempting to divert herself from the self consciousness that came at her full swing.