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WE ARE THE WILD ONES / open - Printable Version

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WE ARE THE WILD ONES / open - Character Graveyard. - 07-28-2018

What was she doing in a place like this? The territory where one of those groups lived. She wouldn't be here if that stupid NPC who had found her a few days ago threw her into a large river with a strong and fast current. It was surprising that she was still alive, but she was barely holding onto what little energy she had, as she had tried to fight against the strong currents. Of course that didn't work out for her as she was very small and only 6 months old.

Wheezing, the unnamed-child would struggle to get up, clearly frightened, as her teeth were barred and her eyes were looking around the area in a wild manner.

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / open - jericho - 07-29-2018

Jericho has spent a good part of the past week using whatever free time he has (and it isn't much — who knew running a group would keep you so busy?) to get to know the new territory.  As Helion he feels like he should somehow know the place like the back of his own paw already, as if somehow he's missed whatever knowledge is supposed to be magically bestowed upon leaders.  It's embarrassing, walking blindly into trees and struggling to find his way back to camp when he turns around at night.  How can he act like he's in charge if he hardly knows what he's in charge of?  Inadequacy gnaws at him with every step, and yet he wanders, trying his best to get a feel for the mountains he now calls his home.

When he walks his movements are slow and hesitant, cautiously testing the ground before each paw falls into place.  Small and weak as he is, he takes breaks every now and again — often to pick flowers and herbs and place them gingerly in his satchel.  Jericho is stopped now, leaning over a patch of chervil with lightly parted jaws to taste the air for their familiar, bitter scent.  But something else hits his tongue — an unfamiliar smell, a nearby creature not of Sunhaven.  His head lifts, distracted from his herb-gathering, and suddenly his white-tipped paws are carrying him towards the source.

He hobbles to a quiet halt, ears pricked and unseeing eyes wide, starting just past the child blindly.  His whiskers twitch and he can sense that she's small, likely young; he hears her rapid breaths and can almost feel the fear that radiates off of her in waves.  "H-Hey — " he begins to speak gently, cutting himself off with a small smile.  Jericho's tone remains soft, and though his eyes do not focus on the stranger they fill with warmth.  Perhaps he's too trusting, but he wants to help.  "Are you... uh, a-are you alright?  I mean, um, do you need h-help?" the Sunhavener asks with polite kindness.  She's clearly frightened, but the tom can't figure out how to ease her anxiety or what has caused it.  He lifts a paw as if to take a pace forward but pauses and blinks, awaiting a response of some kind.

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / open - arcy - 07-29-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Water is dangerous. Dean, of course, knows this well. Sammy had fallen into a river once, when he was a pup. Nearly drowned, and Dean had never looked at it the same way again. A danger. If somebody fell in, they could drown. This isn't to say Dean didn't enjoy water sometimes, he just recognized its dangerous potential, thank you very much. So, being surrounded by the ocean like this was .. a little ominous for his tastes. Knowing that one bad storm could come and they might all drown. He sticks around anyways, and Dean isn't sure why he is. It's starting to be frustration. He should be out there hunting, like his dad wanted him to. Like Sammy never wanted to. Dean thinks he's starting to understand the appeal of a joe-shmoe life, even though clan life was the complete fucking opposite of a 'joe shmoe' life. Not on the same end as hunting, but still not the same. Enough for Dean to be content.
There's a kid on the beach. The entire thing looks an awful lot like the thing with Sammy, close enough that Dean stops dead and has to remind himself that his brother is grown up and safe. She looks wild-eyed and panicked, and Jericho or whatever the fuck he was called just didn't have the guts to push it. Dean huffs and rolls his eyes, even though his gut is roiling because what's a kid doing here alone. Where were her parents? Were they separated when she first fell into the water? The canine breezily strides over to stand next to Jericho, though very quickly decides he's too big. Too tall. Too scary. Dean quickly makes to lay himself down and lower his head a little before the kid can panic more. "Easy, kid. You'll be okay here," He says, and tries to make his voice more .. comforting, maybe. Smooth and softer, but not too soft, Dean wasn't about that lifestyle. Kids loved that shit, but no kid was the same and Dean isn't even convinced this kid isn't feral. She looks pretty wild, but it probably wouldn't hurt them too much if they took her into the fold and took care of her. Could you stop something from being feral, if you only raised it right? That'd be quite the discovery, honestly. Hm. Shouldn't be too hard to convince Jericho, since the guy seems to be as soft as they come. They just needed to talk to the kid at all, see if she had a name or anything. Or if she could talk. Sure, she was pretty old, looked to be a grown kid, but that didn't mean anything when they just show up on the goddamn beach out of fucking nowhere with an attitude like this, did it?

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / open - Character Graveyard. - 07-29-2018

The young female would let out a low growl as she heard the blind male's approaching footsteps. She didn't recognize that voice. It wasn't either of her parents- they'd been killed by hunters a while back and it wasn't the NPC who threw her into the water. So it was obviously a stranger and a member of the group that appeared to live here. She'd seen the boardwalk and she had caught a glimpse of the buildings. The almost-wild child would shift around some more, clearly agitated that she couldn't find the strength to get up.

Then she heard another unfamiliar voice- causing her to rile up some more. Sure, she wasn't completely feral- but growing up alone could done probably mess somebody up in a very bad way. She would narrow her blue-eyes and make eye-contact with Dean, her gaze still wild. Hopefully, they would leave her alone. Plus, she was frightened. Because she didn't know what they were even saying.