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fly the river to the one i love — meet and greet - Printable Version

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fly the river to the one i love — meet and greet - jericho - 07-28-2018

/hey everyone! so the assumption here is that sunhaven has already been founded/is up and running prior to this thread but they're still pretty new, so you can just jump in! feel free to have your character already know jericho. alternatively, you can post your own joining/introduction or any other thread, we're open for posting now!

This place reminds him of homes past — the sound of waves gently crashing against the shore, the feeling of coarse sand underpaw, the scent of seaspray in the air.  He thinks that maybe, subconsciously, that's why he chose it.  The floating sea village is different than the beach town (it floats, for starters) and there's no jungle in sight, but he wonders to himself how he always seems to end up at the ocean.  He wonders to himself if there's a reason he's always drawn here.

This relaxing sense of vague familiarity follows the territory, but the people do not come with the same feeling.  They're all entirely new to him, and there's no feigning acquaintance with living, breathing creatures as he can with the landscape.  The little tabby wants to get to know them all, he just doesn't know where to start.  Beginning again is hard —  even harder when there's nowhere to begin.  He's so used to joining, arriving somewhere and trying to learn to call it home, but this time he's creating something of his own and Jericho isn't sure how that's supposed to work.  He's been a leader before, and yet he's never figured out how to be good at it.  He still isn't really a leader at all, is he?  He sure doesn't feel like one.

The ginger tomcat seats himself at the fountain's base, his blind eyes blinking directly ahead as if to peer across the wide open area.  They close briefly for a moment as he basks in the sun's warmth hitting his pelt directly before he exhales softly.  "H-Hey, uh, guys?" he calls out after a pause.  It sounds so informal, almost stupid when he says it aloud.  Jericho feels himself reddening under his pelt at the thought, and yet he clears his throat and hurriedly adds, "So... I — uh, I-I was thinking we could have a big, ah, m-meet and greet to... get to know each other a bit better.  Um, so... I mean, f-feel free to introduce yourself and give a, ah, a-a fun fact?"

It's stated like a question; uncertain, hesitant.  The Helion shuffles his paws and says, "I... um, I-I'll start."  He's never been good at introductions (public speaking isn't his forte, and with that stutter of his speaking in general is arguably among his shortcomings) but he flashes a sheepish little smile, though one that brims with kindness and warmth.  "I'm Jericho — you, ah, p-probably know me as the Helion around here.  And fun fact... um, w-well, I'm blind and I really like plants and — a-and gardening."  He's not sure how fun those facts are, but its the best the nervous feline can do off the top of his head.  He releases a held breath, relaxing his stiffened frame, and waits to see who will answer his call.

Re: fly the river to the one i love — meet and greet - axiom - 07-28-2018

© lexasperated
She loves the beach, for its multitude of wonderful mechanics. The constant wind from the ocean constantly clears the air, removing pungent odors and adding an interesting variable to hunting. The salt water provides a convenient way to both relax and easily clean the blood off her body, which otherwise she left to rot on her pelt until it clotted and flaked off on her own - which often yielded itchy sensations whenever the liquid managed to get through her thick pelt and to her skin. Thirdly, she liked the inhabitants; they hardly seemed willing to get in the way of her and her family, providing them with a well-kept homebase while they persued their own endeavors.

Yes, the psuedo-melanistic woman loved the beach. Though she certainly doesn't love the beach for the same reasons as Jericho - nor, for that matter, does she respect the suttering male's authority. She practically towers over him, even without her magic, and considers herself the more charismatic public speaker - if only because she doesn't sound like she's being choked by fear whenever too many people look at her. Still, as she heard his call, she supposed she might as well participate in this 'meet and greet.' Despite her lack of loyalty to Jericho, she does enjoy living here, and part of living here with the comforts she enjoyed came at the cost of putting in effort to be likeable to the rest of Sunhaven's people.

Rising to her paws, the collosol tiger easily reaches her full height by standing with perfect posture. Indeed, she has the stature of a male - she's certainly tall and muscular enough to make some question her sex, though nobody (not even herself) knew the real reason for this oddity came from a hormonal embalance rather than some innate magic or superior genetics. Still, she is confident in her skin, and this is obvoius by her relaxed yet straight posture.

"I am Quantum Caralho, matriarch of the Caralho family," she started, picking up when Jericho's stuttering voice finishes his introduction. Her ears flicked as she tried to pick out her sisters in the crowd - if so, she would nod to them, but even that wouldn't provide much of an interuption for her. "I'm part of the warfare... faction, club, whatever it's called. My passions include hunting challenging prey, as well as making jewlery out of the resulting bones and teeth from my catches," she spoke, supposing that would do for an introduction.

Re: fly the river to the one i love — meet and greet - arcy - 07-29-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Dean isn't sure how he got roped into actually getting involved in this place. He'd run into the place a few weeks ago, see. On a hunt for a vampire. Just like his dad would've wanted. But there was a clan being founded here, in this little sea town, and one thing lead to another and Dean .. certainly didn't have said vampire killed. He doesn't even remember its goddamn name. And then he's here, playing happy family with this shitty little group that Dean has somehow gotten just attached enough to to stick around. But, well, it was hard not to when you were just a little involved at the place's very roots, and so here he was, lazily watching the stuttering feline. Dean doesn't know how the fuck this guy became leader. He didn't have any authority, and he stuttered too much. But, unlike Quantum. Dean could respect the guy. Not only for somehow pulling this ragtag bunch together, but just from the sole fact he was leader. Dean would listen to his directions, even if they were shitty. He could try and keep on the slack, too. Keep the guy from getting overruled or some shit. Seriously, though, how did these places fucking work? He'd interacted with other clans, of course. Dove in head-first with his dad to take out some poor sucker, and then skadaddled before the repercussions sucker punched them. Never long enough to know how these places worked. Promotions and hierarchies, how were they decided? Who knew, not Dean. Except for the fact he did. Because he was there early.
"I'm Dean. Dean Aeris-Winchester," The canine explains with a casual movement of the paws. His eyes are slightly shut, but just slit open enough to cautiously watch the rest of his clanmates. Wary, but friendly enough. He wonders if anybody here would recognize Winchester. It was pretty common in the hunting community, after all. Except that the hunting community generally stayed far, far away from the clans. They'd been the only ones to ever dare make an attempt. "Warfare. I, uh. Don't really know how this clan thing works. I really like pie," Dean didn't have a lot of other-people friendly facts. Pie was simple, but he was content with that. Dean hadn't ever learned how to bake before, though. A disappointment, really. He got his die from people he encountered or stole from. Because Dean, of course, had never gotten or made his own things in his life. He just .. stole them. That's all he knew. Maybe one day he'd grow out of that, though. One day when it wasn't necessary. Maybe if he stayed here long enough, though .. who knows.

Re: fly the river to the one i love — meet and greet - ceilidh - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: arial; text-transform: lowercase;"]Bridgette was in heaven. The blonde feline took one look at the seaside town and was in love. She could remember the grin, the feeling she just couldn't hide, and then she looked behind her, twirling around to be met with the expansive mountain range. All of it, the endless land to run through, the fruit to pick from the trees, the buildings to explore. It was meant for her ... Sunhaven suited her much better than that stuffy, metallic city. Here she could build from the ground up, her own place to nestle into, pour labor and love into, and to grow old with. It was her own little sanctuary.

So when she arrived for the meet and greet, a little bit fashionably late, there was not a sense of doubt or uncertainty in her, unlike Dean, who she passed by with a smirk. She should've taken her seat and introduced herself, but she was so lost in this mind space of wonder, eyes seized by the splashes of color on each floating building, surrounding her in this blanket of vibrancy, padding around the clearing aimlessly. But the life within her was stirred once more from the gawking, and she whipped around quickly, sauntering over to take a seat, her shoulders bobbing happily as she did so. When everything was quiet, her brow tipped upward, and she began to speak. "I'm Bridgette, I prefer Birdie or Bridgie though, if ya' don't mind ..." She introduced herself with a warm voice, deep but soft and playful. "I'm in the Art Guild. Medical Guild too, but I'm looking to open up a bar or cafe of sorts ... so keep your eyes peeled!" The cream tabby lapsed into silence, not without giving a small laugh, though.

Her thoughts trained on the others though, trying to pin them down from what she'd seen and heard so far. Jericho seemed hesitant, and out of all of them, she didn't exactly expect it from the leader, the Helion. Still though, she was fond of the soft spoken cat, preferring him to be as he was than to be some pompous jerk. Her blue eyes glanced to Quantum, who Birdie thought to be quite powerful. She couldn't exactly relate to the interest in hunting, however, she was impressed by just the physical look of the other female. Bridgette paled in comparison, probably seeming like some small pretty-think next to such a built animal such as herself. Dean too, had this rigid quality, a sense of ... antisocial radiated from him, at least in her eyes. Man, they all needed to loosen up a little ... just because there was work to be done didn't mean they had to act all uptight! And that was coming from her, too, who only knew work and no play for her first year of life. She would stick to staying quiet though, just smiling, rocking on her heels, and waiting for someone else to come introduce themselves.

Re: fly the river to the one i love — meet and greet - JA´SUNNA - 07-30-2018

Unlike Quantum, Ja'sunna doesn't have any hatred or contempt for their small leader - although she isn't that big of a fan of him either. Opinions neutral, she at least has respect for him and his ability to gather everyone into a single, cohesive unit in such a beautiful place. She doesn't see herself as above him or below him, sees him only as a person that has much to improve, but also much good in him already. She likes that. She appreciates that. She's staying in Sunhaven because of that.

Ja'sunna herself is as unique as her older sister. Her albino pelt is carved with curling scars along her sides, artistic and decorative in their rendition as they map out patterns across her strong body. The mane on her head, bright gold against her snow-fur, is twisted into its signature bun, a string of feathers keeping it in place this time. Her ears are decorated similarly to that of her sisters', pierced with the bone of their first kill and decorated with a few extra hoops for good measure.

What differentiates her from the other Caralho sisters are the eyebrow and anti-eyebrow piercings around each eye, each one a carefully cleaned and bleached fang sticking out from her flesh. With each blink, they shift ever so slightly, almost like a pair of jaws preparing to snap shut at a moment's notice, at the slightest provocation.

Her pawsteps, strong and sure as her set expression, carries her next to Quantum. Her vermillion gaze sweeps across the crowd, looking for their younger sister but failing, so she allows her attention to drift towards each creature introducing themselves to those gathered. Jericho's is soft-spoken where Quantum's is strong and fluid, Dean's is casual while Bridgette's is warm. Ja'sunna wonders where she falls in that scale, wonders if any would even pay attention (a part of her tells her that they should, while another is convinced she has yet to deserve that honor).

When her turn is up, she looks warily at Quantum before stepping forward. After her clearing her throat and giving her chest a gentle lap to comfort herself, the tigress lifts her head and begins her own introduction. "My name is Ja'sunna Caralho. I'm the second oldest of our triad. I am a member of the art guild, and like my sister, I also carve accessories, trinkets, and figurines out of bones." She doesn't know what to say apart from that - what else is significant in her life that's worth nothing? "I... like girls? I plan on opening a general goods shop soon." She thinks that's about it for her, she isn't really sure if she's interesting enough or if people want to hear about it, so she steps back and lets another take her place.

Re: fly the river to the one i love — meet and greet - cyantist - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]Warsongs was here because her brother was. It wasn't that she was loyal to him, she hadn't seen him in years. It was simply a place to orient herself around again, a purpose given back to her that she needed after the defeat. Shouts and screams and wails of horror and pain are still fresh in her mind. Even the smell of blood in the water is fresh - if she pauses to think about the slaughter too long it comes back, as vivid as the day it happened.

There is nothing to avenge. After all, the feline had been the last to lay down her weapons. And for her troubles, she had been spared to tell others about the disaster that befell her group. Warsongs would do nothing of the sort - she would not allowed herself to sully the deaths of her comrades by telling the deeds of such a group with fear. Fear empowered them, and Warsongs was not scared of them. If they came again, she would fight them again, tooth and claw and blade.

She listens to the introductions, although she's mostly disinterested. The black domestic has never been one for introductions, preferring to let her blades do the introductions for her. There was little more convincing than watching her fight with her blades, but they were gone and now, she was stuck having to start again. Back to square one...

[color=#C9B0BE]"My name is Cries and Songs of War, Warsongs if you wish to be brief. I am a member of the Warfare guild and I am a bladedancer." There is her introduction, although she looks like a sorry excuse for a dancer without her blades. The ribbons are still wrapped around her, although it is clear that they have seen better days. If one would look closely enough, they are frayed and still bear bloodstains. After all, there is little time to care about appearances when one is broken and bleeding. Now she was in a new group, she would have to replace them and the blades.

One was much easier than the other.

Re: fly the river to the one i love — meet and greet - goodsprings - 07-31-2018

↠↠it's only appropriate that la'miyla appear with the other 'hoes. she brushed up beside ja'sunna, nuzzling her shoulder in a friedly greeting. she peered over her to give a nod to quantum as well, her posture straight and tall when she announced their family name. finally being at the beach has lightened up her attitude, and she doesn't feel like a heavy weight is pushing down on her shoulders anymore. tanglewood is nice and cozy, but getting through that swamp is a nightmare and a half; the people there make it worth the trip, though.

her ear, pierced with a matching dragon tooth with the rest of her sister, twitches as she judges their superior. jericho, she had heard him say, was his name. were they supposed to listen to his every command? she gave a wary glance toward qua, a brief flash of confusion in her gaze. the eldest was their matriarch. her word always came first and she was not quite keen on taking anything else from a man, let alone one so embarrassingly.... lacking. she supposed they would deal with that whenever the time came to choose between them.

mimi gives a slight pause to see if anyone will speak after warsongs, and takes the chance to introduce herself next.

"la'miyla caralho, is the name." she began with a sultry smile on her maw. "i am the youngest of my sisters. i've yet to choose a guild, but i'm open for invitations. i will be opening up a store that will sell body modifications and like my sisters, other items made from the remains of creatures. ah..." hmm, she isn't sure what else to say. she's never had to introduce herself before like this in front of strangers, especially not in such an amount. i enjoy swimming at all hours of the day, and i'm open to requests for whatever kind of item you would like made!" that sounds good enough for now.
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