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cost you to keep me quiet | joining - Printable Version

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cost you to keep me quiet | joining - pallid-i - 07-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — She awkwardly hobbled over to the border of Snowbound with a plastic bag over her head. There were little tears in the bag so she could see where she was going, of course, but other than that.. Her face was completely hidden. The same could be said for her body, as there was a black blanket tied tightly around her neck and draped around her body, hiding it rather effectively.

Abomy too a seat near the border, shivering lightly from fear. Hopefully people didn't ask questions about her getup.

Re: cost you to keep me quiet | joining - Character Graveyard. - 07-28-2018

Well, wasn't this a interesting sight? A figure hidden behind a plastic bag and a black blanket. Suddenly curious and interested, the maned-wolf would make his way over, a small frown on his maw. Red-eyes would study the bag and blanket before he decided to speak to the stranger.

"Um, hello?" Kirishima said. "Would you be taking off the bag from your face? I'm Kirishima by the way." The Padfoot said, trying to appear friendly as much as he possibly could.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: cost you to keep me quiet | joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-28-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash was wary about going outside of camp, and she did not like going without somebody with her. She usually wanted Cry but honestly, anybody was fine at this point. Luckily, Kirishima was going out around the same time as her and she decided to follow after him, hoping he didn't mind too much. She wasn't going to be much of an issue anyway, since her wounds were still healing. Izuku would probably yell at her for wandering outside of camp with them not properly healed, but she had to greet joiners, didn't she? Atbash tried to give the stranger a reassuring smile as she stopped beside Kirishima, wincing slightly from the pain that shot through her shoulder as she walked.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: cost you to keep me quiet | joining - pallid-i - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — She looked at Kirishima and when he mentioned the plastic bag, she instinctively reached up and gripped it, pulling it down rather tightly. Thankfully there were holes otherwise she'd accidentally suffocate herself. "N-No... I ca-can't. S-Sorry.." They would look at her, and they would call her a freak. She just knew it. They would point and laugh, call her a monster. She knew it was going to happen. It always happened. Her gaze then wandered over to Atbash and she shuffled her paws. "Hello... I'm u-uh, Ab-Abomy." They didn't ask for her name, and she mentally scolded herself. How could she be so stupid? Now they were surely going to get mad at her. Maybe they wouldn't even want her.. Oh no. Her shivering got more violent as her grip on the plastic bag tightened.

Re: cost you to keep me quiet | joining - Character Graveyard. - 07-29-2018

As Atbash approached, he would offer a nod of greeting to her, before he would turn back to the hidden female. He had noticed her immediate discomfort when he requested her to remove the plastic-bag. He would take a step back, to allow the strange female to relax. "Alright. Understood." Kirishima would say, before speaking to her some more.

"My name is Kirishima. A pleasure to meet you, Abomy." The young-male would pause for a few seconds before noticing her grip on the plastic bag tighten. "Er- are you alright?"
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: cost you to keep me quiet | joining - arcy - 07-29-2018

Izuku's first reason to show up to the site here was, of course, because of his injured clanmates. Izuku always tended to follow them around, because they were all dumb and wanted to do stuff. Needed to do stuff. Izuku got that. He really did. But it was awfully exasperating because they should be resting. .. Then again, so should Izuku, but there wasn't a lot he could do, anyways. Going out and about wouldn't strain these injuries too much, as far as he's aware? So, of course, he's there, and the dragon can't help but give Kirishima and Atbash a sour look as he settles on the ground. He's too tall. He keeps on tripping over himself. And he doesn't want to scare this .. poor shivering thing. He hopes they're alright.
"You're both supposed to be resting," He reprimands them. He can't say a lot, though, considering the stuff he gets up to. And so, Izuku sighs softly, and curls a thick tail around his haunches and blinks at the poor .. thing. Was it a cat? A dog? Izuku sure as hell didn't know, but he's not going to ask them to take the clothes off. He's okay with not knowing what they look like. A little nervously, the leopard-sized dragon's ears lay back and he rests his head on his .. claws. "Um .. you're okay here, Abomy. We won't hurt you," He tries to assure, but his tail gives a nervous sweep. He doesn't know how to handle people like this, but he might as well try. I mean, he kind of got why they were like that. Izuku could relate, on a more minor level. "I'm Izuku, Snowbound's Frosthealer. Are you here to stay?" He tries to keep his voice steady, something that hopefully wouldn't panic Abomy. But Izuku doesn't know how to comfort people all that well, and he'd kind of rather die than be doing this. But 'doing this' he was. It was .. good practice, he thinks.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: cost you to keep me quiet | joining - pallid-i - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Kirishima spoke up once again and when he said he understood when it came to taking her bag off, her shaking subsided somewhat and her grip loosened from the bag before she let go entirely. "I'm... I am u-okay." She murmured shuffling her paws and ashamed of her outburst. She was scaring people with her actions alone.. Maybe she was a monster..

While she was busy worrying about her personality, she failed to notice Izuku and also failed to notice the thick globs of saliva that were dripping out from under her bag. What she had been trying so hard to control was now out of control due to her loss of concentration and keeping herself grounded. Her split jaw was hidden away from the world for now, but it was the cause of so much saliva dripping out. It was painful, and the fact Abomy would never properly close it made her incredibly ashamed of herself. She was a gross thing, really.

Re: cost you to keep me quiet | joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-29-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
God, watching Abomy like this made a pang of sadness go through Atbash and the she-cat frowned at the other girl. "Hey," She tried to gently enter Abomy's mind, praying that she didn't mind the intrusion. She wasn't going very far, just to where Abomy would be able to hear her. But oh how Atbash wished she could give her a feeling of security, because this was just too sad and painful to watch. "It's okay. You're safe here." She knew the way Abomy was acting, it was out of fear and worry. "My name is Atbash Cipher, and I'm the leader here." Despite her formality, her words were still soft and kind. At least, that was what she was trying to portray in her attempts at sending Abomy telepathic messages. Atbash could talk, it was just... hard to, right now.

Atbash heard Izuku's scolding of course, but she could shoot back a comment of how he was often outside whenever he was sick or injured. But he was the Frosthealer after all, it made sense that he was saying stuff such as that. Atbash did roll her eyes playfully at Izuku, basically trying to portray a message of I'm fine.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: cost you to keep me quiet | joining - pallid-i - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Hearing a voice made her panic slightly, but when she listened, it was soft.. Comforting, even. She looked around and made a small whimper as she lowered her head, tail twitching. Who? W-What? Was all she could say.. Er, think, as this surprised her greatly. Though it was a small relief as she didn't have to feel pain every time she talked now.. Though, who was talking to her? How? Or was she just hearing things now? Was this voice fake? Was she finally losing it? Abomy began to tremble again as her thoughts started racing once again and her pupils dilated.

Re: cost you to keep me quiet | joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-30-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash immediately pulled out of Abomy's mind as she reacted in such a negative way and almost looked startled by it. "I-I'm sorry." The Hailcaller stammered out, wincing as she tried to speak out loud. Her voice was rough and quiet, and the actual, physical pain that shot through her made her want to stop. But talking telepathically to Abomy wasn't going to work. "I-I did that." She explained. Talking in short bursts seemed to be better, honestly. "Atbash Cipher." She hoped that Abomy got that she was trying to introduce herself now.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi