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Plot with the Dark Deity ? - Printable Version

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Plot with the Dark Deity ? - Luciferr - 07-28-2018

Lucifer here is my oldest and most cherished character, he's long been based off my own character with said name and with the advent of BoB I figured I'd bring in his actual backstory elements, which you can find mentions to in his tags/storage.

Lucifer takes the form of a large black dragon - whichever form he takes, one thing remains the same, the hideous red scarring on the left side of his face and down his neck caused by his father - as Lucifer is the son of the chaos ascendant Ambriel and the horrific void entity Leviathan - most of his actual family in the pantheon with Lucifer is missing or dead (Save Anzarel & Fenrisulfr) whilst his father remains sealed away, leaving reality safe from such a creature.

Lucifer has led a clan before and been a deputy to two others and a lauded champion of blood in one, all this in his time wandering the clans before he appeared upon the shores of Typhoon, where he was a Striker at one time and since returning has ascended to Reaver.

Lucifer as a character is a bit of a 'dad' ergo he tends to care about everyone under his proverbial wing I.e the entire clan and is intensely loyal - he has a backstory still unfinished in writing that is sadly rife with tragedy and loss that caused his character to form into what it is today alongside some supplemental history from an older RP, if you'd like to know more feel free to browse his storage or PM/DM me if you have specific questions.

Generally anything not listed below, feel free to ask! c:

r!pe or anything of that sort
maiming / permanent injury

Re: Plot with the Dark Deity ? - ROSEMARY - 07-28-2018

he could maybe be a 'dad' figure to rosemary? she's inheriently sexist due to growing up in a female-only witch coven, and tends to be very suspicious of men that aren't from her blood family - with her absent, whore dad (archi roux) providing her with further proof that men are inherently incompetent if they're not outright evil.

with luci's nature i could see rosemary warming up and slowly relaxing to him over time, perhaps helping to overcome some of her sexism?

Re: Plot with the Dark Deity ? - Luciferr - 07-29-2018

oooo! That sounds neat tbh! and yeah Luci's just v chill these days.
I can also maybe see them commiserating on terrible dads i guess oof.

do you want me to make a thread where they just sorta encounter each other that might lead further into this then? :0
he needs to interact more with peeps oof

Re: Plot with the Dark Deity ? - CELESTE G.M. - 07-29-2018

uhhh, perhaps a thread with temulin? she's a spiritcaller herself and generally aligned with benevolent spirits, so she feels p uncomfortable about Lucifer considering he's like, an aspect of death and darkness. Idk, I just think they'd have a pretty interesting contrast between the two themes.
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Re: Plot with the Dark Deity ? - Luciferr - 07-29-2018

oooo thats true !
and maybe theres more an explanation that dark does not equate evil kinda thing ? (his mom was like chaos but chaos = life and all the chance/fate while his dad was void but also pure abomination/evil so he could see why she'd think that)
his eldest son was death in my pantheon lmao

I mean i'd love to see the two go on a philosophy discussion in that case :0
and I mean he could also be frank that yes he has done awful things but he's trying to improve kinda thing as a contrast to Temulin or somethin? hmmm

also lookin in the tags it'd be interesting if they compared her gods/pantheon to he and his kin also :0
like not as a contest but on where they're similar or smthn? hmm idk.

whoops longer reply than intended oof, but i'm just throwin ideas ? cx

Re: Plot with the Dark Deity ? - CELESTE G.M. - 07-29-2018

i misread i'm sorry ^^"
Temulin herself is pretty much held to an incredibly high standard and she was supposed to be completely pure? I suppose the two could discuss trying to improve vs. having to be perfect. I'd actually love to see the two of them talk about philosophy!

comparing pantheons would actually be interesting because she'd probably equate him as more an evil spirit or something due to the similarities between Lucifer's father and Erlik, so it'd be interesting since she'd be more than surprised to hear he's like, clan dad. dark dad. best dad. dragon dad.

would you like a thread?

Re: Plot with the Dark Deity ? - ROSEMARY - 07-29-2018

YESS let's do it
if you could make the thread, that'd be great - but let me know if you can't !!

Re: Plot with the Dark Deity ? - Luciferr - 07-29-2018

aha no worries mate and Heck yeah! I'd love a thread!
I guess we'll see where the thread goes on those points but I agree I'd love to see that all play out
plusĀ  get t wax poetic on my own made up pantheons which i always love doin bc worldbuildin cx
who makes ?

Aight Axiom! I'll get onto a thread in a wee bit and ping ya! c:

Re: Plot with the Dark Deity ? - CELESTE G.M. - 07-29-2018

i can, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow bc i should really be getting some sleep lmao.

Re: Plot with the Dark Deity ? - Luciferr - 07-29-2018

No problem tbh! I gotta go sleep myself c: