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ESCAPE (Open, return from capture) - Printable Version

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ESCAPE (Open, return from capture) - MirrorEdge - 07-28-2018

Thea would appear to flit in and out of vision to somebody, as the exhausted leopard mostly used teleportation to try and reach the Ascendents territory, bruised and beat up, but with a smile on her face.

She had managed to get out by herself.

Paws touch the ground and offer her jolts of pain, and she could feel the pain of the brand now on her right shoulder, still fresh, but not as bad as putting pressure on her burned pawpads, with dirt and stones digging into them. "I'm back!" She called, not quite sure who would answer. "I won a fight, I think. Did you guys miss me?" Not that she would probably care if she was missed or not. Just something she learned people say after not being seen for a few days.

//gross rushed post

Re: ESCAPE (Open, return from capture) - RENÉ. - 07-28-2018

[div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]René was not exactly privy to the way groups around here worked. He was not sure what enemies and allies did, and he therefore was not aware of how common an occurrence captures like this one with Thea were. This lack of general knowledge, of course, led to the feline being a little confused.

"Ah, I do not... know you very well," or at all, "however, I am glad that you have come back safely. Wherever you may have come from". René was being intentionally vague with his words. The tom was not smart about this topic, but did not want that to be completely visible. However, in not wanting that to be completely visible, René was likely making it only all the more visible.


Re: ESCAPE (Open, return from capture) - ★ HAZEL - 07-28-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Well now Hazel just felt awful, given that she really hadn’t noticed Thea’s absence. Whether she was just oblivious or if the event had been buried under everything else that had happened was still up for question.

The moment the younger girl arrived, triumphant and reeking of a foreign place, Hazel’s brows furrowed and a frown creased her lips. She was on her feet in moments, getting as close to the other as she dared, skin radiating discomfort and concern. “We’re glad you’re back, Thea.” Hazel assured her, guilt and worry steadily soaking into her limbs. “They didn’t hurt you, did they?” She checked, sniffing for the coppery scent of blood on the fireball’s pelt.

Re: ESCAPE (Open, return from capture) - MirrorEdge - 07-28-2018

She nodded her head vigorously at Hazel's question, smile still on her face. "They did! Kept me locked up and stuff, and gave me this-" She gestured to the brand on her shoulder, look turning sour for less than a moment, "But I still won. And I'm gonna kill them all someday."

For her, the brand was a reminder. Of when she had been weak, weak enough to be captured, and she probably needed it, as a reminder of why she had to be strong. Or else she would end up dead, like Mom. Still, if she smiled, it would be alright, even if the fragile fantasy she had lived in was now visibly cracked, reality seeping into her safe space known as her mind slowly.

Re: ESCAPE (Open, return from capture) - rhosmari - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]The smell of burned flesh was an odd tang against her tongue and she had such an strange expression on her face. Her muzzle crinkled up a bit and her jaws were parted with her tongue sticking out of her open jaws. Sometimes this was the expression that she made when she smelled anything so unusual and perhaps that was why she was making it now. Really, how was smelling burnt flesh any fun and she shook her head where she stood. Dark form just standing and over looking the territory from a hill. Her eyes zeroed in on the atmosphere that was going on and she then started to make her way over to the area after picking up voices that were speaking of something. Tilting her head a bit the woman would look between them before looking to Thea with a frown on her muzzle. She was just a kid. Why didn't anyone try to tell her that fighting wasn't something she was supposed to be doing right now. She was supposed to be having fun, making friends, and playing around in the flower fields catching butterflies or those grasshoppers. A sigh left her throat before she sat down. "Come on kid, you don't have to worry about fighting everyone right now or killing for that matter. Just....who took you anyway?" The soldier asked with a bit of anger laced in her voice. Didn't that make them automatically a threat to the Ascendants anyway.

She'd just became a member and though she was rather high strung on any things she was sure that this was a problem. Also, how come she didn't notices that Thea was missing. Her eyes narrowed a bit and she looked to the brand with disgust in her gaze. They did this to a child. Her claws scrapped at the ground before she tried to calm herself and she looked around before looking back to Thea again. "You should see one of their medics here. They need to look at that burn on you, those get infected rather easily."

Re: ESCAPE (Open, return from capture) - MirrorEdge - 07-29-2018

It wasn't as if Thea didn't feel pain right now, she felt it, and a lot of it, and that was the reason she was determined to have a smile on her face. Because everything would be okay if you smiled.

She slowly made her way a bit closer, just a few steps, since she was exhausted. Teleporting here had taken a lot out of her, and she probably wouldn't be walking easily to the Observatory.

Maybe she should've been out and about, chasing butterflies and enjoying the flowers had she been raised normally. Not with somebody unfit to be a mother,  who had chosen to pass on to her child her own view of the world, and ended up dying because Thea took it far too seriously, as some young children do.

So was that the fate Thea was destined to someday? To die alone in her attempts?

At Carolina's words, she tilted her head. "I... don't?" Normally, she would brush something like this off immediately, but the words stuck in her mind, like some unwanted pest that refused to die. Thea's mind almost wandered, as if to try and get rid of the thought before she spoke, "Uh, he looked kinda like you. But a bit smaller, and was yellow-ish."

Re: ESCAPE (Open, return from capture) - imperia - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Luckily for Thea, a medic is never too far away. "I agree with Mademoiselle Carolina," says the creature as she strides over, seeming to drift effortlessly through the plains. She carries with her a leather satchel full of medical supplies. "It is admirable to want to be physically strong, but that does not mean you should neglect other parts of your life. Making friends is a good way to ensure you have allies, which is also something a good warrior needs because there will always be a situation in which you encounter something that surpasses your physical abilities." Leave it to Imperia to take up the mantle of long-winded yet well-meaning harangues. As a cleric, it is her job to monitor and help maintain the clan's health, and helping people make healthy choices--both physically and mentally--is a big part of the job.

The lovely she-wolf stands tall over the young warrior girl, offering Thea a friendly smile. "Please sit down and rest so I can take a look at that burn. I have some water and snacks, too, if you're hungry." Peri is alright with Thea wanting to be a powerful fighter, but she intends on helping the youth realize that strength is not determined only by one's combat ability. It is in leadership, health, and relationships, as well.

Re: ESCAPE (Open, return from capture) - MirrorEdge - 07-29-2018

Thea simply nodded, the information that she usually ignored seeping into her head, a bit slowly, but still making progress. So for now, she carefully settled down, and offered one of her front paws to Peri, doing her best to keep as much weight as possible off of the other paws.
