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BARBIE GIRL — MAKEOVER - Printable Version

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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
To say Pincher was a workaholic was an understatment. The male was obsessed with the idea of work, constantly nitpicking at his ideas and creations and believing he could do better. Nothing really satisfied him or made him feel accomplished except his family and his crew but improvement of himself? That seemed like a goal he would never really be able to reach. He carried a lot of flaws within himself such as his paranoia, selfishness, violent beavior, and lack of empathy. One could write novels of how fucked up Pincher was especially his habits that were not healthy at all. He did exercise on the daily and ate decently but his smoking and drinking? Those were dangerous habits that he seemed to never be able to break or stopped, his body adjusted to every shot he took and every inhale of nicotine. These habits had blossomed within his life when his father had allowed him to take his first swig of rum and his uncle had allowed Pincher to take his last cigarette before pushing him into a fight. It had been a rough childhood filled with lilac bruises and aching bones but it had made him who he was now despite the pain. He was strong and capable of taking a lot of pain and shock even if it exhausted him. But there was one fucking drink that he could never get used to.

He rarely drank the cursed concoction because of the name and how strong it was. But he had been craving for nights where he could just not wake up until the afternoon. So while his family had decided to spend time in their submarine, the male had gone out to the Capricorn Tavern with his attention honed on the idea of taking some drinks. Nothing out of the usual, just some shots of tequila and maybe a few cups of whiskey or vodka. He was used to those sorts so after taking a decent amount, Pincher had been ready to head back home when the bartender suggested a little drink that had always been his favorite. Adios, Motherfucker. That drink was hell on ecstasy and the male hesitated, debating on if he should drink that the day before meeting day. But he was craving it for quite some time now. The only problem was how powerful it was and how it made someone like Pincher — a demigod that drank on the daily — a complete idiot or well more of an idiot than he already was. Before he knew it, he accepted the offer and downed the drink with his body buzzing for more. The night became a mixture of confusion and amusement, Pincher laughing and singing with other drunken bastards before stumbling out of the tavern and into the night, humming sailor songs with the moonlight outlining his stumbling form.

He remained this way until morning where he had decided to simply collapse beneath the shade of a palm tree, his lumbering form collapsing onto itself with his dazed icy blue eyes fluttering shut. He began to snore softly with his sides slowly rising and falling as he allowed sleep to envelop him. He was tired from work and completely drunk, his body practically a shell as his soul left him as if he was astral projecting into dreamland. Even with the commotion of the crewmates beginning to run around and do their work, the dark storm gray jaguar did not move a muscle. Pincher was usually a rather light sleeper but after the drinking fest and exhaustion, he had become an incredibly heavy sleeper and wouldn't wake up even if someone decided to step on him or yell at his face on how shitty of a captain he was. Basically, Pincher was free for everyone to mess around with.

[member=1434]SYLVINA[/member] & [member=1667]CLEO R. C.[/member] + anyone can join in and make pincher pretty for once in his life (glitter/ribbons/paint/etc.)

Re: BARBIE GIRL — MAKEOVER - CLEO R. C. - 07-28-2018

Cleo would be lying if she claimed that she didn't have an affinity for stirring up trouble. It wasn't that she reveled in chaos and disorder (quite the opposite actually), just that she held a certain appreciation for the disruption of a typical day- wanting nothing more than to present herself as a roadblock, a challenge to an unlucky victim. Thus far, she had kept to herself though, merely observing her crewmates and their behaviors through glowing red eyes, her snake whispering possibilities into her waiting ear. But she wanted to change that, to surprise someone by messing up their routine and adding her own custom flair to it. She wouldn't say that she enjoyed all things that were considered dramatic, but she undoubtedly did. And that's where the sticky gemstones came into play.

Oh how she had been so excited when she found them! An almost uncharacteristic cheer tumbling from parted lips when she realized their purpose or more so, their potential. They were fixed upon clear sheets and, once removed, stuck to anything quite impressively. They'd certainly create the level of distress that she was going for, all while successfully bedazzling one individual of her choosing. But that's where the hard part came in... There were so many candidates! On one hand, she could track down Vandal and try to add some decoration to her aunt, and then there were any one of her siblings (all of which she figured could use a little sprucing up) and then... No, he was perfect. Absolutely perfect. She didn't need to look any further, think anymore, her darling dad was about to get the makeover of his life.

He appeared to be sleeping deeply which was good for her. She just wished she wasn't doing this all by herself, not when she'd have to take all of the blame. Cleo supposed she could just put it all on Eshe and hope that Pincher bought the story but she had her doubts- her father was intelligent after all. No matter, her self preservation trait had yet to kick in and in her mind, the pros far out weighed the consequences. What could go wrong?

And so, little Cleo in all of her tiny glory attempted to situate herself on top of him, gently peeling off the adhesive gemstones and sticking them all of his pelt. [color=#445544]"Oh, Eshe..." She would breath quietly, [color=#445544]"He's going to look so good." If only she had some glitter to complete the look.


[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:georgia;font-size:11px"]It would be a lie to say Sylvina would pass up a situation like this. Her father, passed out cold and likely to be in the state for a little bit longer — it was like handing a child a candy bar. And Sylvie was not going home without taking a bite. Oh the mischievous things she could do.. The young kitten suppressed a smirk upon her maw as she padded forward toward the dozing jaguar and her sister. ”Great minds think alike.” She’d nod to her kin with an olive gaze admiring the female’s bedazzles.

Earlier in the day Sylvina had decided to walk alongside the beach which inevitably had turned into a hunt for washed up items. She had found a leather satchel to place all her treasure in and, amongst the heaps of mundane objects, was a bottle full of glitter and an eyeshadow palette. How perfect! Sliding the pack off her shoulders, Sylv would quickly rummage through its contents before finding the items of value.

”I think he needs a little of this, yeah?” The ebony she-cat would muse sweetly as she climbed up the much larger wildcat. With some effort she’d manage to pop the lid off the bottle, her small jaws barely clenched around it as she began prancing on Her father’s back, glitter falling aimlessly atop his sleeping self. The substance was an array of colors but the hues that popped the most was that of pink and purple. ”Princess Pincher!” Sylvina would exclaim a squeal as she finshed emptying the bottle.

Sliding off his rump, the Bengal kitten would move onto the next task — makeup! She would drag the pallette over to his head and delicately place tiny paws on top of his nose, he rown scrunched into a face of concentration. Hmm, how to make the perfect look ... Hopefully someone would come along to help her brainstorm.

( sorry for the shitty post im on my phone! )