Beasts of Beyond
HEAR ME NOW | {P, PLAYER} - Printable Version

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Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - sassy
He was tired. That much was for damn certain. What would he give to be capable of being able to rest? Everything right now. Everything was still to shit, and he wasn't in the mood to deal with Carolina or Texas right now. He needed to build up the barriers that he had built before they were completely destroyed with Tex's arrival. He hadn't really thought that seeing her again would cause such an extreme reaction but guessed that this was the case anyway. He didn't really have much of a choice when it came to his episodes. There were a couple instances where he could force himself to not go through the episode if it was mild enough, but if it was on the extreme side he wouldn't stand a chance. The Freelancer had a lot to do since Carolina was still being over alive again. He had been distraught over her death because it had been his fault entirely. If he hadn't hesitated, he wouldn't have a broken arm and he wouldn't have come across Carolina's corpse. it was usual for someone like him to suddenly be shocked to see someone that he buried anyway.

Washington wasn't sure how he was supposed to react, and until he could react accordingly he had been slightly avoiding the serval for a little bit. He needed to clear his head, and the memories from the Director were certainly destroying his mind. It was near dusk when he finally finished his patrols. It was taking him longer and longer to complete them thanks to his broken left leg that was still healing. Now that he had a splint on it, he refused to let anyone touch it or even look at it. He liked to have his own personal space and he knew how to treat a broken bone. By letting it rest and occasionally testing how well it was healing. He didn't need a medic to tell him that. He had broken plenty of bones before. Washington was sitting in front of two books. He wasn't working on trying to get the radio working by soldering wires together this time. Instead, he was doing his research. Which something that came with engineering was incredibly boring. He could fix up a car, but these technologically advanced helmets weren't exactly going to be easy to deal with.

If York was here, the process would go by so quicker, and Delta would be able to lead him through what he was going to neeed to do. Although, he wasn't sure exactly how he would react to the likes of an AI if he did come across them. The left book that he had actually was a notebook that was filled with sketches and notes about the tests that he had been doing with the radio. Most of which had come out to be failures but he was determined to make some form of progress. Working with one arm though was still incredibly difficult and frustrating for him to go through. He was staring down at the next book, which was a textbook that was going over what was needed to build a radio in the first place. Maybe he could build one himself and work from there, but he would need the pieces and the parts. He was trying his best to memorize what was in front of him, but considering how exhausted he was, it was almost impossible for him to do. He leaned his head back against the tree that he was sitting in front of. Raising his good right paw and rubbing it on the front of his visor, before putting it onto the top of his head and applying pressure. These headaches were starting to get annoying to him. Huffing inside of his helmet, he turned his attention back to the books.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18: