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ENTER SANDMAN && gift baskets. - Printable Version

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ENTER SANDMAN && gift baskets. - OWEN. - 07-28-2018

Owen wasn't pleased with the fact that the raptors were seemingly seperated. He had heard that Delta was in the Ascendants, and was definitely going to visit the utahraptor now. He had to. It felt wrong not to keep up with the creatures he raised from eggs. The large, bulky german shepherd huffed as he skidded up to the border, having ran the whole way here. He was huffing and puffing at this point, the basket of meat in his hands smelling of blood from the catch he made. Meanwhile, his tail held another basket of wine and sweets, hopefully the Ascenders would like this.

Lifting his head up, the male let out a loud bark, then a broadcast call to Delta. "My name is Owen, I'm here with gifts!" He announced, his tail setting the basket of goodies down and setting down his basket of meat.

//if someone could tag delta that'd be great oof

Re: ENTER SANDMAN && gift baskets. - imperia - 07-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Imperia has heard mention of feral raptors who seem to inhabit clans before passing through; but if there is one currently residing in the Ascendants, the cleric has yet to see or hear of it. Unfortunately, she may not be of much help to the unfamiliar German Shepherd, but she will try her best. The lovely canine emerges silently from the grasses at the sound of a stranger, moving with an almost otherworldly grace. Lithe muscles ripple and flex beneath a sleek pelt of silver starlight, a friendly smile dancing upon her lips. "Bonjour!" she greets in her native tongue, luminous sterling gaze sweeping over Owen's features with a guarded curiosity. "Welcome to the Ascendants, Owen, and thank you for the gifts. My name is Imperia Arceneau--I am a cleric here." Ever polite, the elegant creature dips her head in a slight nod. "Might I ask what these are for?" She does not remember any event, but perhaps he is just being friendly. In that case, Peri is not complaining.

Re: ENTER SANDMAN && gift baskets. - ★ HAZEL - 07-28-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
The Ascendants got a lot of things: joiners, angst, people falling from the sky and crash-landing on their territory. But what they didn’t get very often? Gifts. Which wasn’t super odd, considering the small amount of clans present, but...Hazel wasn’t sure. She’d been here for a few months and this was the first gift-bearer in a long time — or in her immediate memory.

Nevertheless, Hazel was pleasantly happy with the gesture, warmth seeping into her veins like a fine buzz. She tried not to look at the basket of fresh meat, knowing automatically that it wasn’t for them given the other basket of sweets and wine (wouldn’t Bast and Margy have a field day with that). She paused next to Imperia, nodding along with the graceful wolf as she covered all of the necessary bases. “The only thing that might eat that is Delta,” Hazel hummed, almost to herself, “though I can’t speak for everyone’s food preferences.”

[member=261]delta[/member] !!

Re: ENTER SANDMAN && gift baskets. - axiom - 07-28-2018

Even before she heard the broadcast call, the teal dinosaur smells the pungent scent of carrion - her sense of smell provided her a keen advantage when her species wasn't the largest predator around, and in this more modern age, she is capable of scavenging effectively when she feels too lazy for proper hunting. But his call caused her slow pace to turn into a full sprint as she rushed towards the male's location. Delta is a pack animal, even if she is completely capable of survival on her own; and she hasn't seen him in a long time; she wants to reunite with him and her sisters.

Letting out a broadcast call of her own, she runs through the forest. Her bulky body is surprisingly maneuverable, turning sharply to weave through trees with the slightest motion of her balancing tail. Though she is still loud, and her arrival is announced by the sound of her racing through the foliage and pounding of her feet long before she properly appears in front of the small gathering.

Charging into the clearing, she slows to a stop within a few paces, her feet skidding on the ground a few centimeters as she stills to a stand. The utahraptor's dark eyes instantly focus on Owen, as she appears not to acknowledge Hazel or Imperia - good for them, as Delta only considered other animals prey, threats, or nothing to concern herself with. "Alpha!" she babbles excitedly to Owen, the claws on her arms flexing as she continues her vocalizations by chuffing a pleased greeting to him. Delta prefers the times when Owen watches over the pack, as she likes the strength of the pack when all of her sisters and their leader contribute. And, while she is bonded to Blue, Owen is the one that raised her; she would follow him first until his obvious death.

Taking note of the carrion, her dark eyes quickly glance to the bundle next to him. However, she doesn't advance towards it, not intending to challenge her alpha for food possession. Instead, she cocks her head to the side, right and left, as she waits for his reaction to her presence.

Re: ENTER SANDMAN && gift baskets. - OWEN. - 07-29-2018

"Ah, yeah! My name's Owen- Wait, I already introduced myself. Shit. Uh, god." He laughed softly, shaking his head side to side as he glanced over the two women, scooting the basket of sweets over to them. "I'm merely a traveler, Delta is a member of the pack of raptors I raised." He gave the quick introduction of who he was, and pretty much why he was here. "I figured it'd be awkward to just show up with a basket of meat, and I heard that the power couple here likes wine. So, here 'ya go." Owen chuckled, dipping his head to the two women. They were both beautiful, in an awesome way that Owen's dumb ass self couldn't possibly see at the moment. Maybe it was because his romantic set of eyes were launched onto men? Who knows.

Then, he heard the returned broadcasting call from Delta, and a smile lit up the german shepherd's face as he heard the loud trampling of feet through bushes and overgrowth. God, she was making a ruckus and he loved it. It was either she was here and pissed, or here and excited to see him.

And thank god, it was the latter. The clicks and babbles leaving the green raptor left the shepherd gleeful at what he heard. She was happy he was back, and thankfully, he could somewhat still understand the babbles. Somewhat. "Well look at you, Delta! You've gotten a bit bigger, haven't you?!" Owen laughed, letting out a soft, affectionate chitter from his mouth. After many months of raising the raptor family, one comes to understand the language they put out. Chitters for affection, chuffs for curiosity (usually heard during hunts or anticipation).

The german shepherd dipped his head to the two girls for a moment, before standing up straight to greet the much larger creature. To be honest, Delta, Charlie, Blue, and Echo were all his babies. He raised them from an egg, trained them, and fed them. But he had felt guilty about having left them for a while. He had things to do, and he thought the girls would stay together.

"Oh, you smell the food. Smart little thing." Chuckled Owen as he watched the female raptor tilt her head in curiosity, and God did he miss the raptors even more now. He wanted to see them more often. An air of authority was about the german shepherd, but friendliness towards the utahraptor was also evident. They were of a pack, and he was the Alpha. But they were family. Owen saw it like this.

Pulling out a nice, big piece of bloody cow meat (he forgot where he cut the meat from, god forbid), holding it in his mouth for a moment. "Hold. Head up." He ordered, testing the reigns he still had. If the raptor still remembered her training, if she was willing to, at least. She had been apart from him for quite a long time, after all.

Though, if she followed his order, she'd get the meat that hung from his jaws, dripping with fats and blood that enticed even the shepherd himself.

Re: ENTER SANDMAN && gift baskets. - MirrorEdge - 07-29-2018

"We had a raptor here? That's so cool!" Whispers had been heard by Thea here and there of large killing machines that resided in the territory, much too strong for a single Ascendent to face, and they tended to stick together. Thea, naturally, admired that, and the Arabian leopard watched in awe as what she viewed as something that should be respected stood a few feet away.

But why did they respect the shepherd? They could easily kill him. That was probably the difference between Delta and Thea. Thea only respected and listened to those she viewed as strong.

Eyes stayed trained on Delta, fascinated. "Why doesn't she just take the food from you? She could easily kill you and eat you and the food." The young Fireball was a bit blunt, but still, a valid question, in her mind.

Re: ENTER SANDMAN && gift baskets. - axiom - 07-29-2018

She hears her name in his reply, though she found it difficult to understand everything he said - she understood that he spoke something to her Blood Favorite duo, but she doesn't even try to understand the mammal speak now. Her attention focused on her alpha and - to a lesser extent - the meat he brought with him, she returns his chitter with own, pleased that he recognizes her and doesn't seem mad. Blue made for a more testy alpha in his absence, and she is pleased that the pack order can be reestablished to its proper place. Well, once her sisters turn up, that is.

Hearing his commands and seeing him manipulate the carrion, she lets out a chirp-like noise of anticipation as she straightens her posture. Her head lifts up, her dangerous sickle claws tapping the ground as a sure sign of her decreasing patience.

There was one new thing about her that stood out, now that her head was more prominently displayed. A large, angry series of cuts were on the right side of her face - weeks old, long since healed over, but nevertheless scarred over. Delta doesn't think about them, now that they've healed and the pain went away, though she will never forget which animal she brawled with.

As the meat sailed towards her, she breaks position and lunges for it, her teeth closing around the slab. She shakes her head, allowing her backward-facing teeth to do the work of sheering part of it for her. She is satisfied with it, soon enough, though she hardly seems to notice the resulting blood splatter across her muzzle and through the air. Bobbing her head up, she opened her jaws enough to swallow the meat whole, tasting its rich marbled steak flavor for a second before it vanishes. Delta appreciates this, in the moment, as she hasn't encountered this species of prey for a while - most of what she gets, these days, are deer and boar.

Chittering contently, she feels most of her excitement give way to regular contentment. Stepping towards Owen in an unrushed manner, she attempts to tap his shoulder with her blood-soaked nose - expressing the greatest amount of affection she was quite possibly capable of feeling.

Re: ENTER SANDMAN && gift baskets. - OWEN. - 07-29-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd ascendants tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
One couldn't possibly explain why the raptors chose to respect the german shepherd. It was true, he could easily be slaughtered by the sisters, but they wouldn't do that to him. Not while he kept his authority as Alpha strong. He kept his eyes on Delta, a chuckle of joy leaving his chest as he pressed his head into the much larger utahraptor's face. He noticed the scars upon her body, a moment of confusion washed over him, but he didn't say anything. He'd ask about the wounds upon his girl later on.

When he pulled back from the affectionate drabble he had taken from Delta, a soft click left his mouth, before a babble escaped him. "Where Blue? Charlie? Echo?" He babbled to her, rusty in the language that he couldn't quite speak well, so of course it seemed kind of broken. When Thea spoke, though, he turned his head slightly, a smirk towards the youngster.

"It's a foundation of respect. I'm their Alpha, I raised them. We keep the air of mutual respect and protect each other." He answered Thea gently, lifting a paw up to attempt to gently brush his rough pads over her scaled cheek. He really needed to find out who gave Delta those scars, but he figured it was probably from her sisters. He knew while he wasn't pleasant, then it was a hellhouse. Fights often occured with Blue being the Alpha in his presence. But, she was a good Alpha, in his opinion. Now that he was around, she was Beta. But Blue seemed to respect that, as long as she had reign over her sisters.

Re: ENTER SANDMAN && gift baskets. - axiom - 07-29-2018

Yes, she thinks she missed Alpha; she chirps contently at the returned affection, and for a moment it is easy to see that Delta is not entirely consumed by savagery. At his question, she grunts almost non-committedly in response, her tail lashing irritably behind her. "Don't know," she babbles back, huffy in exasperation. While she knows her sisters can handle themselves well enough alone, she is tired of the pack's fragmentation - without Alpha, they tended to wander more and follow their own instincts. She does want to see them again, but she also doesn't know where to find them.

She remains unmoving as his paw brushes her scars, though she doesn't realize that he's paying attention to a previous wound - she's long forgotten it, as she can't see the scar tissue and it doesn't impact her life now that it healed over. She doesn't blink and seems patient enough to tolerate this.