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(Please keep in mind that Killua uses his air elementals to keep his scent hidden! No one will know he is from Snowbound unless they have seen him previously. Characters are allowed to smell the type of candy he is eating when he stops at the border. No need to match muse, the last paragraph is all that matters!)

Staying on place usually didn't sit well with Killua. Maybe it was the factor that sitting in one place was just waiting for those that were tracking him to find the location that he was in at the time. The assassin couldn't afford to have something like that happened considering his current condition. He considered himself to be in great fighting condition, but if he was going to fight up against a Zoldyck, then he was nowhere near close in the right condition to really fight anyone. The young male needed to constantly keep his mind occupied in order to keep himself from killing others. This meant that he was more than willing to travel from one group to the next. Whats the worse that could happen? He figured out that all the groups that were around the area were actually fairly new. He doubted that any of them really had any manpower to try and take him down with the few members that they'll actually end up having if they didn't enjoy his presence being here. He was desperately trying to turn a new leaf, but it is extremely difficult when he has no one that is willing to give him any sort of advice. The one that he considered almost to be a mentor to him was dead and had been long dead for months now. So, who was he going to ask? Bringing up his true identity was too risky. He knew the way that clanners had thought of course, and they would think of him as a threat and try to kick him out. It took him several weeks to find a group of clans like this again from the group that he had been in previously. He couldn't stay there though as his position had been compromised as his older brother was able to find him with ease. Killua should have anticipated his brother's appearance, but he had silently hoped that his family would just leave him alone to be a kid. That's all that Killua had ever wished for, instead of being trained as their weapon to be a killer and nothing else. The assassin didn't care about killing others anymore, he didn't get the high that he used to when he was just a kitten. Either way, keeping himself moving from place to place really did help his mind. He was able to gather a lot of information about the clans that were in the area and he could use that to his own benefit if he really needed to. Who knows, maybe he'll find someone that peaks his interest and one that is willing to befriend an assassin like him. At the thought of having a friend again, he felt the all too familiar headache start to blossom in his forehead. A term that was always taboo among the family of assassins. It happened all the time whenever he just simply thought of the term. It made him constantly debate whether or not he was worthy to even have a friend. He was a killer. Murderer. He killed leaders of clans with ease. He killed those that thought they were stronger than him just because he was a kid. He probably had a kill count larger than any possible warbound clan in the area. It was almost funny, calling them warbound instead of the other term that he was used to. Anti-clan didn't seem to have a nice fitting compared to warbound. Which groups were warbound he would have to find out eventually. The only way Killua had managed to find out about the group that he was heading too now was asking someone that was outside of a territory to see if there were more groups around. Considering that he had found Snowbound fairly easily, he figured that there would be others around. There always were more than one clan in an area, as it seemed to be a trend that they constantly had with one another. The assassin didn't know what this group was going to end up being like so he was going to have to be somewhat careful.

Despite his age, the young apprentice was covered in several fresh scars. Scars that were obviously made by a much larger creature. His brother was a large black tiger after all, and when it came into terms of strength there was little he could have done against his older brother. Long claw marks ran along each side of his body moving from his shoulder down all the way to his flake. There were three scars on each of his shoulders made by claws. A notch was missing from his right ear, and there was a smaller scar above his right eye. All of these previous wounds fairly visible against his white pelt as the scars were still pink, having only been several weeks old. He still felt his leg a little bit stiff where his brother had broken said limb. But he was practically fully recovered at this point, at least in his mind. There were other hidden old wounds underneath his slightly long white fur. All the scars that he had received since he was a kitten weren't from battle with others but instead had been given to him by his own family instead. The wildcat never received a scar during a mission or even attacking a clanner. This just showed Killua how weak the others were compared to him in most regards, something that Killua constantly uses to his advantage to his day. His white pelt fairly pristine as he doesn't enjoy having any sort of stains on his body. It would make it easier to catch his scent if he didn't have his current powers and make it easier for him to track if he was dirty. Killua had approached the territory on the southern side, where there actually seemed to be trees around here. Looking past the tree line slightly, the young assassin as able to see that there was nothing but plains out there. It reminded him largely of a clan that he had just left not too long ago. The male was completely silent as he walked in the Canopy area of the territory, his body entirely relaxed. However, he was on high alert waiting to see if anyone would appear around the border of this place. Once he did reach the border though, the young male jumped up onto a fairly high branch. There, he laid himself down, his metal claws shining through the light that traveled through the leaves of the tree that he was sitting in. A yawn spread across his facial features as he raised one of his metal-clawed paws and conjured up a box of chocolate. Using the metal, he ripped the top of the box and took out the pieces of chocolate, humming to himself as he ate. The stench of chocolate would certainly carry its way through certain parts of the territory, and it wouldn't exactly be hard to find a stark white serval sitting in a branch tree. Killua didn't bother to announce himself, as he wanted to be found. His large radar-like ears were on a constantly swivel as he listened for any clanners in the area. 
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:


BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
Bastille wasn't really in the mood for bullshit. His temper seemed to be fraying out more and more recently, but he would be damned if anyone could resist a bad mood after days of headaches. It was practically constant at this point. He was losing it, and at some point he was definitely going to snap and it probably would be disastrous.

It's not like you need to stay with these idiots anyway, someone quipped, too quickly and faintly for Bast to pinpoint which soul was being snide now. Probably Echo, honestly -- he was both the most vocal and the most of an asshole. Zaniel generally just didn't care enough to be a dick, and Polluted was... different, to say the least. Much quieter, much deadlier with his fanatic rage.

God, just thinking about his chaotic cluster of past lives was intensifying his headache. Bastille gritted his teeth and irritably stalked on, making his way towards the foreign aura that he had noticed on their border from a distance. To his annoyance, the guy was just lounging about as if he had any right to casually frolic on their border.

"This is Ascendants territory," the bengal said idly, stopping beneath the tree to regard the stranger with an ice blue stare, "You don't seem to be in particular hurry to find someone, and I know you know this is someone's territory, so what do you want?" Not his best greeting, but damnit, his head was throbbing.


Killua would be lying if he said that he was used to the voice that he had in his head. The voice didn't usually talk to him in complete sentences, and the voice that spoke was few and far between. The assassin of course knew who the voice belonged to, and it belonged to his damned brother of all things. The one that had trained him to be an assassin, which made it extremely difficult to function properly when it came to dealing with the clans. He knew what could possibly happen if his brother finally took control over his body. He didn't know how the other was capbale of doing something like that, but he had done it a couple times from what he could remember. There was a chance that his oldest brother had to be close to the area to be able to do something like that to him, but he wasn't entirely sure as he had never managed to test the theories he had about how his brothers powers even worked for that matter. Half of him said that he shouldn't worry about his brother and should just try to continue running away from him as long as possible. Because that would solve all of his problems. Moving from two groups of clans though that he had established himself in? He was tired of running. Sure, he couldn't exactly face up against his brother with his current powers, and who knows, there might never be a time that he could successfully attack his brother without nearly dying himself. They were Zoldyck's. They weren't allowed to kill each other. But torturing and permanently scarring one another? That was more than an option that everyone was willing to go with. Zoldyck's were also incredibly patient, so his brother would probably wait for the right time to make his appearance. His brother always came to ruin the fun, as it was probably orders given to him by his old man. Either way, after having nearly died from his last encounter with his brother, the voice in the back of his head didn't speak out to him recently. It had almost been a month since he heard the voice, and he was beginning to wonder if he was ever going to hear it again. Occasionally he could feel something painful around his forehead when he started to think about what his goals for not being an assassin would be, as if something was trying to change his way of thinking at the same time. However, he did hear a whisper in the back of his mind when he was dealing with someone that was a joiner. He didn't know why the whisper had appeared then and there as he wasn't thinking much when it came to the other male for that factor. Killua usually kept to himself at the moment, which is probably what his family would have wanted him to do so that he could feel secluded again. Feel like there was nothing out in this world for him. Driving him back to the life of an assassin, the weapon that they had designed him to be. Until that day comes though, he was going to make damn well sure that he went against their every wish.

What Killua was never able to fully realize, was that he had a device that was implanted into his body. A small needle that was implanted into his forehead when he was just a kitten. During his training around that age, he was often knocked out unconscious from the rigorous training, which would have given his brother a challenge to implant the needle into his body. The object had a soul fused inside of it, part of the soul that came from his older brother, and because the needle was inside of his body, it meant that it was able to latch onto Killua's emotions, actions, and mind. His oldest brother was capable of controlling the needle's influence from far away distances, meaning that he didn't even need to be remotely close to his little brother to make his life miserable. It was all fun and games but there were instances where Killua would randomly have an urge to slit someone's throat if they pissed him off enough. The wildcat had a lot on his plate, and he wouldn't mind starting fights as long as he could let loose some steam. He was currently on a record for not having killed one in the past couple of weeks, almost an entire month though. Killua could have spent his entire day on the border of this territory he knew nothing of. It was nice to look at, and the weather was certainly comfortable for the slight long furred serval that was sitting in the tree. He could be seen occasionally sinking his claws into one of the chocolates in the box that he had conjured, and then biting the chocolate off of his long metal claw. While he was eating, of course, his large radar-like ears were able to pick up the movement that was coming toward him. Killua gave no indication that he knew who was coming toward him until the creatue came into view. It was a domestic cat. Surprise no surprise there. This was obviously a clan and it was the most common species out of all of them. Bengal. The other was certainly a lot older than he was, and he certainly didn't look happy. This was going to be interesting for sure. He blinked his sapphire blue eyes as he took another bite of chocolate waiting for the other speak, and while the other was speaking he was chewing that piece of chocolate. He swallowed once the other was speaking. "Ascendants? That's a pretty interesting name for a group. So that's the name of this place?" Killua mostly hummed to himself. The name did have a nice ring to it in his mind. At this point, the apprentice was looking away from the bengal as he seemed to think for a couple of moments, before looking down at the male behind the border. He didn't seem to be that much of a threat. "Well obviously this is someone's territory. Who doesn't know what the hell a scent marker is? Every animal does, it literally is instinct." Killua would huff toward the other, rolling his eyes slightly. Did the other think that he was trying to cause trouble here? How hard was it just to have a simple conversation? "Not much really. I was honestly just looking to have a chat with someone since I've been bored lately. If you aren't up for the , of course,rse I'd be more than willing to wait for someone else." There was nothing criminal about that right? The albino serval would shrug his shoulders as he spoke, taking out another piece of chocolate from the box, throwing it into his mouth. How would the other react? Killua honestly expected the other to attack him or tell him to leave. It wasn't like he was going to still their food, there was no need to when he could conjure whatever the hell he wanted.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: LIGHTNING AND THE THUNDER | {OPEN, VISITOR?} - Character Graveyard. - 03-29-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna wasn't the type of person to start or end fights, but she could defend herself. She despised violence but a lot of others seemed to have a strong liking for it. When she saw Bastille and an unfamiliar serval- she grew mildly curious and decided to head over.

Noticing that Bastille was getting riled up, she stepped in. "My apologizes for his behavior. Bastille can be difficult at times." She glanced at the Fireball and calmly gave a brief nod of her head, merely telling him to hold his tongue as politely as she could.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯


BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
There was nothing particularly wrong about this guy. He didn’t seem hostile — merely disinterested and bored. Didn’t make great eye contact, and didn’t seem to care if Bastille was annoyed or not. Which, as far as survival instinct went, it seemed pretty damn weak. That being said, Bast probably wouldn’t give a damn if someone in a shitty mood greeted him on a foreign border, either.

He was trying not to lose his shit. Luna’s sudden presence was vaguely reassuring — she was always calm and contained, and Bast glanced briefly at her before giving a slight shake of his head. He was more likely to force himself to calm down with his mentor near. ”Yeah, whatever. I’m not really feeling a conversation, but I guess if you’re just here to... chat, you could come to the observatory and find the social members. Or something.” God, his head hurt just from speaking.


Violence had practically been bred into his nature once he came into this world. Coming from a family that was already considered to be extremely dangerous and violent it was only assumed that he would be following in the footsteps. Despite his entire family being power houses, they didn't hide themselves from those around the world. There wasn't any reason to hide their existence unless they were going undercover or if revealing who they were would hamper the mission that they were currently on. They weren't idiots when it came to their reputation after all, and knew when it was the right time to sit down and talk and when it was the right time to take action. The locals that lived around the mountain that they occupied practically made it an attraction to come and see them that were there. Few tried to enter through the gate, simply because of the factor that it was extremely heavy, and instead opted to go to the side door instead. Which they were usually eaten by the guard dog that laid in wait behind that exact wall in the first place. Most animals didn't know the appearance of any of the Zoldyck members, and that is exactly how they wanted it to stay. It didn't really matter if someone decided that they were going to try and kill them because it would be worth a challenge. Considering he was an assassin, he had attempts on his own life before. Some of which had been assigned by his own brother as a means of his training if he was being followed and how he would react to it. His brother often did test son him without Killua not even realizing what was happening until it was ultimately too late for anyone to do anything about it. Killua never suffered any life-threatening injuries from those that tried to kill him, meaning that he had a lot of faith in his innate skills when it came to fighting off others. He had only lost one in a fight, but that was months ago. He was a lot stronger now, and he believed that if he was given the same mission again he could take on the clan leader that he had failed to kill before because he had underestimated her. There were reasons why he acted like he didn't care when it came to exploring the territories. He had confidence that if anyone attacked him, they would immediately regret it. He didn't have enough skill to make it so that he kept his strength to a minimum when it came to going up against someone that was much weaker than him and when he didn't want to kill them. Somewhat difficult, and since he didn't exactly want to spar with anyone in fear of giving away too many of his powers, he wasn't able to train himself well enough to keep his power under control most of the time. There had been plenty of instances where his air elementals simply grew out of control due to his emotions, changing the temperature of nearby areas, even changing the temperature of his skin as well. He was trying to get better at the urges that he constantly had. He could deal with mocking those around him, and passive-aggressively threatening them as well. How would he feel if he went up against them at an all-out fight however? Killua wasn't sure as he hadn't fought anyone in quite a long time. Was there a chance he could have grown rusty in that regard? Possibly.

But he had plenty of tricks up his sleeves, and he most likely had his powers a lot longer than any of the animals that were currently in the clans. Few were often born with their powers and only trained to use them when they were an apprentice. He was trained when to use his powers when he was just a kitten. He had more experience than most of the creatures when it came to the clans, making it so that one look at someone would let him know whether or not he would be able to take them on. Never take on fights that he couldn't win. Killua knew that much, but all the clanners were the same. They were predictable. There was nothing else to it. The young male had wondered how the angered male would react to him. He could easily beat him in speed as long as the other didn't have teleportation. That power being somewhat rare to come by when it came to the clans anyway. The wildcat had documented what powers were found in the groups, which was a lot of powers to deal with. Sadly, he didn't know every power in existence. That wouldn't stop him though. The albino serval took out another piece of chocolate and realized how light the box weighed now. Looking down, he realized it was the last bit of his chocolate. What a pity. He threw the last piece of chocolate into his mouth and the box disappeared when a new face arrived. Swallowing the sweet, his attention was then turned toward the domestic cat that was below him. Oh? Did she belong here too? He had honestly started to think that he was only going to have the bengal to talk to the entire time. Bastille? Killua would make sure to memorize the other's male name just in case he needed to know it in the future. Killua shrugged his shoulders at the female's words. "I'm used to it. Most groups like these have at least one animal that acts like that." Killua stated calmly as he moved himself into a standing position on the branch that he was on. He thought it was somewhat ironic that the clans would be willing to let their clanmates be aggressive toward someone that could be equally as dangerous despite their current passive behavior. "What's your name?" Killua asked with childlike innocence. She had been the one to arrive and cool down the situation a little bit after all. When the bengal started to speak again, the assassin's attention drifted, and immediately his attention was peaked. Observatory? He, of course, knew what one of those was, and his ears almost seemed to perk up a little bit. "Observatory? No way that's so cool!" Killua said almost excitedly, as he knew what those were used for. Maneuvering himself, Killua would drop from the branch that he was on and land on the ground below in front of the two. However, his paws made no sound when they actually touched the ground. A grin spread across his facial features as he spoke again. "So I can go check the place out?" The apprentice would ask, still standing on his side of the border. Last thing he needed was to take one step across and have them attack him.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:


BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
It would be a mistake to underestimate Bastille, honestly. The bengal was slight and slender, and did not have the smug demeanor of someone so full of them self that everyone must know exactly what he was capable of. He was much more casual, coming around with idle interest and giving away very little of his capabilities. That being said, he’d inherented complete control of his (Grimm’s) powers from Grimmkit and had the force of Echo’s fighting capabilities at his disposal. Peaceful as Ascendants was, there’d been no reason to demonstrate for anyone other than his mentor, who’d seen a little of what he knew. He had no reason to make a point now, either, but should Killua take him for granted Bast would hit back just as hard.

He had relaxed somewhat, forcing himself to be more polite, but his blue stare went viciously cold as Killua spoke dismissively to Luna. Bast was willing to admit that he could be an ass when in a bad mood, but this ignorant little shit had better believe he didn’t kindly to being spoken about so flippantly right in front of him. Kill him kill him kill him, Echo chanted suddenly, his voice loud and abrupt in his thoughts. Bastille winced, feeling a headache rise as his soul surged through him, and for a second his silver fur glowed black.

And then he was forcing Echo back, and the glow faded as the lion came hopping excitedly forward. Bast simply gave a shrug and drawled, ”Well, yes. That was the point of offering. Go ahead; we’ll follow.” His head was killing him, and he didn’t feel like being around this little fucker much longer. He cast a glance towards Luna as she spoke, and snorted in amusement as he started after them.


The assassin had more confidence in his own skills than the clanners that he had ended up coming across. That doesn't necessarily mean that everyone he comes across is as weak as he thinks, he just has enough confidence in his skills that he should be able to take whatever a clanner could end up throwing at him. Having taken on clan leaders, which have been mostly regarded as bieng the strongest in the group that they lived in, he figured that everyone else would be easy pickings. Which he had been right when he was given jobs to specifically deal with those that were in the lower rankings of the clan to see how he faired against the likes of them. It wasn't hard to get the best of a clanner because simply doing one attack in a matter of seconds made it easier for an enemy to recover. Using a flurry of attacks was the best way to deal with an enemy, especially if one was actually going for the kill. The young male was a killer after all, but he wasn't here for a job. He had no reason to want to take out their leader, and in fact, he would rather know the leader instead of trying to kill him. Killing a leader now would only prove his family right, and it wasn't like it was for a job either. Which made it ultimately pretty pointless for him to do something like that. The assassin just wanted to really have a good time while it lasted. Which e knew wouldn't last for very long because once his family realized that he was actually enjoying his time, it would just mean that they would make their appearance sooner rather than later. Killua having confidence in his abilities would usually result in a couple different reactions with the clanners. They would either get pissed off and try to attack him, or simply become wary the more they looked at how confident he was with his abiltiies. Even if he wasn't all that old, he had more experience actually killing his targets than any group could imagine someone like his age. Which wasn't really something he enjoyed bragging about, and when others thought that they big shots, Killua was usually quick to shut them down. He was a hypocrite in some matters of the sense as he usually did whatever he wanted without thinking of the consequences. Which may have been the way he was raised. Sure he was tortured for a majority of his childhood, but at the same time, he was given practically anything that he wanted. Unless he wanted to go outside then he was really out of luck then. But he had butlers growing up, that would make him whatever he wanted, and get him whatever he wanted. He was a brat in some sense of the word, meaning that he didn't like what he couldn't have, but he would live with it nowadays instead of going on a rampage like he used to do. Did that mean he was growing up a little bit.

Killua's attention had been on the older female considering that she had taken control of the situation since it had happened. Luna huh? That wasn't an extremely hard name to remember for sure. He would make sure to memorize it so that he wouldn't forget. "Name's Killua." The snowbound member finally decided to introduce himself to to do. He would gauge their reaction based on how he said his name, with a mixture of a japanese accent, and how it literally had Kill in the name. His parents weren't exactly that creative when it came to naming him. The assassin's ears were perked forward now as they were directed toward the pair. He could catch that the other was whispering to the apprentice. Exactly what, he wasn't quite sure but considering the way that the others didn't trust him, by their body language, he could imagine it was a threat. Like he could care. He could outrun any species that was smaller than his own if he got himself into trouble. The albino serval looked back toward the other apprentice, and the other confirmed that he was allowed to go to the observatory. The name itself sounded awesome to him, and it was a place that he had never been before. A genuine grin spread across the male's jaws as he nodded his head, his paws shifting with actual excitement, this was going to be fun. "Hell yeah, lets get going then!" Killua stated excitedly as he took his first steps through the border as if it was nothing, he walked passed Luna and Bastille, turning his back to look at them for a couple of moments, before trotting through the plains that covered a majority of the territory. The Snowbounder made sure to stay within viewing distance so that he wouldn't make them feel paranoid that he ended up running off.

(I made it as a seperate thread! )
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: