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CAN'T TRUST ANYBODY | {OPEN, Q&A} - Printable Version

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Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - sassy
Everyone had questions about them. That was understandable. What was not acceptable was for others to simply make assumptions about the way that they worked. The Freelancer didn't like the incompetence that some of the animals here expressed toward them. They hadn't wanted to be in this kind of world, and yet they were stuck with each other and were going to have to live with it. So far, Washington had been playing the neutral party, trying is best to keep everyone calm so that they wouldn't think about attacking them. Now attacking them would probably result in several casualties and there were several chances that they wouldn't be able to get the equipment they needed without any sort of a fight.

He knew that some of these animals were strange in what they were capable of. Washington still has yet to see what was considered to be the magic except for the time that Bastille and Roy had used their powers. Which was extremely confusing he had to say the least and the majority of the time he just blocked it out of his mind as he had many other things to worry about. He knew that the tension between them and everyone else had died down a little bit, but he knew that they were far from trusting each other. It would be beneficial to them to try and befriend them, even if it was just a little bit. There was a couple that Washington was already taking advantage of their trust, which he was doing with everyone that he was interacting with. He wasn't a good guy. Without his helmet, one would be able to see that he didn't care about any of the animals that lived in this group.

They were just animals after all, and he knew that he would probably never see them again thanks to that when they would become human they would go back to their world. Washington was still confused as to how Carolina came back to life and was now a serval. Another image that he was pushing back into the depts of his mind. He knew that there was plenty of confidential information that he couldn't go into detail in, and he wasn't going to end up revealing something that would end up making them look weak. That wasn't the intention. The true intention that he had was to get others familiar with them so that they wouldn't end up crossing paths at a bad time.

The Freelancer intended to use those that lived in the outpost until they outlived their usefulness. He wasn't sure if Carolina felt the same way, but if needed to to cover their track he would easily try to burn everything down of this place without hesitation. He was done with hesitating, as it was because of his hesitation that he had ended up with a broken arm in the first place. He had hesitated in fighting a former teammate and he didn't react quick enough. He nearly died that day and he knew that if he did die, he didn't expect himself to come back either. The medical advances here wouldn't save him from a near fatal wound if he did get one. Either way, the facade that he constantly put on didn't seem at all remotely questioned. Those that trusted him were making a fatal mistake. The armored smilodon had some downtime to kill, which was only around an hour in his schedule.

Washington didn't want to waste his time completely, but he knew that this was probably going to be necessary. He was just trying his damn best to avoid Texas and sometimes Carolina so that he wouldn't have another episode again. No one has come to question what his mental health actually was, not like he would tell them anyway if they asked. Washington made his way toward the bottom of the steps of the telescope. He didn't get onto the steps as there would be no points and climbing stairs was a pain in the ass with a broken left arm that he couldn't put pressure on it. He flicked one of his rounded ears inside of his helmet as he sat himself down. The former human seemed to sit there for several seconds in silence as he closed his gold and blue eyes. He was honestly preparing himself as he wasn't that great when it came to social interactions.

Clearing his throat, he lowered his head into a neutral position, the lights that adorned his armor on and basically broadcasting his position. His right paw shifted on the ground as the voices started in the back of his mind at his growing anxieties. The freelancer craned his neck to side till he heard a crack. One would think that he would be used to having nothing but constant headaches for a straight week, but this didn't seem to be the case. Clearing his throat he would speak out to those that were in the area.[b] "I'm here to answer questions about us since I know the majority of you have a lot of questions. I can't give out everything though as there is confidential information I can't speak of. You all have one-hour starting now." Washington made it clear that he wasn't going to be able to answer every question that was directed toward him. If anything, he'd be more likely to give a vague enough answer that would satisfy those that would question him. He was too tired to try and start an argument though, and if anyone wanted to yell at him for his answers he wouldn't give a damn.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: CAN'T TRUST ANYBODY | {OPEN, Q&A} - pallid-i - 07-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — "Your Armor. Is it alien in origin?" She was making her way over with her candy red eyes narrowing. She had heard him say some information was classified, but that didn't really matter to her. She just wanted to know so bad.. If that was classified information, she would be pissed. Beyond pissed. It's not everyday you meet another alien, or see alien technology. She really shouldn't get her hopes up high, but she wants to know if another alien is around. So she wouldn't feel so alone in this weird planet.

Re: CAN'T TRUST ANYBODY | {OPEN, Q&A} - Cosmic - 07-28-2018

It had been a few days since the oddity of a domestic feline joined. The red and white tabby's reptilian claws would tap against the ground as she made her way slowly over to where Pimostra and Washington stood. She had strolled over quietly, having no intent on being loud. The others seemed to tower over her, and this made her just a little more cautious.

The mutated feline's tongue flicked in and out of her mouth, body posture stiff from countless nights of no sleep and the constant threat of the infected and death. Her expression and body language remained open and approachable, however. She could tell the difference between the infected and the living like the back of her hands- or rather, paws. And the two creatures before her were not infected. She didn't see any of the signs on them, though it was hard to tell with the smilodon just a bit because of his armor that covered most of the upper half of his extremities. Regardless, he wasn't infected. This was a good thing. She hoped that the parasite infestation would never return. She did not want that hell again.

She never heard of the Freelancer except for whispers from other Ascendants, but she ignored rumors. She wanted to find out for herself on whether or not they were true or lies. She still didn't trust hardly anyone here, and mostly stayed to herself, studying, working and whatnot.

So here Naomi was, curious to see what Washington had to say. Or rather, what answers he had to offer. She had no questions, but stayed sitting near the front to see and observe carefully. She only offered Pim a glance as the other asked a question before returning her attention to the smilodon. She would wait until he answered before greeting him.

Re: CAN'T TRUST ANYBODY | {OPEN, Q&A} - MirrorEdge - 07-28-2018

Bandaged-wrapped paws didn't stop Thea from making her way over, flitting in and out of view as she teleported over, to prevent putting weight on her burned paws. She'd discovered it would drain her if she attempted to teleport somewhere far, such as another territory, and it took more work to teleport somewhere out of sight, while somewhere in her sight took little to no effort at all, and blue eyes turned towards Washington, a smile on her face. Smiling, because it meant everything would be alright.

"What's your favorite thing to do?"

Re: CAN'T TRUST ANYBODY | {OPEN, Q&A} - rhosmari - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]"I can answer that one." Came the oddly melodic voice of the black creature as she walked in with a slow step. Her body seemed fluid, wiry muscles pulling beneath a pitch colored pelt that rippled with soft images of silver. It was odd how well she adapted to new forms and this was was the newest of them all. She seemed more open, more confident about her situation and that spoke volumes about Carolina in general. Her head lifted up and deep amber eyes located the group with east as she came to a pause. Debating on where she would sit the female decided to take up a spot beside that of Washington because why not. Her form twisted a bit and she laid down, arms stretched out and tail curling against her body before she came to just give out a soft breath. "He likes to go mope and sit in a corner." Her joke was held firmly with the way amusement rung in soft tones through her voice before she glanced at Washington with humor in her gaze as she got herself comfortable.

Really, she was uncertain about this Q and A. But perhaps it would help them in the long run. They had a lot of things that they had to do and she still needed to build her base. But maybe she had to approach Bastille one on one about that. Ugh, the idea of having to talk to him one on one was daunting as hell and she felt the annoyance already bubbling up but she needed to learn to tolerate. Really, if she could tolerate most of the members of her former team he shouldn't be that much of a problem. Shaking her head a bit she lightly lifted a paw and flexed the claws, watching the weapons unsheathe before she dropped her foot back to the ground and dug them into the grass. Alright, she could do this too. She should be helping Wash anyway and being open for questions was...going in the right direction, right? Damn, she didn't know and she didn't feel like she could trust many of the animals here save none of them. She didn't know any of them really and the idea made her cringe back a bit before she force a serene expression across her face. "I'll do my own q and a soon. This one is all Wash's."

Re: CAN'T TRUST ANYBODY | {OPEN, Q&A} - Suiteheart - 07-29-2018

Ah, a Q&A session. Suiteheart had been seeing a few of these pop up here and there, and the white feline made a mental note to host one of these herself. The bandwagon was nowhere close to being full, and the fae wanted to jump in. Besides, Grassina loved these.

She strolled forward, ears angled forward to catch the questions being thrown Washington's way. Pimostra's question was a good one - Suite was sure she had felt that question arise within her own mind once or twice. While she had lived in the city with humans, she had never seen this type of armor before. Naomi arrived just after the first fae, but she asked no questions. Interesting. Thea stepped forward following the hybrid creature, asking about Wash's favorite activities which was another good question.

Carolina's answer caused Suiteheart to laugh. The corners of her eyes crinkled as she did so. There was something so real and nice about the little dynamic Carolina and Washington had going. It reminded her heavily of when she and Margaery first dated. Lacing a smile to her pink lips, she took a seat near the group. "What's your best memory?" she asked after containing herself.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags

Re: CAN'T TRUST ANYBODY | {OPEN, Q&A} - MirrorEdge - 07-29-2018

Thea tilted her head, not quite sure why that was something entertaining to do. "Is that why he's so grumpy all the time?" She asked next, before realizing she should direct it towards Washington, and turned her pale blue gaze towards the larger feline. "Is it?"


Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - sassy
Washington enjoyed it when something was explained as being logical. There were times during his military career that certain things may not be considered to be logical, but alien races were considered to be quite different from their own and they all had their own different technology. But that didn't mean that the majority of them didn't have the same functions either. The types of weapons that the humans used during the war were similar in their method of what they were used for as the alien weapons. They just had different variations and the aliens used a different type of ammo compared to them. It was a type of energy that could burn them, and even the idea of slip space jumps made sense to Washington because it could be proved scientifically. It was a normal day for the likes of the former human that came from the world, and something like this world not everything could be explained logically, and that's where he drew the line. There was no explanation as to why these animals were capable of having powers. There was no explanation as to how these creatures came into being and everyone just seemed to shrug it off without asking any sort of questions. What was the point of not asking questions? Because one could come off as being rude? Yeah right.

No one should get angry at someone for asking a simple question. If someone asked him something personal, the Freelancer would simply shrug it off and not even bother to ask. Now if it was someone that he knew that was trying to get a reaction out of him he wouldn't give them the satisfaction. He was a soldier after all. Washington was used to the strange world that he used to exist in. Super soldiers existed there, massive spaceships with giant cannons that were installed into them. Shields that helped keep wearers of certain suits safe. Only the Spartans had the shields though, as Freelancers never really had the likes of a shield unless it was special equipment, which was the equipment that the Meta had. Alien equipment wasn't something that confused him, and if anyone told him that they were an alien he would probably believe that. Aliens did exist, even if they hadn't contacted the likes of this Earth yet. Washington wouldn't believe someone if they told him that they were a vampire or some type of diety. Those simply didn't exist. Now if someone actually wasn't a god and just thought of themselves to be when it came to power, then he would believe that. This place was so strange and he guessed that he considered himself lucky that he didn't have to deal with most of the strange stuff as he could simply avoid it entirely. While he was sitting down, Washington raised one of his paws and scratched the back of his neck where the failed implantation scar was.

The scar got itchy and felt like it was burning when he was distress or near Church and Texas. Luckily the first person that approached him was someone that he knew. Not personally, but just really on a name to name basis really. Washington flicked one of his ears inside of his helmet as he lowered his arm as he looked at the large domestic at. The feline almost as large as he was. The other seemed to be passionate about her question, and the feline almost got an immediate response from the Freelancer. [b]"No it's not. This armor was made by humans, specifically by the UNSC as its Mark 6 armor that has been modified to fit soldiers that haven't had to go through augmentation." Washington would state calmly in his explanation, and raise his right paw to touch the metal portion of his armor making the sound come from it. His attention then turned to another creature, one that was obviously of hybrid origin. The idea of hybrids didn't bother him all that much because during his time in the military they would try to see exactly what they could splice together. Hell, they were trying to bring people back from the dead. Hybrids were more of the normal things that he saw in this strange world. This animal didn't say anything though and it wasn't someone that he recognized either.

Not a surprise as there were plenty of animals that he didn't interact with a place like this. They just simply... sat there. Interesting, but it wasn't something that bothered the Freelancer to have the female's presence around him. "Agent Washington." The armored smilodon would introduce himself calmly toward Naomi even if she didn't ask before turning toward the others that were asking questions. Thea was next, remembering the leopard fairly easily. He didn't return Thea's smile inside of his helmet though, a neutral and exhausted look hidden behind his helmet. What did he like to do? That was a tough question. He was doing a job right now and he wasn't sure enjoying it was really the term to use. There was a long pause as he thought about how to answer it, which one could consider not that enjoyable, but he was used to it. He raised his head slightly and tilted it to the side as he began to think about how to answer it. But it didn't seem like he really had to this time as a familiar voice rang in his ears. His head turned to look in the direction of Carolina as she began to make her way over. And Washington would shake his head at what she said, quick to correct her. That was definitely not true! He didn't mope. "Okay no no that isn't true." Washington said quickly, almost stumbling over his words as he gestured toward Carolina and Thea. That wasn't his answer. A huff would escape his jaws as he shook his head again his attention back toward Carolina.

"You're the one to talk. Seems you enjoy not sleeping as your favorite pastime." Washington would slightly tease back, but if the other thought he hadn't noticed that she was out and about more often and wasn't sleeping as much when they shared a room then she was mistaken. A tired grin would spread across his facial features, not like anyone could see it of course. The former human then realized that he hadn't answered Thea's question. He hummed to himself for a second before shrugging his shoulders and speaking. "I guess I like eating what good food is available here." Having spent most of his career eating MRE's meant that getting any form of good food was definitely something that was nice. Although, he would much rather have answered a question that pertained to them and who they were. The questions were going to go off topic pretty fast he had a feeling. He did turn his head when Carolina sat close to him, but like every interaction they had, there was a distance between them. Something that Washington greatly appreciated, just because she was his comrade didn't make her an exception. She was going to let him answer the questions, which he preferred.

Turning his attention toward the next animal that made her way over, it was a familiar face. Suiteheart. He thought that the second in command was going to ask him a question about the project, but this didn't seem to be the case. His fondest memory. Well, that was certainly difficult for him to do and Washington fell silent for a moment before letting out a sigh. His memories were not his own, and he didn't want to say something that could make Carolina realize that he wasn't as mentally healthy as he liked to perceive himself to be. "I guess cooking for my sisters." Washington would say in the usual deadpanned tone as he shrugged his shoulders again. He didn't have a lot of his childhood memories left, as they were replaced with the Directors memories and the face of Allison. He was starting to take note of what felt like the memories were pieced together and which ones were out of place. It was the only way for him to tell which memories were his and which weren't. The Freelancer would shift his feet though, as this wasn't supposed to be about him, it was supposed to be about the Freelancers and so far it was Pim that had asked a question that perceived to that. This was going to be a long day.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: CAN'T TRUST ANYBODY | {OPEN, Q&A} - OWEN. - 07-29-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd ascendants tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
Owen was never one to ask questions, he actually didn't like to hear them either. Thea had asked how the raptors hadn't killed him yet before, and while it was a good question, it still somewhat annoyed him. His relationship with the raptor sisters was a bond of respect, mutual respect.

The german shepherd had heard the announcement of a Q&A, and immediately trotted over, amber eyes watching with mild interest. Yeah, this dude looked funny. Not that he cared, where he came from, humans wielded guns that could kill dinosaurs. He didn't know if those types of humans lived in this world, but he hoped not. He didn't want to see the day that Delta, Charlie, Echo, or Blue died. They all deserved to live for thousands of years and be happy, or content with their lives.

"What's your favorite method of fighting?" Asked Owen, a bit late to the conversation, obviously. Not that he cared, though. Fighting was the shit, for him. He was good with his hands, he learned to fight with guns, but he preferred to fight like a man. But, if it ever became a necessity, he'd fight with his knife.

Re: CAN'T TRUST ANYBODY | {OPEN, Q&A} - axiom - 07-29-2018

The raptor dad's shadow appeared shortly after he did, as she seemed in quite persistent about keeping tabs on Alpha. His long disappearance and reappearance did confuse her a bit, but she adapted. Part of that adaptation, it seemed, was to simply follow Owen around - except for the times she spent hunting and dealing with her own mini-adventures. Still, as she comes closer, her upper lip curls back as she smelled Washington and spots him in the center of the growing crowd of mammals.

Though she long since forgot about the scar on her face, she remembers their brawl. His shiny human armor gives her another reason to hate him, as it gleams in the sunlight like a beacon. "Threat!" she babbled, an angry hiss flowing from between her teeth after she spoke. If she were alone - or just with one of her lower-ranking sisters - Delta would have jumped to attack the sabertoothed cat once more. She felt fairly confident she could take him out; she learned about his armor and his surprising flexibility from their last fight. But, she isn't alone, and she isn't even the highest ranking raptor in the pack right now.

Sickle claws tapping on the ground, she shifts her weight as she turns her head to stare at Alpha. "Kill threat?!" she babbles, an additional throaty element to her voice that implies rage. She asked this more as a courtesy than as a real question - she wants to take down this threat, and it feels stupid to waste much time thinking about it.