Beasts of Beyond
WHAT'S THE PROBLEM BABY? | beach au - Printable Version

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WHAT'S THE PROBLEM BABY? | beach au - SOCKING - 07-28-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
// the tanglers in this au will be human :^)
gritty sand beneath her feet, in between her toes. sparkling, clear waters, and hot bods to ogle. it was like heaven to the gal.

the drive to the beach has been long and tedious, but the wait had been worth it. various vans, cars and trucks from the tanglewood neighborhood residence were parked atop the grassy slope of the shore.

stocking stepped shakily onto the beach. she was sure that her broken leg was nearly as good as new but she could never be too sure. she'd rather not risk injury again. she had taken off the cast, stumbling out onto the beach. sun dancing high in the sky and warming her skin with it's touch. it was unbelievably hot and she was burning. stocking's navy hair billowed from behind her as she skipped forward.

she had left her drinks and food back in her car-- that could wait. she wouldn't take it out now, just to leave it for swimming and risk some motherfucker stealing her shit.

vageuly, the teenager hoped a shark would happen to come near the shore or something. if it happened to eat somebody, that would be pretty cool.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: WHAT'S THE PROBLEM BABY? | beach au - DELILAH. - 07-28-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]While Delilah vaguely remembered the sound of swishing waves from the depths of her memories, she didn't want to remember for some reason. Maybe it was because the last time she went to the beach, it was with her ex-boyfriend? That could be the reason. No, it was the reason.

Long pastel pink, wavy hair struggled to be put up in a ponytail, purple hues coming out more in the raging sun that lit against her pale skin. She wore a one-piece, afraid of showing too much of her body. She had a sunhat on, blocking the suns ultraviolet rays from hitting her eyes and fucking blinding her or something. What? She couldn't help but be paranoid! The beach was a dangerous place!

The short girl walked unsteadily through the hot sand, watching Stocking from a distance. She didn't like to swim, too many dangers out there. Vaguely, Delilah wished that her mothers were here. Malkyn and Talia would probably try to get her to swim, too. After all, teenagers needed to go out and live life. Or would they act that way? She had no idea, honestly. She tended to overthink everything often.

"Stocking! You need sunscreen! You'll burn!" Delilah yelled out to the girl, over-dramatic about everyone getting sunburns. What if they got sun poisoning and died? What if there was a 3rd degree burn and they had to amputate their leg? Well, that was unlikely, but still!

Re: WHAT'S THE PROBLEM BABY? | beach au - arrow - 07-29-2018

[color=black] "Woosh, you now have melanoma." Arrow joked quietly, stepping out into the sun from a Jeep with a few others, dark brown hair pulled up into a ponytail, albeit not a long one, she didn't have super long hair to begin with. She tugged off the shirt she was wearing, exposing the bikini top underneath. Her shoulders popped as she moved them back, stretching. Stocking was already ahead of them all, and poor Delilah was trying to warn her of the dangerous Big Bad Sun. In her defense, skin cancer was a big ol' bitch.

She said something to one of her car-mates before jogging to catch up with Dahlia, making sure her shorts didn't move from her hips. "Yeah, don't get burned, yo." Arrow called out, crossing her arms. She'd already applied hers, but luckily if she did get burnt, she was already tan enough to avoid that nasty red color. Unlike poor Dahlia, who, by they way, she just noticed was very short. "Aw. Cute." She smirked. "Nice hat."

Oh, man. She could hear the waves from here. They were probably so refreshing and cold...but no way in hell she was running across this sand to get there. She'd take her time.

Re: WHAT'S THE PROBLEM BABY? | beach au - SOCKING - 07-29-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
stocking was far too excited to be here, and apparently getting worked up over things made her clumsy and forgetful. she halted as a voice called out to her, turning slightly to recognize the other as delilah.

oops. of course.

"thanks for letting me know, yo. i appreciate it," stocking called back, and began turning back the way she had came-- she had not started off towards the beach with a spring, but a skip. which was accurate consider her limping gate. skipping didn't bring too much weight down upon her injured leg, and she was still capable of moving her muscles in both of her limbs.

stocking had donned a white and blue striped bikini for the occasion.

trudging back to her car, stocking pulled the car open, reaching for the bag in her seat which contained all the necessary items for the beach. a wrapped taco... burger... far too much food than was appropriate, she quickly located the bottle and applied a generous amount of the sunscreen.

"so," the gal began as she turned back, dumping the container unceremoniously back onto the cushion. shut the door, locked it.

"what are the chances of a jellyfish coming to sting us all in the ass?"
jellyfish did not come to the shore by choice. that much she knew, but as cool as it sounded happening to another person, stocking would rather be safe.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯