Beasts of Beyond

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“Full House.”
The statement came from a black, hunched over Persian with yellow eyes. The cat wore glasses and squarely pushed them up his face as he heard the others groan and turn over their cards. They swept the pot over to him, and moved the dealer chip over to the tom on his left.
“How are you so good at this, Dakota?” Divertimento looked a lot like Dimitri. His eyes were a brighter, near radioactive, radiant green however, and he was missing Dimitri’s rear white socks. He was lankier and taller. He smiled more. Dakota figured Dimitri had envisioned Divertimento that way because that was what the host wanted to be like.
“I still think you’re cheating, old man.” The words were spoken with noticeable attitude and his tail flicked left and right under his seat. The stockier tom’s eyes were pitch black and he didn’t have any white markings. He was rather plain. Dagon looked like Dimitri, yes, their fur was the same color but he lacked any of Dimitri’s markings or the tabby pattern on his coat. He figured, Dimitri just didn’t have the thought process at the time to make him look cooler.
He did have one thing though. The piercing in the left eyebrow. He was still pretty proud of that power move, HA! He grinned as he watched Divertimento deal cards.
“Come on Dagon, Dakota isn’t the type to do that… Besides, I think he’d mess up cheating.” Donovan had half the mind to call the old alter ‘sugar daddy’ in that sentence, but the last time he’d done that sitting next to the persecuter, Dagon had bitten his tail. The lovely alter, a supporter, as he called himself, was a deep contrast compared to the others. He sat on his own pillow, tail curled around himself as they started betting small blinds and looking at cards. He was a white Siberian cat. His body was fluffy, white as snow and contrasted against deep red eyes.
Self conscious as he was, if anyone asked him, he was the handsomest tom alive.
“Or ya know partners, one of us other guys could be cheating.” Darby was suppose the be the “rugged outdoorsman” and a supporter. That’s what he saw Divertimento, Donovan, and himself as, anyway. They didn’t hold trauma, they didn’t persecute Dimitri, they were just…. for the holes he couldn’t fill. Darby was meant to be his brave side.
He knew, being so messy, that Donovan hated sitting next to him too. The brave alter was like Dimitri in his appearance, too. He had a dirty white splotch that went across his right eye, white paws- and a white splotch on his chest. His eyes were a much more subdued and dark green. He was built bigger than the rest of them, stocked and loaded.
Divertimento and Dagon looked up from their cards at the outdoorsman’s statement. “You’re not fucking kidding with me today.” The tom said, a hiss coming from his lips and baring teeth.
Darby tries to laugh it off as they finished betting and turned over the first three cards.

The five of them sat around a large stump in the woods- that’s where they mostly hung out. Dimitri’s headspace, in its stability, had grown in size over time. The most recent addition was the snowy part of the forest. It had appeared there since they’d joined Snowbound. They didn’t really like it because the headspace was suppose to be an escape from the damned cold outside.

However, Daisy liked playing in it. She loved the addition- the little was romping around in the snow, staring at her paw prints and making little pictures and oh this was fun!
“Delta! Watch me!” she chimed, jumping onto one of the young trees clawing her way to a branch. The other female came to the base of the tree to catch her, just in case. Daisy shook the branch and watched snow fall on the orange tabby with a giggle. He fell back down, landing on her feet.

Delta didn’t mind being the mother type. Maybe Dimitri had programmed her that way- but Dakota’s purpose was to be the father type. Maybe they had meant to go together? No. Dimitri had programmed her with protection in mind. She was a protector, and maybe that had just extended to Daisy. Delta was an orange tabby with eyes to match. She had a long coat, white markings on her nose and two white socks. The tiger was her other form because she felt it was a strong, fierce animal and she liked it.
Daisy on the other hand….. Delta watched the girl’s shifting fur as pink eyes turned to look at her. The little hadn’t quite settled on a form yet and Delta doubted she knew how or ever would. The kitten’s form went all white, to a munchkin cat, to a tabby, calico, ragdoll, Persian…. maybe she would figure out how to control it someday.
She gestured back in the direction of the normal side of the woods. Daisy groaned but started to follow after her. Delta’s head tilted to look at the crumbling city in the distance. There was only three skyscrapers now, another one had fallen yesterday. She figured, eventually, the whole city would fall and the forest would take it over. They largely stayed out of there, now. It was a hazard now.
Dimitri came from the city- that was all he knew as a young kit, so that was all that was in his headspace at the time. They had come to the agreement that the crumbling city was a good thing. Maybe it meant Dimitri was letting go.
Besides. They thought demons walked in those alleyways.

Delta made sure Daisy followed her as they headed home, she came into the clearing where she saw Dakota laughing and Dagon pounding his paws on the stump, demanding a rematch. She gave a little mrrow in a chuckle, walking towards the house as she heard Daisy give a yawn.
Dimitri had built a house in their headspace. The house had a room for each alter and a library. The house was changing but they didn’t use it all the time. The guys liked to hang out in the forest, so they just slept here. She hopped through the door, hearing Daisy complain about being tired now.
“I know sweetie,” He mewed, moving to pick Daisy up by her scruff and moved to the kitten’s room.
Daisy’s room was disgustingly girly. She had pink blankets and art supplies mostly, but she would never do that to the little.
She settled the kitten into her bed. And stayed with her until she fell asleep.
Sometimes, she wondered what Daisy’s purpose was. She definitely wasn’t a truamaholder like Dagon originally was. She wasn’t a protector. Was she meant to be a supporter? Or something?

She quietly closed the door and went further down the hall, to the room at the end.
She saw Dimitri sleeping on the big bed, curled in a small ball with his body rising and falling. She smiled lightly, taking a look around his room. It was rather plain- a bed, a bookshelf, a nightstand. What’s that on the dresser? She moved quietly, jumping to the top of the dresser and staring.
Was that a picture of Atbash?
Yes. Yes it was.
Oh, Dimitri. She’ll hurt you in the end.
How come Donovan hadn’t bothered to tell him yet? She sighed, hopping down and leaving the room, shutting the door behind her.

Maybe she should see if the guys were still playing cards.

“Alright boys, I’m going out,” Divertimento said, seeing Delta approach and and smiling. “Hey Delta! Come take my place!” he said, the female alter trading out with him and the tom seeming to vanish.


All right! His time to shine! Divertimento time! Yeah!!! He hopped out of Dimitri’s basket. God. Their room was small wasn’t it? He still didn’t entirely understand why Dimitri had chosen this cabin. He figured it had to do with the isolation from the other cabins. That wasn’t very fun was it? The tom hopped outside, tail and ears up. “Hey! Anybody wanna do something fun?! ”

// added the part at the end so you guys would have something to reply to if ya want to. Would love any feedback!
// 1,374 words Smile

Re: NO WHERE MAN, PLEASE LISTEN [o, ONESHOT, HEADSPACE] - Character Graveyard. - 07-28-2018

Kirishima didn't know much about Dimirti to be honest. He'd talked to the other a few times but he just came off as strange to him, so he wasn't too fond of talking to him- but he was pretty nice, at times. The maned-wolf had been running laps in his cabin, trying to run properly with only three-legs. He had fallen a couple of times- but he was fine.

He had just returned to the village from a long-walk or patrol when he heard the male mention something about fun? That's what he thought he heard- so he walked over, a lopsided-grin on his maw.
tags :: updated 7/26:


i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash was close friends with Dimitri, and she still thought that he deserved to hear a bit of her past, since he told her what was wrong with him. Plus, it would explain her injuries, and maybe if he knew how bad Caesar and The Typhoon was, he wouldn't have gone off and went after him. So that had been originally why she was heading out to his cabin, though when he burst from his house, she looked quite surprised. Did she know which alter this was? No, but it definitely wasn't one of his normal ones, the ones that were shy and quiet. "It depends," The she-cat responded, although her reasoning for it wasn't because of her injuries. No, she just didn't want to leave camp.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi


Dimitri’s body jumped a foot or twin in the air when he heard Atbash’s telepathic voice. That was something new to them. He felt... a little invaded, actually.
She’s probably lost her voice from her injuries. Just.... sort it out from the others. His ears folded back but he soon corrected himself. "W- Well I’m not quite sure yet. Maybe a good round of Parcheesi?”
