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SEPTEMBER && o, m&g/return - Printable Version

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SEPTEMBER && o, m&g/return - charrie graveyard - 07-28-2018

Well, things had certainly been busy for the past few weeks. Despite having joined weeks ago, he still hadn't had a chance to go out and meet everyone- simply because he had been distracted by moving in, getting Lyra settled, and various other things. The list went on, but he had finally gotten everything done. You'd think a guy like him, who had nothing upon joining, wouldn't have taken any time at all to move in, but Cass had actually been scavenging for the past few weeks, picking up things he found interesting and placing them in his room. A lot of of these things were junk- liquid timer, a teddy bear with half its ear missing and an arm falling off, and a box of unicorn bandages, all of which sat on his desk in one corner. He also had normal furniture in his room, a standard bed, a bookshelf with a couple books in it, a lamp, and a door that led out to a balcony- and then of course, he had some astronomy posters hanging from his walls. Most of them were in bad shape, but still fairly readable. The absolute cherry on top of his decor, however? The various glow and the dark stars he had put on his ceiling. Those were his favorite- perhaps it was childish of him to have all these kiddy-esque items lying around but did he give a shit? No, absolutely not.

Trotting down the steps of the observatory, Cass made his way into the main room, mumbling to Lyra, who was currently perched on his shoulder. Anyone passing by could faintly hear the german shepherd saying something along the lines "What do you mean "you need to drink less"?" or "Ok, miss smarty pants, me stumbling into a shelf and getting knocked out by empty cardboard boxes happened ONE time. It was definitely not "20 times"". Eventually, the conversation seemed to end and the male would sit down, clearing his throat. "Heya, i'm gonna host a real quick meet and greet, for those of ya who don't know me! Gather round'... if you want, I mean. I'm not forcing you to, by any means."

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px COLOR2; font-size: 24px;"]— CASS

Re: SEPTEMBER && o, m&g/return - RENÉ. - 07-28-2018

[div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]As someone new to the group, René did not know very many people well. René did not have very many friends. All of these statements were true if "not very many" meant "absolutely none". Yes, it was rather shameful to say, but the plum-colored feline knew basically nobody. Was it the eyes? Should he buy contacts? No. He should be proud of what God gave him. The eyes probably aren't the issue, in the first place.

To remedy this dilemma, René would probably have to go out of his way to make some allies. The tom had never done a "meet-and-greet" before, but he could easily surmise what one entailed after a few moments of incredibly intense brain-racking.

René walked over to the site of the meet-and-greet, where he dipped his head in greeting to the German shepherd.


Re: SEPTEMBER && o, m&g/return - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-28-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - sassy
There were several instances where some may not see Washington for a couple of days. Some could say that would end up being completely normal as he was working constantly and never seemed to stop and rest when it was really needed. The Freelancer had no reason just to sit around waiting for something to happen. There were still threats that were at large and he didn't know where the bastard was. Carolina was a serval now, and then there was the issue with Agent Texas. So, in order to avoid all of them he had started his own schedule for the patrols that he usually went on and timed them correctly. Every soldier had a schedule that they were following, and it didn't take Washington all that long to figure out what everyone's else was. They would leave maybe an hour of downtime which meant that they could be anywhere during that hour. The time that he had to be most careful. Not having slept in the past two days just meant that it was going to make him more snappy and also more exhausted than he had ever been. He was mentally broken right now, and the last thing that he wanted to do was to get angry or to have an episode right in front of them.

He refused to show weakness to the likes of a bunch of animals and wasn't prepared to show that he wasn't 'capable of fighting back with his broken leg. Indeed, a lot had happened since he had met Cass, such as his arm being broken, Carolina dying, and several other instances that confused him. It still shocked him that these animals were capable of coming back to life and that frustrated him even more. It was as if this world was treating death like it was just another do-over that Washington refused to believe. He didn't want that to happen to him and he knew that if he died here that would probably be the end of him. The Freelancer didn't want to die until he could complete his mission, and he was going to complete his mission no matter who got in his way. So far though, he had yet to attack anyone for interrupting or upsetting him. They hadn't given him a reason to just yet, but if they did then he would most certainly end up killing someone in a seconds notice. The armored smilodon was coming back from his daily patrols, meaning that the sun was going to start setting soon. He rarely ever came to the observatory unless he needed more food rations and would go to his rooms.

Avoiding his problems probably wasn't the best strategy but he didn't give a damn. He could do whatever the hell he wanted and no one was going to stop him. He craned his neck to the side as the sound of his metal armor rattling gave an idea of where exactly he was. The Freelancer flicked his ears inside of his helmet when he heard a familiar voice. He made sure to memorize the looks and appearances and voices of those that he had met. It was easier this way instead of looking like an idiot when he didn't end up knowing someone. Washington was beyond physically exhausted and barely able to keep his eyes open. Still, he turned his head in the canines direction, and debated whether or not sitting for a second wouldn't be that bad of an idea. Most of what he did was kept secret, so one could say that he didn't work all day because they didn't see him working. But no one had seen him resting yet either. The armored smilodon made his way over, having his broken left arm slightly raised in its splint so he didn't put pressure on it. The former human sat himself a little bit of a distance away from the two fo them before speaking. [b]"Agent Washington if you forgot." He doubted the other could forget the likes of him. He was one of the two that actually had a decently set of armor. Church had armor, but he only had his helmet and wasn't going to protect him from much.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: SEPTEMBER && o, m&g/return - ★ HAZEL - 07-28-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
So many of the joiners these days seemed to come and go — there was a name, a shuffle of paws, and a “thank you,” before absolute silence followed. That wasn’t the case with everyone, but it happened with a good few, and it was...slightly concerning, if Hazel was being honest. She hoped they were alright.

Then again, Hazel had forced herself into a hole of inactivity for a solid week while trying to shuffle her powers and Titanium’s silence. It was so strange to be alone in her own mind again; she often found herself at the point of discomfort with the static between thoughts. Part of her knew Titanium wasn’t gone for good because the nightmares persisted, which was unsettling within itself. The other part of her felt restless with the lack of distraction. With her free time, Hazel had played her ukulele until her paws were numb and discovered her new power’s method of madness: emotion link. Which sucked, but was unavoidable. At least as long as she was in the Observatory, precious metals and gems couldn’t weasel their way up through the floors.

Hazel was on her way inside from chasing after Arion (a game of tag with a creature bred for racing was a horrid idea, now that she thought about it), out of breath and tired when she spotted Cass. Immediately, she lit up, having not heard from the boy in a while. Initially she had been worried that he would fade into oblivion like so many others, but the sight of him talking to Lyra brought her a spark of happiness.

“Cass!” Hazel purred, trotting over. “Glad to see you up and about — I thought for a second we’d lost you. How’ve you been?”

Re: SEPTEMBER && o, m&g/return - pallid-i - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Pim was definitely new, and she had no idea who this guy was, so upon hearing the call for a meet and greet Pim made her way over. The overgrown domestic feline looked down at Cass and give him a toothy smile. Hopefully he didn't make any comments about her size.. She was quite self conscious about her height due to her gigantism. "Hey there! I'm Pimostra." She said as she took a seat near René.