Beasts of Beyond

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Okay i know a lot of us have old characters were moving in from ff and a place to get their story out there. So i made this thread for everyone to use because i wanna know about all the babies y'all play and i want the complete story of everything please i need the drama for my life.

Re: SHARE YOUR OC'S BACKSTORY HERE - grubby - 03-28-2018

fixed the typo in your title btw
&& track, i'll post bella's stuff later




Oof ok



guru is lowkey a dead character rn

Re: SHARE YOUR CHARACTER'S BACKSTORY HERE - MysteriouslyMaple - 06-03-2018

I've kinda said most of the Cipher Triplets' story throughout all three of their subs but here we go:

(Small trigger warning for mention of abuse)

Caesar, Vigenere, and Atbash were born into one of the lowest rankings of their Dimension: the Seventh Tier. People born into this Tier are incredibly poor and are typically farmers (that's how their father worked, their mother was a stay-at-home mom). In this Tier, most people hardly get by and are often starving, so having three kids was rough to say the least. Females in this Tier are typically sold and given away to a male of their father's choosing, and usually they don't end up in a happy marriage (although their parents were happy, it's rare). Males usually go working with their father, or specially chosen by the King to be apart of the King's Guard - which is in the Second Tier.

Vigenere got lucky enough to be Chosen by the King to be apart of the Guard. However, since he was in the Seventh Tier, he was still discriminated against and had a harsh training (which is where he got his scars and torn ears). So even within the Guard, people are still separated by what Tier they had been born into. Only the Elites can be apart of the meeting with the King. The King's Guard, as its name suggests, protects the King, in addition to the Kingdom as a whole. So, yes, Vigenere fought in wars. But he honestly didn't have to endure much since he was usually back at home tending to the weapons.

Atbash had always dreamed of being the Shaman (which is in the First Tier with the King and Queen [who had died prior to the Triplets being born, btw]), but you'd have to be chosen by the Shaman herself, and she hadn't taken on an apprentice for eons and didn't show any signs of retiring, so Atbash had no chance of becoming a Shaman, so she would be stuck being sold and married off and having to be a stay-at-home mother just like her own mom.

Caesar would been stuck working with his father. He wasn't very special before the Shaman's vision (I'll get into this in the next paragraph), so there was no reason for him to have been picked by the King to be apart of the Guard. He probably would've been forced into a marriage as well, and likely would've either abused or killed his wife/kids (if he had any), since that's what he does now with Aphra, Gordon and Billiam, and Horizon.

The Shaman had a vision before Caesar snuck into a Court meeting. When he did, she realized it was him and reported it to the King after their meeting (sometimes her visions don't take place in the present so she was surprised to see Caesar). The vision was of the future: of Caesar destroying the Dimension and murdering the King and the Court (which is basically the First, Second, and Third Tiers; the King, Queen, and Shaman; The Guard; and Advisers). The King decided on exiling the entire Cipher family to the far reaches of the Universe, thinking that it'll put an end to that future.

Before being officially exiled, Caesar found out of the Shaman's message through Vigenere (who was being treated harshly because of rumors that went around the Guard) and attempted to murder the Shaman. You can see a oneshot of this here through Vigenere's POV. He caused Vigenere to be immediately dismissed from the Guard and back into the Seventh Tier.

However, despite being exiled, Caesar still didn't stop his plans. He failed at killing the Shaman, so his next plan of action was to go straight for the King. But of course, he couldn't do it alone, and manipulated Vigenere and Atbash into agreeing to go with him in addition to receiving help from the other Exiles. After months of planning, eventually Vigenere and Atbash learned there WAS a way to go back to the Seventh Tier (which is basically just acting the way you're supposed to and not causing any trouble), but with a catch: Caesar could NEVER return. They were fine with that, because at least they and their parents would be happy. So the day before Caesar attempted his plan, they backed out, causing Caesar to yell and scream at them at how they betrayed him.

But Caesar still continued on with his plan and succeeded, murdering the King and his Court and setting the Dimension ablaze and rotting it from the inside. The Triplets' parents were at home when this happened, and probably would've escaped if they knew it was Caesar's doing, but he wasn't the one who was going around setting places on fire at the time, so they ended up being trapped in their den. Atbash tried to convince her parents to leave the den (you can see a oneshot of this here), however her parents had accepted their fate by now, knowing that if Atbash didn't leave, she would be stuck in the Dimension and forced to rot inside with them. Vigenere was able to pull Atbash out of the burning den just in time before it collapsed. Caesar had been there, too, and watched his parents burn alive. The last thing he saw of them was the look of pain, fear, and disappointment in their eyes before the den collapsed. He dragged his siblings with him out of the Dimension just before it collapsed in on itself as well.

Which brings us to the present. Caesar, Vigenere, and Atbash had all went their separate ways. Vigenere and Atbash didn't want to be around Caesar for obvious reasons - and he tried giving them one last chance to join him, but they rejected the offer. Vigenere cast Atbash away because he needed time to think, forcing Atbash to leave for Snowbound in search of somebody to help protect her in case she ever found Caesar or vice versa.

I have other characters but I'd have to rewrite their backstories a bit since it's going to be a little bit different from how my current 'story' (it's just backstories and prompts for the most part lol) is going on, but the Cipher Triplets' is the one I'm working on right now.


oof ill share zjarry bois soon but track for now