Beasts of Beyond
I AM THAT BITCH OF THE YEAR - Printable Version

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I AM THAT BITCH OF THE YEAR - axiom - 07-27-2018

Re: I AM THAT BITCH OF THE YEAR - axiom - 07-28-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*˚₊‧✩ QUANTUM CARALHO ✩‧₊˚*[/glow]
tags — updated 7/28

name. Quantum Caralho
Caralho is 'fuck' or 'cock' in Brazilian Portuguese!
nicknames. Qua
biological gender. female w/ extremely high testosterone levels
birth date. March 24th
age. 3 years
clan. Sunhaven

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
Bengal Tigress. — birth body ##% health
She is a psuedo-melanistic Bengal tiger, which causes her to have extremely thick black stripes.
ritual scars. three dragons' teeth gauges in each ear
scars. slashes across her muzzle
accessories. snake bone necklace

entj && slytherin && chaotic good.
personality here
main personality traits. text
disorders. text

parents. blank x blank
siblings. text
sexuality. text
relationship status. text
friends. text
enemies. text

physically && mentally. text && text
fight? && kill?
self defense. text
weapon preference?
mention @subaccounthere or @mainaccounthere when attacking
attacks in attack color here
powers. text