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it’s a big world outside [ o, painting eggs ] - Printable Version

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it’s a big world outside [ o, painting eggs ] - charrie graveyard - 03-28-2018

[Image: 1adbe8e3-307c-11e8-af75-13667c5d2789.gif]
Although they had never gotten to properly celebrate the holiday together, his family had often talked about Easter and the traditions that came with it. Some of those traditions had included hiding eggs with candy inside and getting baskets full of even more goodies. The one that had sparked the most curiousity in Lance, however, had been the painting of eggs.

Now, most people simply boiled the eggs and dyed them, but since he was a kid, and also afraid of water, this option was off ths table. Instead, Lance had gathered a ton of white plastic eggs, putting them all in a box and dragging them into the middle of camp, along with a several sets of paints. There were paintbrushes too, but those who weren’t as skilled at holding things could use their paws as well- which is probably what he would be doing. Taking a deep breath as he attempted to contain his excitement, a large smile would appear on the boy’s muzzle as he started to speak. "Hey! If anyone wants to decorate some plastic eggs for Easter, come over here!" Atlanticpaw called out. This would give him a chance to meet some of the new people as well! If they came, that is.


Re: it’s a big world outside [ o, painting eggs ] - BUGGEDOUT! - 04-01-2018

Easter was something he had never understood when his mother spoke of it just a few months ago while talking about upcoming events in the outside world just to keep up her sanity while taking care of several children and occasionally herself if she had the time to. His brothers and sister would flock over to her side with eyes bright and wide as she did her best to explain the strange tradition of a large rabbit man hiding plastic eggs filled with confections for children to find or painting real eggs with delicate hues of every shade and color. Buggy hadn't really paid attention that much, but it seemed something that his siblings had been excited to celebrate and hopefully were doing just that, despite the recent death. Perhaps he could make the best of this day despite how shitty had already become with his lousy morning of being smacked in the face by an NPCs large tail, as well as having bit his tongue several time today. Yeah, this will be fucking great.

Soft, white fur slightly bounced as he briskly walked about the camp with his ears flicking with each chattering voice and playful laugh from those around him. But, it was a few in particular that seemed to have caused him to halt for a minute and direct his path towards a boy and girl standing over some eggs and paint, apparently painting them for the strange holiday together while the boy, who he had quickly recognized as Atlanticpaw, offered those in the vicinity to join in. The wolf hesitated slightly with the thought of it, knowing all too well that he would only bother the older kids with his snarky behavior and general rude behavior towards others. Buggy decided though, that it was a least worth a shot since he had nothing better to do than avoid certain people as he looked at bugs around camp and before he knew it, his frown loosened up into something a bit less intimidating. "It's a holiday. Kinda like if Halloween and Christmas had a child, except you hide these lil fuckers. At least that's how my mother explained it. Oh, I'm Buggedout by the way. " The boy crystalline boy had replied to Harper, though his eyes had roamed to examine each color until he had switched to locking eyes briefly with Lance and feeling a small twitch at the corner of his mouth for some strange reason. Was he trying to smile? " Heya, Lancey. It's a been a bit, how've you been since you joined? " unbeknownst to even him, his voice had just barely raised and his form seemed less tense for a few brief moments as he tried to be a bit more normal around someone a bit older than himself. Perhaps this wouldn't come off as too weird, but a rather lazy smiled had even begun to appear on his maw while Bugs eased onto his hind legs and took an egg for himself to paint, fully intending to make a summer azure butterfly since that seemed to fit the pallet that the holiday strived for.


Re: it’s a big world outside [ o, painting eggs ] - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 04-02-2018

The smell was.... familiar. He couldn’t quite place it, he recognized the pigments and knew they had a name and a usage- but not much else. Zimavich was poking his nose around them, sniffing and tonguing at the ground as if he were scavenging.
He, in his blissful ignorance, failed to notice knocking over some paint and stepping in it, leaving a yellow paw print.

Ivan halted as he found the plastic eggs. He sniffed quizzically, then opened his mouth, lapped one up with his tongue, and attempted to swallow a plastic egg.

Re: it’s a big world outside [ o, painting eggs ] - COSMIIX - 04-03-2018

Zimavich was like an overgrown cub was what Amunet had come to realize, the Egyptian jaguaress made her way over noticing that Zimavich had knocked some paint over though what took her attention was the way how the children interacted with one another, her heart began to ache remembering her own son. He hadn't been able to celebrate these "petty" holidays because of his stern father and just the thought of him basically missing out most of his childhood made her a bit heartbroken. She would have loved to paint eggs with her little warrior yet here she was in a clan babysitting a blind Russian guy and now an overgrown bear, well, no one had made the effort to watch over the bear like she did. She smiled at both Buggy, Lance, and Harper "This is going to be fun. . ." Her attention drew back towards the bear who was trying to eat the plastic egg, she tilted her cranium to the side before shaking her head lightly "No. You don't eat that, it's plastic!"


Re: it’s a big world outside [ o, painting eggs ] - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 04-03-2018

Zimavich already had it resting in his mouth, holding on to it inside his mouth. His ears flicked back and made a grumbling sound, as if daring Amundsen to challenge him. He vaguely remembered eating these. What was wrong with them now?
He felt the egg crack into shards in his mouth, beginning to jab his tongue and gums.
Yes, it hurt. But he wanted to Challenge her.